Satish Verma

The Spirit

How long will it go 
this hurricane? 
Let me go, open the sails 
and put the boat on high sea. 
Water is deep and blue, wind is strong 
and I want to do it again 
Tonight I will break the vow of moon 
and bring it down. 
Who knows where I land 
the school of sharks 
or turbulent isle 
the body will be lowered to feed the hungry waves. 
I was used to upheavals 
up and down, up and down 
and slept on pillow of clouds 
who will wash the mirror today. 
I am not going to die 
not now but for ever 
I will cleave, my body, my soul, my thoughts 
into thousand pieces, each will grow into I. 
Floral and thorned, rosy and scented 
opening like a tribute 
to fetishes of yore 
The spirit must live.
