Geetima Baruah Sarma


Bordoichila rushes
To greet her mother,
Enthusiasm turns wild
And some heavy shower.
Proceed of destruction
All throughout the way,
Lightning, thunderstorm,
Trees tremendously sway.
Her advent conveys
Onset of spring season
And Assamese worldwide
Enjoy their Bihu celebration.

[Published in the e-magazine 'Bordoichila' on 14 April 2012]

Short note: 'Bordoichila' refers to a thunderstorm that hits Assam and the neighbouring states (North-East India) during the spring season every year. As the powerful wind lashes, trees get uprooted causing severe damage to houses, light posts etc. According to a common belief, 'Bordoichila' is the name of a bride, who longs to meet her mother and with her long hair unfastened, she dashes towards her home for an annual sojourn.
