Kahlia Mazacalletti

Spring has sprung....

Tonight the clocks go ahead 1 hour -ah, the beginning of spring.  By the calender not officily.....but I am in a spring mood.   I feel great.....have changed my meds but again but that's OK.   I am just doing what my Dr. says and he is always right.  I have the world's  best DR....by the way.  He is understanding and very thoguhtful....also very astute and in tune with my issues.  Up to date on the lates innovations in medicines.  I trust him to change my med again........all is well with the world.   I am getting more new friends and am so grateful for them.  Thank you all for supporting my poetry and a special thank you to Loius who inspires me every day.  Happy Saturday.............Kahlia...

P/S.   Go buy Goldie Lopez's book............read her profile to see. 

