Kahlia Mazacalletti

For Phillip Winters

At 42, he sits in the atrium of the nursing home
He is silent and his movements are that of a mime
Getting up, and deciding to roam
I see that when he walks he is perfectly in time
With the music that is being played and he looks at the fire door
I shake my head and say no, please don't try
A tear wells up and he begins to cry
Phillips girlfriend comes by for a visit and tells me his story
How they were making love and he had a major stroke
It seems to me in all his handsome glory
This is some kind of cruel joke
How could someone have brought him through the gate
Then I find out , he was admitted by the state
He was not enough medical and just enough psych
To get to Broadview Manor Nursing Home
The state thought his family would like
I was doing my internship on geriatrics and thought I'd seen it all
But he caught my eye and made me cry
His life was at a standstill and they had dropped the ball
So, I made Phillip my newfound project and he was so kind to me
He was somewhat of a child like man and a prodigy
Today Phillip is leading a new life....with his new ex girlfriend
Whom is now his wife

I helped Phillip get placed in an independent living center with his families help and he is leading a Very productive life.  I will always remember him....

