
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 september 2013


As we have Christ’s Righteousness, we too grow in His gentleness,
Gentleness, dealing with others, unbelievers and Christian brothers,
Being gentle, humble and meek, while our Lord’s will we daily seek,
Sharing God’s Truth with everyone, in the gentleness of God’s Son.
Gentle and fair minded, we must be, so as we live life, all shall see,
This as we testify for Jesus Christ, His gentleness, must fill our life,
As we deal with our brothers, when for Christ, we encourage others,
Helping brothers that fall to stand, this with a gentle heart and hand.
A Christ like model, we must impart, with a true, gentle, loving heart;
Christ, who came to provide us rest, from every burden, trial or test,
So, we need gentleness, not a rod, as we serve others, for our God,
When helping or correcting anyone, we must be gentle, like His Son.
Regarding gentleness, understand, it’s not optional but a command,
Direct from our Savior, up above, to live in His gentleness and love,
Putting off old ways of wickedness, to be clothed in His gentleness,
This also is for husband and wife, as they live out their Christian life.
The Word of God must have its way, as we live this life, day to day,
As we live for God on this earth, through the Spirit of our New Birth,
Desiring to be like who God sent, our Lord, His unwavering Servant,
Filled with His gentleness and love, as we point other to God above.
(Copyright ©09/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 september 2013

Loving Kindness

To live fruitfully, in difficult days, is for God’s Glory and Praise,
While loving kindness fills our life, by the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
When in God we are Born Again, kindness we afford to all men,
With a renewed heart and mind, we share His love with mankind.
God exemplifies love the best, when recalling God in every test,
Just as God dealt with Israel, His kindness was shown in His will,
Like God showed kindness to us, through His Son, Christ Jesus,
By the Sacrifice He had done, His Love is extended to everyone.
When we all were spiritually dead, God showed kindness instead,
Sending His only Son to Calvary, as the sacrifice for you and me,
Paying for us the ultimate price, to be for sinners God’s Sacrifice,
Thus, allowing us when dead in sin, to experience New Life within.
When redeemed by God’s Salvation, kindness is His expectation,
So now, a New Creature in Christ, kindness is expected in our life,
This in every saved believing heart, as God’s Truth we now impart,
When in God’s Nature we partake. His Kindness, we can’t forsake.
Receiving Christ’s Righteousness, our life must display godliness,
As we serve on this earthly sod, spiritual fruit is cultivated by God,
As we allow God to have His way, displaying kindness day to day,
Submitting to The Spirit of Christ, Loving Kindness can fill our life.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 september 2013

Embracing God’s Word

Believers accept this very hour, The Word of God in all its power,
The Living Word, truly adored, is sharper than a two edged sword,
His Word is living and powerful, above, to accomplish God’s Will,
Discerning of hearts and thought, by His Word change is wrought.
We embrace His Word every day, for God’s Word, lights our way,
Accepted as the very Word of God, it’s our guide, where we trod,
This, while we follow Jesus Christ, applying His Word into our life,
His Word works in all who believe, as His Word, they truly receive.
His Word is valued more than gold, for His Truth never grows old,
As God’s Word is eternal, friend; for, He has no beginning or end,
His Word’s far above that of man, as His Word is His eternal plan.
As man changes, God will never, while His Word shall last forever.
God shall accomplish His Will, as through His Word He shall fulfill,
His ultimate plan and purpose, through all who follow Christ Jesus,
As He equips us for every need, while God’s Word believers heed,
Growing to be imitators of Christ; being as Apostle Paul in this life.
God’s Word is the ultimate Authority, for now and through Eternity,
Giving power, to reach all men, at any cost, when we’re born again,
For in this world He helps us cope, with His Word vital to our hope,
The hope we have in Jesus Christ, is to soon share our Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©01/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 september 2013

God Not Men

As the plans of men go awry, I depend on Him, who reigns on high,
The Lord who rules over everyone, Jesus Christ, God’s Eternal Son,
He, who holds this world together, this, as He reigns above forever,
Christ, who sustains all things, The Lord of lords and King of kings.
He allows dark men to be in power, for Judgment in a coming hour,
When liberal leaders stray from God, they invite The Lord’s iron rod,
As they lead the masses astray, they move a nation to a darker day,
For a Holy God must judge men, in that nation, God shall condemn.
It is men, not God, who moves, so those darker hearts He reproves,
For, as The Lord remains the same, He must uphold His Holy Name,
Against a people who have turned, away from God, so have learned,
The rebellious path of Satan’s ways, producing godless darker days.
So, I depend fully on The Lord, although by most God goes ignored,
But, while most live in flagrant sin, their ways are not ignored by Him;
So as I follow Christ and His ways, it is God, not men, whom I praise,
For God takes care of my needs, while in my life it is God who leads.
God rules over men and their ways, and is Light in these darker days,
This, as God judges a fallen nation, as many reject God’s Revelation,
Following the ways of darker men, the very ones God shall condemn,
But, God leads me in Jesus Christ, Who is leading me to Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©01/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 september 2013

Work Of God In A Life

As The Lord works in us spiritually, He also does a work practically,
Not only does He save us friend, but, works out the time we spend,
While In this present life as we live, a spiritual insight, God will give,
Given to all who come to Christ, as God begins to move in their life.
A child of God, through New Birth, God will guide you on this earth,
Now born again into God’s Family, He puts us on a path to eternity,
As God helps with the task at hand, helping us to take a new stand,
In the way we see the issues in life, led by the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Now from above my Lord leads, providing all of my practical needs, 
Now with my eternal destiny sealed, my new life in Christ is revealed,
As God’s Spirit works in my heart, from my former life I must depart,
Being led by The Spirit of Christ, God helps me in a newly found life.
With my heart and mind renewed, God exhibits in me, a new attitude,
One that guides me through the day, as I travel upon the narrow way,
As Christ influences all my thought, real change in my life is wrought,
As I try to honor God with my life, in service to my Lord Jesus Christ.
Spiritually by Christ I was saved, from a life, when lost and depraved,
As He granted me a new life to live, that life to Christ I now fully give,
Reflecting on all for me He’s done, I’m obligated to serve God’s Son,
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who has granted to me Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 september 2013

Beyond Man’s Plans

When man’s simple plans go awry, I can trust The Lord on high,
In His stable unchanging plan, which includes every single man,
When man’s plans crumble and fall, In The Lord I can stand tall,
Upheld by His Omnipotent hand, through the chaos I can stand.
Trials come, we know not why; they are allowed by God on high,
Directing the course of each man, regardless of the earthly plan,
God’s weaved within every story, His plan for His ultimate glory,
Authored by the Ancient of Days, all for God’s glory and praise.
As it’s the Savior, Jesus Christ, Who’s authored every single life,
This, as The Author of Salvation, He moves in man’s destination,
Moving to life’s ultimate purpose, the knowledge of Christ Jesus,
As man’s plans come and go, He is the One man needs to know.
As God’s Eternal Word is sure, with the only plan that will endure,
Which is written in the Word of God, for all upon this earthly sod,
God’s plan written in ages past, the plan which shall eternally last,
His plan which includes everyone, authored by God’s Eternal Son.
All man’s plans are temporal friend, while, God’s Plan has no end,
Far passing any temporal endeavor, God’s plan shall last Forever,
Well beyond the temporal world, His eternal plan shall be unfurled,
When all those who know Jesus Christ, shall enter into Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 september 2013

Upheld In His Hand

During the times I don’t understand, I am upheld in God’s hand.
Even when unfaithfully in despair, God extends His loving care,
Always faithful is God’s Love, which He directs from up above,
In the present time of my life, comforted by The Spirit of Christ.
He faithfully guides all I do, as His faithfulness sees me through,
Through every trial and tribulation, as the Author of my salvation,
Even situations that I can’t see, my Shepherd leads me faithfully,
As my Savior and my friend, Christ guides me safely to the end.
Through each trial I can stand, not on my own but in God’s hand,
Even if that trial doesn’t cease, through it all, He gives me peace,
For The Savior won’t leave my side, so in The Savior I can abide,
So in a trial, make no mistake, from my life He will never forsake.
How faithful The Lord is to me, for Him I want to be a testimony,
Of God’s faithfulness within my life, for my Savior, Jesus Christ,
As my Lord guides me day to day, with His Word along the way,
Through testing, dark as night, with Christ being my guiding light.
Jesus Christ leads me to the end, as my Savior, Lord and friend,
The end, that isn’t here for me, but that future place, trouble free,
At a spiritually higher altitude, when I receive a Heavenly Attitude,
With that pure mind of Jesus Christ, when I enter into Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 september 2013

From Law To Grace

When you think of man’s salvation, you must turn to God’s Revelation,
Where God revealed His eternal plan, for every woman, child and man,
As you read, you shall understand, God’s Truth, extends to every land,
Although God had chosen Israel, to reveal the plan He intends to fulfill.
God started with The Law, with deeds, to show all men their true needs,
With God’s intention from the very start, to reveal to man his true heart,
Man’s heart that cannot keep His Law, the consequence of Adam’s fall,
With man now dead in sinfulness, saved only by God’s Righteousness.
Righteousness apart from The Law, The Righteousness, required by all,
That is not achieved on our own, but, only provided, by The Lord alone,
Provided to all men by Jesus Christ, sent by God to earth for every life,
To accomplish what only could be done, for all men by God’s only Son.
As God’s anger must be appeased, for sinful man doing as he pleased,
Beyond The Law’s ordained sacrifice, as man’s attempt to pay the price,
As fallen sinners upon the earthly sod, to receive forgiveness from God,
That would not forgive them eternally, so He fulfilled The Law, at Calvary.
Through His Only Son, Jesus Christ, Who, was the only perfect sacrifice,
To accomplish what we could not do, He died and rose, for me and you,
Providing redemption for every man, as the Only salvation in God’s plan,
From Law to Grace, by Revelation, Christ, for all is God’s Only Salvation.
Available to all is God’s Saving Grace, not through the Law, but by Faith,
When in Christ you truly believe, by His grace, eternal life you do receive,
Receiving from God, Righteousness, through faith alone, in Christ Jesus,
Apart from The Law, in Jesus Christ, He grants all who believe eternal life.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 september 2013

Another Bend

With another bend in the road ahead, I’ve no need to fear or dread,
When issues change unexpectedly, my Lord’s always there for me,
In this journey as things change, my God above remains the same,
As my health changes yet again, God above is my Lord and friend.
My Lord God above changes not, whatever may be my present lot,
In my present lot, in life down here, I have no need to dread or fear,
For The Mighty Physician is over all, any cancer issue, big or small,
Cancer may be a menace friend, but my God above knows the end.
This life here is filled with uncertainty, in our preparation for Eternity,
In a world, that’s temporal at best, I am being molded by every test,
By The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, preparing me for Eternal Life,
This through all, I must understand, through the present trial at hand.
Cancer may seem to have its way; however, Christ has the final say,
Regarding how much pain or strife, it may bring about within my life,
As God allows this present trial, He renders grace, there’s no denial,
Each morning His mercy’s new, with the strength to help me through.
Not only does God have the last say, He supplies grace day to day,
Helping me in every day and hour, while providing sustaining power,
As He winds down my present life, comforted in The Spirit of Christ,
Through this very temporal time, toward new life, that’s truly sublime.
(Copyright ©09/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 september 2013

Per The High Priest

The Only High Priest has told me so, when I die where I’ll go,
That High Priest I speak of, is Jesus Christ in Heaven above,
He said I would be in Paradise, this because of His Sacrifice,
Not about anything I have done, but by the act of God’s Son.
He had acted for you and me, to settle our accounts eternally,
“It is finished” He had cried, before on that cross He had died,
The only Lamb of Righteousness, dying on behalf of all of us,
Paying the price we could not, so life in God, could be our lot.
That lot in life starts down here, for men moved by Godly fear,
That all are under condemnation, that requires God’s Salvation,
Through the High Priest above, sent for sinners by God’s love,
To that wicked cross at Calvary, the Substitute for you and me.
He’s the Author of Salvation for, every man and so much more,
Not merely man’s Only Savior, but Christ is The Eternal Creator,
Creator of every living soul, the only One Who makes us whole.
While they live upon the earth, through salvation’s second birth.
Born Again into the Family of God, while upon this earthly sod,
Sealed forever by God’s Spirit; so condemnation I won’t fear it,
Where I will be as Christ said, so God’s judgment I don’t dread,
In Heaven I will be after this life, living forever with Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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