
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 november 2013

Where’s The Urgency?

Shouldn’t we have a true urgency, about this thing we call eternity?
While we are in this temporal time, to help change a thinking mind;
Shouldn’t those in the Body of Christ, have an urgency in this life?
Urgency for family and friend, knowing that Grace could soon end!
Shouldn’t Scripture move our heart, within this Age to do our part?
In leading more souls to the Faith, while it is still the Age of Grace;
Shouldn’t we speak in a bolder way, of what Scripture has to say?
About the end, that faces all, peoples everywhere, great and small.
Shouldn’t Scriptures in our heart, burden us with a desire to impart,
The Truths we find in God’s Word, which so many, have not heard?
Truths that we’re not only to read, but, Truths that we all must heed,
Truths that we all must embrace, moved by God’s unmerited Grace.
Where is the urgency of our call, from Christ our Lord, to reach all?
With God’s only Truth that saves, any soul from the coming waves,
Of Christ’s soon Righteous Judgment; this is why we’ve been sent,
To reach all the spiritually lost, with God’s saving Truth at any cost.
When we’re rapture to God’s Son, this Age of Grace shall be done,
With The Restrainer out of the way, God’s Judgment, will not delay,
With strong delusion from on high, all men shall believe Satan’s lie,
Not embracing God’s Saving Truth, all shall see His strong reproof!
God’s Judgment will be their end, whether they are family or friend,
For their refusing The Truth of Christ, they will never see eternal life,
So an urgency must fill our heart, before from this earth, we depart,
So that others can enter into eternity, as members of God’s Family.
(Copyright ©05/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 november 2013

With Darkness Looming

With darkness looming now, the question for us is, why and how?
The question’s for God’s Church, while weekly in a pew they perch,
Learning in God’s Word each week, yet, at times we do not speak,
As right has now becomes wrong, we have become a quiet throng.
Why is the Church quiet friend, about the prophesied coming end?
Why are some folks blinded to, the darkness around me and you?
Why is there not more urgency, in light of darkness which we see?
Why are some not concerned at all, while we watch our nation fall?
How can Christ’s Body be divided, as we are all to be likeminded?
How can some embrace the ways, of political figures in our days?
How can some pretend it’s right, with their views as dark as night?
How can we not be concerned, with all The Bible we have learned?
It is for the times like this in life; we need to stand for Jesus Christ,
Sealed in God’s Righteousness, we must live our life in soberness,
Being His Witnesses in the world, as we see the darkness unfurled,
Believers need to be of one mind, while we witness the end of time.
For we should not have any fear, of pointing out the darkness near,
A darkness that has blinded some, of the evil time, that have come,
Deceiving the Elect, if possible, as Satan works out his wicked will,
Preaching to us, wrong is right; we must in the dark be God’s Light.
(Copyright ©05/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 november 2013

My Little Light

I need my little light to shine, for The Savior, all the time,
That light God has put in me, for everyone around to see,
The difference now in my life, in the Light of Jesus Christ,
Each and every place I go, my light for Christ must show.
The light God has put in me, is light that leads to eternity,
A light that leads other men, to know that I’m Born Again,
Born of God’s Spirit above, providing all light I speak of,
Light that is all from God, this I say with a confident nod.
A light must shine every place, as we’re still under Grace,
In an age where wrong’s right, I need to show God’s light,
Light shines best in the dark, and it begins with His spark,
From God’s light deep within, to be light in a world of sin.
When I’m going through a trial, His light shines, no denial,
Through a trial or in a test, God’s light surely shines best,
It is Christ’s Light men see, not the strength of you or me,
For in a day when all is wrong, it is His light that is strong.
God’s light reflects true peace, that all see doesn’t cease,
Peace that is from the Lord, by others, goes not ignored,
As God affords us in this life, to point all to Jesus Christ,
For His light shines anytime, as I’m God’s and He is mine.
(Copyright ©05/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 november 2013

Seeking Godly Wisdom

Receive The Word in your heart, and you’ll give Wisdom her start,
In your conduct as you live this life, while you follow Jesus Christ,
This, if Wisdom you will treasure, indeed, she’ll guide you forever,
Helping us on a path that’s right; leading us to walk in God’s Light.
With Wisdom’s discerning heart, from The Lord you will not depart,
As her discernment comes your way, she will lead you day by day;
Seek out Wisdom as if silver, and through grace you shall find her,
Seeking her as hidden treasure, when found, she’ll leave you never.
Through Wisdom one understands, where a Holy Lord God stands,
And exactly what God expects of us, as we follow The Lord Jesus,
By Wisdom, we know to fear The Lord, when His Word is explored,
As like silver is when we mine, we learn of God’s Righteous design.
Wisdom, in a world like this, allows us know God’s Righteousness,
His Righteous Judgment we can see, by God’s Justice and Equity,
Wisdom puts us on a righteous path, leading far from God’s wrath,
Saving God’s own from evil men, and their ways God will condemn.
Godly Wisdom shall lead all of us, onto a path of God’s Goodness,
Preserving us through all these days, while we lift to God the praise,
Who is the source of True Wisdom, leading men to God’s Kingdom,
His Kingdom that’s forever friend, where God’s Wisdom has no end.
(Copyright ©05/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 november 2013

Even After

While on a journey I asked not for, I need The Lord so much more,
Trusting in God, I am resolved, especially with my family involved,
Through all of the trials and strife, this journey produces in my life,
True peace only God can afford, so I must trust in Christ, my Lord.
As things do appear to darken, the Truth from God I must hearken,
Not allowing any circumstance, to move me like a wave of chance,
But staying steadfast in the arms, through all the mounting alarms,
In The Everlasting Arms of God, as Christ leads with staff and rod.
I must trust in God’s Sovereignty, as God leads me and my family,
With the future shrouded by a veil, God’s plans for us shall prevail,
If God’s ways seem to be a mystery, in Christ there is consistency,
As the times now get far less clear, I cannot allow my heart to fear.
I must trust God and His Word, Whose Truth is not simply inferred,
But promises that we can receive, in trials that we’d never conceive,
This, as darker tests become our lot, whether we understand or not,
We’re still in God’s sovereign hand, even when we don’t understand.
Even if the cancer would take my life, God will take care of my wife,
While I meet my Lord in eternity, on earth God will uphold my family,
Until God’s Promise to all of us, believers in The Lord, Christ Jesus,
One day, again we will be together, in Eternity with The Lord forever.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 november 2013

Following God’s Principles

When God’s principals we obey, His Spirit helps us not to stray,
For believers, it is a must, that we practice obedience and trust,
Trusting God with all our heart; from His ways we will not depart,
Letting Wisdom have Her way, while we follow God, day by day.
We must work unto The Lord, a practice that’s not to be ignored,
Working with Christ by our side; our Lord God above is glorified,
God is not mocked or deceived, knowing ways we’ve conceived,
As we will reap all we’ve sown, as all our ways by Him are known.
All believers must contemplate, the seven things, God does hate,
Living in our present world of sin, this as we strive to live for Him;
Haughty eyes coming from pride, an evil, we can’t allow to reside,
As it caused Adam’s race to fall; one’s sin which is far from small.
For pride is Satan’s choice leaven, which he uses to fuel all seven,
Beginning with the lying tongue, affecting all souls old and young;
Hands which shed innocent blood, while evil comes on as a flood,
Following that heart of a wicked man, as one devising an evil plan.
With feet that rush to evil ways, in our ever increasing darker days;
A false witness that breaths lies, another thing God does despise;
Also one who does sow discord, among the brothers of The Lord.
Of these seven God speaks of, it is an abomination to Him above.
All of the seven we too must hate, for with God, there’s no debate,
As God’s principles we will learn, these are more than just concern,
But, are from the very heart of Him, God, Who saved us out of sin,
Saved to live anew in all of our life, all while we live in Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 november 2013

Verses Wrought

I do not know just how or when, God will send something to my pen,
From something that’s on my heart, a thought God desires to impart,
Throughout my day, just as I go, thoughts from above seem to flow,
While I begin with simply a thought, by The Spirit verses are wrought.
It is The Lord God, Who blesses me, with these verses, that you see,
As these words that I pass along; the credit for all, does truly belong,
To The Lord God, Who reigns above, inspiring the verses, I speak of,
These very words, which I pen, that God has me share with other men.
God pens verses from my prose, through ways only The Spirit knows,
This when God’s Spirit is inclined, to guide these thoughts in my mind,
In ways which only The Spirit can, as my Lord fills just an ordinary pen,
God blessing me, with His choice, to use my pen, instead of my voice.
Blessings, I hope to pass your way, with verses, on what I have to say,
As The Lord moves upon my heart, regarding thoughts I wish to impart,
From my thoughts God takes words, and He compiles them into verse,
Through ways that only God can do, so that I may share them with you.
Sharing with many through my life, the Truth and Grace of Jesus Christ,
Sharing Truths, you may have heard, that you find in God’s Holy Word,
And Grace, which God bestows on us, when we follow The Lord Jesus,
All this as my Savior blesses me, while He guides me home to Eternity.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 november 2013

Each Day In His Hands

I may not know what happens today, as The Lord guides the way,
But, my times are in His hands, in ways no one truly understands,
I may even purpose within my heart, while a new day has its start,
But God directs the path I take, He’s in charge, make no mistake.
The Lord directs this course of time, all within His Eternal Design,
God is sovereign over everything, which is earth and every being,
Directing both nations and men, by ways we cannot comprehend,
By His sovereign control over all; nations and men, big and small.
Sovereign Creator of all the earth, to man God gave special worth,
Making man in the very image of, The Creator, Who reigns above,
Intent on a relationship with man, this was indeed His original plan,
A plan Satan desired to impede, but, ultimately God will succeed!
God spoke by prophets of old, but since sent His Son to behold,
God’s Eternal Son Jesus Christ, to restore the plan of eternal life,
Sent to reconcile man with God, when Jesus came to earth’s sod,
Restoring that relationship for me, with The Creator of All Eternity.
So whatever pleases God in my life, He leads me in Jesus Christ,
Guiding me around every bend, knowing how each day shall end,
Days that I cannot understand, I simply leave in The Lord’s Hand,
For as a member of God’s Family, He knows what is best for me.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 november 2013

Time To Stand Opposed

Truth may be black and white, but some choose the dark of night,
When it comes to political views, many simply shift and just muse.
Thinking of all, but God’s Word, ignoring Truths that they’ve heard,
Truths which should be our light, in this world where wrong is right.
Compromising Scripture for man; it’s not of God but Satan’s plan,
Satan’s plan to hinder God’s Truth; look around and see the proof,
An amoral nation we’ve become, as for Truth we’re biblically dumb,
Following the ways of wicked men, in a nation God shall condemn!
The Truth has become irrelevant, so how long shall The Lord relent?
He, who put His Law in our heart, from which many chose to depart,
This country shall have no excuse, regardless of how leaders muse,
As their thinking is devoid of God, so they’ll see His Righteous Rod,
Unfortunately some in The Church, follow their wicked political lurch,
As they make changes suddenly, they defy the God over all eternity,
The Laws ascribed by a Holy God, for all men upon this earthly sod,
Yet more are following the evil ways, of immoral leaders in our days.
It is time for many to take a stand, in an ever increasing amoral land,
All, who know Christ’s Righteousness, must oppose the wickedness,
Being Christ’s Light in this world, where Satan’s darkness is unfurled,
In a world that is turning dark as night, to point others to God’s Light.
(Copyright ©05/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 3 november 2013

Imputed Righteousness

My heart and mind are so depraved, yet, by God I’ve been saved,
When to me God would afford, salvation through Christ, The Lord,
Through salvation, I am forgiven, now, New Life I have been given,
Now in Christ, I’m a New Creation, all afforded by God’s Salvation.
This happened the instant when, by God’s Spirit, I was Born Again,
Born anew, by The Spirit of God, while a sinner on this earthly sod.
Where on earth, no one is good, while from Christ it is understood,
“No one is good, no not one”, I have the righteousness of The Son,
Not a righteousness of my own, but, which is found in Christ alone,
His Righteousness imputed to me, all done by The God of Eternity,
Righteousness received by grace, when in Christ I believed by faith,
This, that I could live this life, in the Righteousness, of Jesus Christ.
Though I am still a sinner friend, my Lord has for me a glorious end,
One which began upon this earth, this when I experienced New Birth,
As a believer I am now set apart, granted, from Christ, my new start,
This began for me that new story, which shall end in Heaven’s Glory.
Friend, it is alone the Righteousness, of my Lord God, Christ Jesus,
That saved me from sin’s marketplace, all provided by God’s Grace;
There is nothing I could have done, apart from the life of Gods’ Son,
Who paid sin’s entire penalty for me, on the bloody cross of Calvary.
(Copyright ©11/2013 Bob Gotti)

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