
Dwelling on Death

 Ignore the pain
It’ll go away
Nothing to gain
By dwelling anyway
Stuck in a rut
Don’t know where to go
Every door is shut
Every answer is no
Sitting all alone
Nothing left to love
They say change your tone
But you rise above
Can’t stand to take orders
Getting sick of this life
You’ve reached the borders
Of hate and strife
Feel like giving up
Don’t care where you go
There’s no water in the cup
No emotions to show
They care about your soul
Where you’ll go upon death
You’d rather smoke another bowl
Than stop to take a breath
They don’t see you’re hopeless
That you don’t give a damn
Instead they stress
That you say ’sir’ and ’ma’am’
Inside it feels like dying
You wonder about heaven and hell
Most people dream of flying
But on death you dwell
Not sure that you care
You walk an empty life
Waiting for the dare
To pick up the knife
How much more can you take
Before you’re done
Until you finally break
                                  And from life you run?

