
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 february 2014

As He Works Out All Things

God works out all things for me, in ways I could not foresee,
In ways that could only come, through Jesus Christ, His Son,
Changing the very heart of men, in ways which only God can,
Arranging a path in life for me, all for God’s Praise and Glory.
Even as those problems do occur, it is God’s Will, I can infer,
As our Lord uses many trials for, the Believer and many more,
Unbelievers who watch one’s life, of a believer in Jesus Christ,
To see just how we respond to, the trials God sees us through.
Our trials can be of any scale, but, in The Lord we shall prevail,
Whether trials come big or small, God, is still The Lord over all,
No matter what the magnitude, others watch to see our attitude,
Watching what is said and done, to see our faith, in God’s Son.
God’s Only Son, Christ Jesus, whose Grace is sufficient for us,
For He is the One who sustains, us through our trials and pains,
Sustaining us through His Grace, in each trial that we shall face,
So men see His Grace and Power, even within our darkest hour.
What many may not know friend, is He’s the beginning and end,
Christ knows every circumstance, in His plan there is no chance,
As Christ directs the way we go, down the path we do not know,
While displaying His power in us, with the peace of Christ Jesus.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 february 2014

In Christ

Living each day, week to week, this world looks dark and bleak,
So I must be in Christ each hour, as He gives me staying power,
Looking to Christ in all things, for the abundant peace He brings,
So whatever does come my way, in The Lord Jesus, I must stay.
In Christ is His Power and Grace, to lead me daily place to place,
Even within the darkest of night, Christ alone, becomes my Light,
So when I have a troubled heart, from my Lord, I must not depart,
For when in Christ, in Him alone, He allots power from His Throne.
His Power is from His Authority, this, Christ holds over all eternity,
This Power, Christ supplies to us, when we remain in Christ Jesus,
When troubles tempt us to stray, in The Lord Jesus, we must stay,
And His Power provides us peace, that when in Him will not cease.
As Satan prowls as a hungry lion, enticing believers to fall into sin.
Directing our eyes off of God, so not to see Christ’s staff and rod,
As our Shepherd shall always lead, all believers to their every need,
So from God we mustn’t look away, as Satan cause hearts to stray.
We’re all new creatures in Christ, each called to be a living sacrifice,
To those who follow Christ, as Lord, God’s Peace to all, is assured,
Peace from Christ, not this world, as abundant life, He has unfurled,
Knowing He has given us New Life, every day, we must be in Christ.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 february 2014

Outta Here

Very soon we’ll be outta here, as Christ’s Return draws near,
When God lifts us into the sky, true believers, like you and I,
As The Lord raptures all of us, to see our Lord, Christ Jesus,
But, within His time and His plan, not a time devised by man.
The Rapture is God’s Truth, One Thessalonians, is our proof,
Truth, revealed to Paul by Christ, a time we enter Eternal Life,
With His words we’re to comfort, believers about the trumpet,
As we stay fixed on The Lord, men’s words are to be ignored.
Man’s careless predictions can, deter the belief of some men.
Where is Christ’s Coming, they jeer, as His Return draws near,
But, His Truth is forever true, a Blessed Hope, of me and you,
Hope that is not hindered by man, for it is God’s inerrant plan.
God’s Word is flawless friend, a Truth we can trust to the end,
His Word is above man’s ways, only God deserves our praise,
His thoughts are higher than ours, and man’s thoughts He bars,
From association with His Word, when errant ideas are inferred.
In The Blessed Hope be assured, words to Paul from our Lord,
All of the flawed views of men, the Lord our God will condemn;
Believers today can be sure, in God’s Word, flawless and pure,
To be taken from the ground, when we hear that trumpet sound.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 february 2014

Environmental Cause

People gather, to help the earth, all to preserve the plant’s worth,
Seeking to preserve earth’s value, for all it means to me and you,
They focus on the environment, with a message they won’t relent,
The planet must be saved by us, with no mention of Christ Jesus.
Jesus Christ, The Creator of all, is not acknowledged in their call,
Their call to people everywhere, to give the earth the utmost care,
Dismissing that God is in control, of this earth, watching over all,
Even all who believe in heart, in saving earth, they must be a part.
Saving earth is man’s cause, though admirable, he should pause,
Seeing who created the planet, He, who controls the environment,
Reflecting on the scope of all; beside God’s our efforts are small,
God, Who set the earth in place, sustaining all, through His Grace.
God today, still has His hands, upon all of the seas and the lands,
The Lord God, Who created all, today is watching over every soul,
He, Who sits above every nation, controls the planet’s destination,
He alone knows all earth’s whys, as men on earth can just surmise.
All changes that are to come, will be instituted by God’s own Son,
He who now sustaining all things, Lord of lords and King of kings;
All men will see great devastation, described by Him in Revelation,
And one day The Lord God will birth, a new Heaven and new earth.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 february 2014

We Are Light

We are light placed upon a hill, placed wherever, per God’s Will,
Light in a dark world, so depraved, so that others can be saved,
Drawing all men, to Jesus Christ, so that they may have new life,
The life being what He spoke of, being born of God from above,
The light we have, is from God, for us to share wherever we trod,
His light used to direct everyone, to Christ, His Only Eternal Son,
The only One, Who gives the light, to all delivered from the night,
Saved by The Cross of Calvary, to be members of God’s Family.
Adopted into the Family of God, guided by Jesus’ staff and rod,
Led to places of Christ’s choice, being for God a light and voice,
To be God’s Light, within this world, as God’s Gospel is unfurled,
Leading lost souls from every nation, to the Lord’s only salvation.
For The Way, Truth and Life, is found in The Savior, Jesus Christ,
The light, that God has given us, is to direct men to Christ Jesus,
As we believers, joyfully proclaim, in the power of Christ’s Name,
The way of Christ unto salvation, to every soul from every nation.
We are God’s Light, per His Will, with an earthly purpose to fulfill,
Persuading men on the earth, to receive from Him a spiritual birth,
The message of Christ to all men, in Him they must be born again,
Born from above into God’s Family, to live with The Lord eternally.
(Copyright ©02/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 february 2014


Religious friend is when you see, no change in one’s activity,
As their life still continues on, from the evening into the dawn.
While continuing through their day, living on that broader way,
Living their life, as in the night, with The Lord God not in sight.
Christ is not the spiritual head, as they lean on religion instead,
Religious icons and man’s ways, denying Christ His due praise,
Recognizing God to some extent, but not in ways Heaven sent,
As they are not Born Again, following ways prescribed by men.
Religion my friend has no part, when Christ truly has your heart,
As God’s Holy Spirit, dwells inside, in Christ’s ways, you abide,
Refraining from religious views, as you spread The Good News,
Truth right from God’s Throne, that you’re saved by Christ alone.
Christ separated from religion, displaying to men some derision,
Painting for all, a clear picture, for all who dare malign Scripture,
Those who follow their own desire, ignoring God throned higher,
Christ the Head of His Church, not bodies where many do perch.
Our Lord Himself, did condemn, the religious body built by men,
And Christ shall never change, which brings religion much shame,
Religious ritual is an abomination, to Him who provides salvation,
In and through The Savior, Christ, God’s Only Way to Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 february 2014

Belief In Christ Alone

When in Jesus Christ you believe, Eternal Life you will receive,
Your faith alone is all you need, if Christ’s words you will heed,
I am the Way, the Truth and Life, Truth spoken by Jesus Christ,
The same Truth that is true today, no matter what man may say.
No one will see God, but by Him, Christ who saved us from sin,
Only through The Son we’ll see, The Father and God of Eternity,
The Lord, Who died on Calvary, to provide life, for you and me,
Jesus Christ, God’s Only Son, holds Eternal Truth for everyone.
But, some continue adding to, The Truth spoken to me and you,
Jesus own words “It is finished,” by false teachers is diminished,
Teaching which adds to His Truth, leading only to God’s reproof,
As The Father will truly condemn, all the False Teachings of men.
Not heeding what Christ had said, they all remain spiritually dead,
Remaining dead in all their sin, ignoring The Truth spoken by Him,
Implying that we must do our part, from salvation they will depart,
To a belief where Satan lurks, around a salvation of man’s Works.
Men adding to The Truth of God, will only see God’s judging rod,
And for subtracting from Revelation, they shall not see Salvation;
Remember Christ’s Gospel Truth, and receive life not His reproof,
Through faith alone, in Jesus Christ, you shall receive Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 february 2014

His Healing Process

The Lord is doing a mighty work, as His Spirit does more than lurk,
As the doctors, for me strive, with their medicine, to keep me alive,
As the work of God may overwhelm, the doctor who is at the helm,
While doctors deal with my infirmity, that our human eyes can’t see.
However, The Lord knows and sees, each of my body’s infirmities,
As the doctors deal with the known, from the tests they are shown,
While the staff with this is dealing, God above is doing the healing,
Moving me ever closer to the end, of my present battle dear friend.
The doctor indeed seems impressed, as my condition is assessed,
As my condition betters each week, to bright, from what was bleak,
For I am closer to being healed, far from what was initially revealed,
Being told that in two years ahead, I would be much closer to dead.
But, new health God has granted me, just how much I’ve yet to see,
Now my health is being restored, through the doctors, by The Lord,
Slowly, but surely I can say, God is giving me more hope each day,
Hope as I see my Lord and God, leading the way with staff and rod.
In His mercy, He has shown His face, guiding me daily in His Grace,
As my Lord leads me in this trial, He’s by my side, there’s no denial,
He’s in the process of healing me, so that many other souls will see,
My Lord’s Grace, with His Power, as I progress, every day and hour.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 february 2014

The Furnace To The Flood

From the fiery furnace of life, we’re delivered by Jesus Christ.
When those fiery flames appear, our Lord God is always near,
There to lift us above that flame, all in the Power of His Name,
Protecting all of us from each fire, is our Lord’s heart’s desire.
As The Lord so desires to purify, in life’s fires, both you and I,
From a life of unrighteousness, fires allow iniquities to surface,
As we’re cleansed of old dross, In Christ’s power of The Cross,
To live for God and Jesus Christ, in our life as a living sacrifice.
When overwhelmed by a flood, we’re reminded of God’s Blood,
The Lord’s power at Calvary, continues in the life of you and me,
From the flood’s billowing waves, God reaches down and saves,
Saving us from the floods of life, is The Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
It is The Lord’s sustaining power, through any flood, any shower,
When the rains of life begin to pour, our Lord helps us to endure,
Holding us above the water’s flow, Christ desires to help us grow,
Through His Spirit dwelling inside, He’s with us in the highest tide.
Fires and floods, when they come, wherever in life, they are from,
Are used by God in this life, to conform believers to Jesus Christ,
Within the fire and the flood, we are molded by our Lord and God,
Being refined in the Image of Christ, to display The Lord in our life.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 1 february 2014

Salt And Light

In this world, where wrong is right, we are to be Salt and Light,
That, as we live out this life, by the teachings, of Jesus Christ,
His salt and light in a world, so Truth in our lives we will herald,
As our lives reflect His Truth, with salt and light as living proof.
Even during a life of persecution, in the world darkened by sin,
For great shall be our reward, if today, we truly serve The Lord,
As we are led by His staff and rod, to live for the glory of God,
Today, focused upon eternity, we’re salt and light for all to see.
Through The Word we are taught, to function today as His Salt,
Listening to what Jesus said, salt, in this life, we are to spread,
In a world that’s filled with need, as we sow for Him much seed,
This, while being salt for everyone, for the Glory, of God’s Son.
In this world we’re God’s Light, for all those walking in the night,
Light to all who haven’t believed, for by Satan they’re deceived,
So we’re to lead them to Christ, so they too, can have New Life,
A New Life in Christ this very day, as God’s Light leads the way.
We’re salt to give thirst to men, so they too, can be Born Again,
Born of God, to be Christ’s light, to lead others out of the night;
More salt and light is needed friend, for serving God is our end,
This, to better the life of everyone, by the Gospel of God’s Son.
(Copyright ©02/2014 Bob Gotti)

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