Sasha Damien

Lens on Destiny’s Kink

I roomed in to this inertia from all those centuries
Walking from sunrises i had left behind
Trailing a life on latent memories that formed me
To discover lights colored by a lens man’s dreams

Like music’s curve on exhilaration, I tilt to him
Like the slant of morning sunrays, my thoughts keel
His every step prompts pages from my history
My cue that life pitched this time, canted true verticals..

I have danced through moments I always leave behind
Turning back to revel in me from those spaces
But now I stand alone on his cliff-tops from dark skies
Looking down solo, while my shadow beats alone..

Was it you I’ve been searching for, in all those faces?
Wasn’t it you I recognized from my wild future haze?
Every lens you look through would knoll my distant steps
Every frame you create would have me at their edges

Goodbye Stranger, it’s time for me to leave here
My world exacts me to distances I always belonged to
Someday when you look back, know I was right there
Doing time I did here, for you, towards that lone moment..
