
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 august 2013

Purity And Love Practiced

We all need to walk in purity and love, as we live for our Lord above,
This as God’s Word we truly heed, purity and love is what men need,
Within the world that has gone astray, with many on the broader way,
Souls seduced by Satan’s seduction, on a path towards destruction!

We’re called to represent Christ, in one dark world through all our life,
In the midst of darkened minds, seduced by wickedness of all kinds,
As in Christ we have the ability, to live above all that darkened futility,
For in Christ we are sanctified, now set apart, for God to be glorified.

In this world of darkened amorality, we must avoid sexual immorality,
In a world becoming even darker, we’re content with a lifetime partner,
This as the Body of Christ strives, to live for Christ’s Glory, holy lives.
Seeking to draw others out of the night, into our Lord’s Glorious Light.

We must be as a sister and brother, an encouragement to one another,
We also need to love with sacrifice, all those within the Body of Christ,
Prompted by the love of The Savior, He wants to change our behavior,
To be Christ like, in all of our ways, as we live for His Glory and Praise.

This for believers is the purpose of God, as we live on this earthly sod,
With the power, from God above, we must reach others in Christ’s love,
For it’s God’s Love this world needs, from those whom the Spirit leads,
As His Spirit directs us in this life, in the love and purity of Jesus Christ.

(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 august 2013

My God And Me

It’s my Gracious God and me, that is how it’s going to be,
As He guides me day to day, walking on life’s narrow way,
Not down a path that’s broad, that one which sinners laud,
But, that Narrow Way of Life, this, as I follow Jesus Christ.
God’s always here with me, on my journey towards eternity,
Shaping me for another time, for His world, that is sublime,
I am not to focus on this earth, as I’ve received a new birth,
Through His Spirit from above, as He leads me here in love.
From that broad way I refrain, all by the power of His Name,
As God guides me every hour, by His Grace and His Power,
While He leads me all my days, for His Glory and His Praise,
Taking me off of a broad path, that was leading to His wrath.
A path full of Satan’s seduction, leading only to Destruction;
In your life and that one ahead, choose Christ’s Way instead,
Of man’s broader way of life; you shall also be led by Christ,
Who saves us from all our sin, when we choose a life in Him.
And when you do you shall see, that in your life God shall be,
A guide out of the dark of night, to lead you also in His Light,
As God changes your very life, with the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
Taking you down a path to see, that life still ahead in Eternity.
(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 august 2013

Triumph Through Christ

Men sing of a night so silent, when God would begin man’s triumph,
Man’s triumph over darkness, through Jesus Christ’s Righteousness,
When that night a Son was born, just as in Scripture God had sworn,
He came to provide peace with God, to all souls on this earthly sod.
A peace that goes beyond the grave, as God came to earth to save,
To save the people from their sin, while granting men a peace within,
This, when those believing men, through God’s Spirit are Born Again.
Born of God, by His Spirit above, to live anew in His peace and love.
First the One who was born for us, our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus,
The One who is both God and man, had to complete salvation’s plan,
As Jesus now the man in ministry, as God had to go through Calvary,
Where to save all men who were lost, had to die upon a wicked cross.
The trouble maker some would rave, is now dead and left in his grave,
But, that would not be the case, as God completed His work of Grace,
Raising Christ from that tomb, dispelling believers despair and gloom,
As Christ was raised to life again, again walking in the sight of all men.
So the One who was sent for all of us, The Risen Savior, Christ Jesus,
Accomplished all, that He had to do, to save sinners, like me and you,
So by His work, believers have victory, over sin and death for Eternity,
Through the Righteousness of Christ, we can now enter into eternal life.
(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 august 2013

Irreverent Ignorance

We are to glorify God’s Name, yet, it is taken so much in vain,
The Name of our Holy God, used today with an irreverent nod,
Through their lives many show, that The Lord, they don’t know,
So I ask you with a curious nod, just who exactly is their god?
With the phrases, many do use, God’s Holy Name they abuse,
Against a Truth, in His Word, that many may have never heard,
That all who use His Name amiss, God shall not hold guiltless,
For abusing the Name of our Lord, by God will not be ignored.
The lives of many truthfully hints, to the fact of their ignorance,
Of a Holy God and His Son, whose Word is given to everyone,
For every soul on earth to read, so God’s Truths they can heed,
Yet ignorance, is so embraced, by men, His Name is disgraced.
But, every soul is accountable, yes, even that Unbelieving Fool,
As a fool says there is no God, not knowing they’ll see His rod,
For, The Lord soon shall come, to set up a Righteous Kingdom,
This after God judges every nation, according to His Revelation.
All will have the knowledge of God, as Christ reigns on this sod,
Where Christ will reign over all, even those whose belief is small,
Where Christ, The Eternal Prince, shall eradicate such ignorance,
Where all shall glorify His Name, never again to be taken in vain!
(Copyright ©01/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 august 2013

Graying God’s Truth

All God’s Truth is black and white, with not a way to turn left or right,
No room at all for any liberal sway, as it’s a straight and narrow way,
A way which is an affront to most, as liberal ways they’d rather host,
Embracing this world’s amoral ways, while we slide into darker days.
Today, God’s Truth many compromise, misled by the Father of Lies,
Never thinking about the true cost, as many today are spiritually lost,
Knowing not God’s Word is forever, a fact which they think of never,
However, they will pay the penalty, not for a time, but for all Eternity.
Especially all those who proclaim, from a pulpit, His Glorious Name,
Who proclaim the Word of God, changing Truth with a deceitful nod,
Altering Eternal Truth, others hear, with little reluctance or Godly fear,
For God’s Truth many compromise, for their hearers, be it so unwise.
Men doing nothing, to stem the tide, of this ever present moral slide,
Sliding away from God’s Righteousness, into a darker amoral abyss,
Even preaching with a knowledge of, The unchanging Creator above,
Continuing to move farther from, The Lord and His coming Kingdom.
When moving from a righteous path, to one that invokes God’s wrath,
This, as they leave His Narrow Way, following instead the liberal sway,
Straying from Truths, black and white, into a gray, that’s dark as night,
A deplorable altering of God’s Truth, leading to God’s eternal reproof.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 august 2013

Led By God

God has led me all these years, through all trials, joys and tears,
Through times I did not understand, led by His omnipotent hand,
Through each year and every trial, God was there, with no denial,
Giving me an undeniable peace, that to this day does not cease.
Even being as a faithless fool, God to me would remain faithful,
For God couldn’t deny himself, while my belief, I lived in stealth,
Even when I had strayed from Him, falling back into ways of sin,
God was faithfully at my side, while leading back to again abide.
Even before I ever knew Christ, He had taken the lead, in my life,
As God had led me to the place, where I received Christ by faith,
A faith which continually grows, as His ways to me Christ shows,
Through trials and joys of life, as I am led by The Spirit of Christ.
So now as I move on to the future, in Christ’s ways I can be sure,
For as I reflect on all my past, God’s Faithfulness has been cast,
Both on my heart and in my mind, as In Jesus Christ alone I find,
A faithfulness, in which I must, place in God, an unwavering trust.
I’ll continue to trust in God’s lead, as He takes care of each need,
Lighting the path, He has me take, as my life, God won’t forsake,
For in The Lord, I understand, I can trust God’s Omnipotent hand,
Going through anything in my life, this as I’m led by Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 august 2013

Living In Expectation

Living faithfully and expectantly, must be life for you and me,
In Christ alone we have reason, this regardless of the season,
To long for the return of Christ, no matter where we are in life,
While we live, all that we learn, with our hope in Christ’s return.

With Judgment coming friend, we must be ready for The End,
Coming as a thief in the night, we all must live in Christ’s light,
We know not the coming hour, when Christ will come in power,
To the world of wickedness, who know not His Righteousness.

Peace and safety, men will cry, all who know not God on high,
Men, caught in Satan’s seduction, will see sudden destruction,
Surprised will be every nation, that scoffs of God’s Revelation,
They’ll experience the wrath of, Judgment from our Lord above.

We in Christ, are not ignorant, of God’s coming end time event,
For we are not sons of the night, but we’re the sons of the light,
Sober and watchful we’re to be, while living for Him expectantly,
Controlled by the Spirit of Christ, we’re to live for Him all our life.

Unlike men, who live in darkness, we must live in Righteousness,
Saved by Christ’s loving Grace, we need to live in love and faith,
With the hope in our Salvation, we’re God’s Light to every nation,
As we faithfully live this life, expecting soon, the return of Christ.

(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 august 2013

Reverent Worship

Praise the Lord, and only Him; praising others, leads to sin,
The praise of men must not be, found at all in God’s family,
As the Lord’s Name we raise, He alone deserves our praise,
All praise with a reverent nod, as we’re in the house of God.
Worship and praise go together; His praise is our endeavor,
Purposing as His people, to go beyond church and steeple,
Beyond just a place to greet, all believers who weekly meet,
To the place where fellowship, gathers around a relationship.
A relationship with our Lord, anything less we cannot afford,
We need reverence and awe, as God is big, so we are small;
It was God, who came for us, through His Son, Christ Jesus,
In His house we must reverence, not others but His presence.
God’s house should be a place, to gather and seek His face,
So as we’re seated in the pew, for Him, let our words be few,
Allowing God to speak with us, by The Spirit of Christ Jesus,
There humbled by His Grace, to hear God and seek His face.
The awe in God’s house is lost, and not without spiritual cost,
In the hearts of some we raise, knowing not priority of praise,
As Godly worship wanes away, in many of their hearts today,
Leaving the Body truly in need, of worship in the Spirit’s lead.
(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 august 2013

Hope In Christ’s Coming

Through every trial we can cope, comforted by our Blessed Hope,
A hope that transcends this time, founded in God’s Grand Design,
A hope that goes beyond this life, found in our Lord, Jesus Christ,
And in this hope, peace is found, as we know we’re heaven bound.
For our hope is eternal, my friend, in a time ahead that has no end,
We needn’t have troubled hearts, when one from this earth departs,
While we share the knowledge of, the eternal plan from God above,
For all those in Christ, we are sure, we shall see again, forevermore,
As all of us who are Born Again, know that Christ shall return again,
When in Christ, we truly believe, Eternal Life from Christ we receive;
Our dead body sown in the ground, with Christ above will be found,
Raised imperishable and glorified; to be home eternally by His side.
All those who die in Christ Jesus, shall return with Christ to meet us,
When we hear that trumpet sound, together with Him, we’ll be found,
As we will be gathered in the clouds, to be with God’s Holy Crowds,
When we leave this temporal world, Eternity for us shall be unfurled.
This Hope should focus each of us, upon the return of Christ Jesus,
Changed in the twinkling of an eye, shall be believers, like you and I,
But this isn’t the end of our story, as we will be promoted into Glory,
So with this Hope, sister and brother, we are to comfort one another.
(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 31 july 2013

Propagating Peace

We can propagate peace from God, on this troubled earthly sod,
The peace of God, that we receive, when in Christ, we do believe,
A peace, knowing that God above, shall sustain us with His Love,
For from God we have tranquility, a peace, that begins at Calvary.
We will not have troubled hearts, with the peace that God imparts,
Believing in The Lord, Who died, through our faith we are justified,
As we now have peace with God, we fear not God’s righteous rod,
For in His eyes we are righteous, through our Savior, Christ Jesus.
Now, with our minds fixed on Him, God fills us with a peace within,
Focusing not on a troubled life, but, upon our Savior, Jesus Christ,
In this world filled with tribulation, we offer prayer and supplication,
Right to our Lord, Christ Jesus, then a peace from God flows in us.
Our peace inside flows to others, our beloved sisters and brothers,
Even dealing with others in life, those who don’t know Jesus Christ,
While God’s Peace fills our heart, true contentment shall not depart,
As we trust in The Lord above, we shall display His peace and love.
As we seek first God’s Kingdom, God shall fill us with His Wisdom,
Then as we truly obey our Lord, the peace of God won’t be ignored,
By others throughout these days, all for God’s glory and His praise,
So that others within our sphere life, will desire to know Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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