Kahlia Mazacalletti

My Nails

I did my nails last night; so I could claw my way through life
They are a very pretty color on the outside
I am sure people will remark how nice they look
They are looking at the one applied coat, you see
I will mentally scratch through another day
My mind, being so ahead of itself
I did this beauty treatment all by myself-
My nails were so plain before, no pizazz; my nails are brittle and break easily
But I have not , yet
I remember all the filing I have had to do, to keep things smooth, on the outside........
My nails are so shiny; while other things are Dull.
Getting your nails done gives you a purpose to hang on, I am mentally hung, I was up all night checking my nails and thinking
Maybe, I have had enough of this un-beautiful stuff....
Maybe, I should paint something else-my life
My life could be a different shade than blue

