
Bob Gotti

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19 july 2013

You Are A Sinner

Face it friend, you’re a sinner, with Satan being the only winner,
For, since you refuse to believe, God’s Truth you won’t receive,
Which is for all sinners lost, God has provided Calvary’s Cross,
Where all, who now are found, meet Christ, on precious ground.
The place where our Savior died, on the bloody cross crucified,
Where He died for sinners friend, as for Christ it wasn’t the end,
Even though buried in a grave, for Christ came to earth to save,
All sinners lost like you and me, to grant them new life eternally.
Three days after He had died, He rose from the grave, glorified,
Prevailing over death, at Calvary, He was resurrected in Victory,
A victory, over death and sin, for all sinners who believe in Him,
His death, burial and resurrection; as God gives a new direction.
Now in the family of believing men, sinners who are Born Again,
Born Again by the Spirit of God, with new direction on this sod,
Found and saved by God’s grace, embracing Christ all by faith,
To follow our Lord Jesus Christ, honoring God through new life.
From the cross, where Christ died, flowed for us a crimson tide,
With Calvary’s tide now a flood, to cleanse sinners in the blood,
Formerly sinners, who were lost, they found victory at the cross,
Found by God to be a sinner, but through Christ a saved winner.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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