Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

In Dealing with the "Lucky" Chain Messages

Just keeping it real, it kinda' pisses me off when somebody passes a chain message to me which says, "Share this and you will have good luck; ignore this and you will have bad luck." And what would piss me off all the more is that those who share things like that to me are... *sighs* grown ups. *Facepalm*

I mean, seriously? You guys are older than me, and you still think like some kind of gullible 5th graders? I apologize if I'm being hard here, but it just seems like I have to tell you all over and over again that such messages piss me off. Frankly speaking, I don't believe in luck.

And you might say, "What? You believe in God but not in luck? That doesn't make sense!" Well, it does to me. Because if I should believe that there is a God, I have to believe that He is sovereign - i.e., everything is under His control. Why? Because He is... God - simple as that! In case you still don't get what I'm saying, here's how Merriam-Webster dictionary defines luck:

luck - (n.) the things that happen to a person because of chance : the accidental way things happen without being planned

Happens by chance? Sounds so incompatible with the idea of God's sovereignty. To put it simply, nothing really happens by chance - and that is because everything that goes, goes according to the plan of the Sovereign God.
