Joe Breunig

Poem: Secrets Will Be Revealed

Become a spiritual light upon a hill, with faith
that does not flicker or become extinguished.
Let your life shine, thereby allowing the God-colors
within your life to draw others to Christ.

There is no hiding from Jehovah; why even try?
The Lord is not a man, that He should lie!
Learn to naturally avoid all forms of evil
and shun potential occurrences of spiritual upheaval.

Light always pierces and scatters the darkness.
Light some candles; cursing the shadows
accomplishes nothing meaningful or useful.
Cast off any works or semblances of darkness.

There is no hiding from Jehovah; why even try?
The Lord is not a man, that He should lie!
For His holy wisdom provides solutions with clarity;
embrace Him and His principles and finally see…

Darkness is more than obscurity; it shows lack;
it demonstrates the absence of Truth and Light.
Hidden things will ultimately be revealed,
before our righteous Lord and His Kingdom.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Luke 8:17; Matt 5:14-16; Rom 13:11-12; Job 12:22, 34:22

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.
