
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 12 march 2014

Beginning In The Heart

Salvation begins in the heart first, despite how well you’re versed,
In the Eternal Word of God, you must answer with a heartfelt nod;
Before you confess with your lips, The Truth is what a heart grips,
For with your heart you’re justified, by The Lord, Who for us died.
With the mouth confession’s made, to Truth on a heart, that’s laid,
God’s Truth that can’t be ignored, that God raised Christ our Lord;
Although He died, in your stead, God raised Christ from the dead,
Though spiritually we are depraved, with confession we are saved.
When in our heart we truly believe, God’s Salvation we will receive,
Saved from His penalty for sin, through that finished work by Him,
The finished work of Jesus Christ, Who died to give us eternal life,
With His salvation you’re assured, sealed by the Spirit of The Lord,
Though we were a spiritual mess, The Lord’s Salvation we confess,
When God’s Spirit brings to light, God redeemed us from the night,
We confess as Lord, Christ Jesus, Who died and rose for all of us,
Now in His Salvation we rejoice, praising God, with heart and voice.
When in our Lord we now abide, His Salvation Truth we cannot hide,
Remembering that it is our duty too, to voice Truth to folks like you,
Men who have yet not believed, lest by Satan they will be deceived,
Instead you can confess Jesus Christ, and too, receive Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 12 march 2014

Authoritative Power

The Mighty God and Creator, is Jesus Christ, our Blessed Savior,
Who alone has complete Authority, from the beginning to eternity,
Who became a man but still God, becoming flesh to visit our sod,
The very Creator of all you see, came to be Savior of you and me.
For only Christ my dear friend, knows the beginning from the end,
The Alpha and The Omega is He, Who controls all things eternally,
The One Who sustains all the earth, sustains us through New Birth,
The One holding all things together, grants us life with Him forever.
Of God, Christ was the Incarnation, sent for each and every nation,
Sent into the very world He created, to be scoffed at while berated,
Crucified by peoples He knew, to provide salvation to me and you,
As one dead, taken from Calvary, put in a tomb to rise in Authority.
Authority He had before time began, before creating earth and man,
God’s Authority exceeding anyone, Power He displayed in His Son,
The power that put Heaven in place, was at Calvary, know as Grace,
Because God has the authority to, redeem sinners, like me and you.
The Mighty Creator’s returning again, to display Authority to all men,
At Christ’s return, long awaited, by believers on the earth He created,
During His reign as He rules, reigning with His own but judging fools,
As those souls that believed not God, will see His Authoritative Rod.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 12 march 2014

God Is Real

God is real, but you don’t believe, as Satan wants to only deceive,
For Satan is real and so is Hell, his future state, not just for a spell,
Forever in the fire’s where he will be, in those flames for all eternity,
Where fires are never quenched, as Satan will be eternally benched.
All those who Satan shall deceive, judgment too, they shall receive,
And this because of their unbelief, to finish in a place with no relief;
Yes, God is a God of Love, but, must be true to what is spoken of,
Word’s recorded within His Word, Truths, I’m sure that you’ve heard.
For God sent His Only Son to die, to provide salvation to you and I,
To save us from sin’s dreaded curse; the judgment of, will be worse,
And Satan, God’s eternal enemy, only wants to deceive you and me,
For knowing his end, his only desire, is to see you in the lake of fire.
That curse began with Adam and Eve, as Satan slithered to deceive,
So to turn their trust away from God, with his cunning deceptive nod,
“God did not say” he uttered to Eve, so his words she would believe,
When she was deceived Paradise, became cursed with sin and strife.
But, God sent to the world His Son, to provide salvation to everyone,
To offer in place of sin and strife, for all, through Jesus, Eternal Life;
But, this Truth you can only conceive, when in God, you truly believe,
And He brings you into His Family, to live with Him now and eternally.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 12 march 2014

Our Hope And Responsibility

Knowing that our salvation is near, within our Hope we needn’t fear,
Nearer than when we first believed, as God’s salvation we received;
So we need to love one another, reaching out to comfort a brother,
Showing all people the Love of Christ, as we anticipate Eternal Life.
With our conversation up in Heaven, we depart from spiritual leaven,
Living with the mind of Christ, while being our Lord’s living sacrifice;
Keep a clear conscience down here, as Christ, our Hope draws near,
Being Christ’s Light to everyone, while pointing others to God’s Son.
With our Hope coming to redeem, our earthly body we should beam,
With His Light and anticipation, for God to complete our redemption;
We are to await the return of Christ, Who’ll take us home to Paradise,
Not to be distracted by the world, for His soon return we’re to herald.
Others in trouble can rest with us, who have our hope in Christ Jesus,
Who will come in the clouds for all, freeing us of the curse of the fall;
Be filled with hope and not ignorant, about redemption God has sent,
Comforting others with words to all, believers, with the words of Paul.
Begotten as the inheritance of God, soon to leave earth’s cursed sod,
To eternally dwell in a Heavenly place, provided by redemptive Grace;
So take God’s Holy Word seriously, while we journey home to eternity,
That we can see many more hearts, raptured as God’s Church departs.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 march 2014

Where Do They Stand?

Where do those, whom we know, stand with God when it’s time to go?
Where do they stand with Jesus Christ, in the matter of death and life?
I am speaking of death and life eternally, one or the other all shall see,
They may be your family or a friend; are they ready for their life’s end?
Am I doing my best for Jesus Christ, as His witnesses while in the life?
Being salt and light every day, to point friends and family to The Way?
The Only Way to God’s Salvation, revealed to men through Revelation,
The words, from God to everyone, to point all men to God’s Only Son.
Some may know about The Lord, but His Truth, by them goes ignored,
For them with the Bible seldom read, they lean on what men have said,
Some do not even go to church, but, in the pew of opinion they perch,
With opinions not against you or I, but they oppose God from on high.
They need their eyes to be opened by, The Spirit of God from on high,
The Lord must also open their heart, to accept His Truth that we impart,
For people still need the Lord today, this, no matter what they may say.
For everyone is a sinner my friend, and faces God come this life’s end.
So pray to God for those we know, for doors through which we can go,
In order to create a conversation, about Jesus Christ and His Salvation;
For The Truth of God they need to face, while it’s still the Age of Grace,
So, they can embrace Jesus Christ, to have the promise of Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©03/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 march 2014

Don’t Leave Without Him

Don’t leave without the Lord Jesus, when life on this earth ceases,
You need to know Jesus friend, before your life comes to an end,
Death on this earth brings a new; an eternity, for both me and you,
One with The Lord God forever; or one where you’ll see Him never.
All need to know, He Who came, and life, shall never be the same,
He, Who came to save your soul, from the penalty of Adam’s fall,
He, Who bore God’s righteous wrath, to put us on a different path,
A path which leads to Eternal Life, through The Lord, Jesus Christ.
God’s Eternal Truth, all should heed, for Jesus Christ, all will need,
Hearing this Truth, some may scoff; while others, simply put it off,
Saying I don’t need Christ now, but, maybe another day somehow,
However, if you wait too long, you will be singing a different song.
Everyone will experience eternity; difference is which side you see.
Some shall enter Heavenly Bliss, a place that many souls will miss,
For others will see a darker side, because God’s Truth they denied.
Heaven or Hell, all shall choose, one choice you win, one you lose,
The fact Jesus Christ already won, a place in Heaven for everyone,
Who, embraces as Savior, Christ, while on earth, you still have life,
For believers Christ gained victory, over Hell and death on Calvary,
Today if Christ you truly embrace, Heaven shall be your final place.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 march 2014

From Saul To Paul

Saul was a very zealous Pharisee, committed to The God of Eternity,
A circumcised Hebrew of Hebrews, opposed to Christ’s Good News,
Saul threatened to murder anyone, who avowed belief in God’s Son,
Fomenting great hatred and strife, against That Way of Jesus Christ.
Those believing in that time and day, were called people of The Way,
Saul then journeyed to Damascus, to arrest believers in Christ Jesus,
On his journey to destroy the Way, the Lord Jesus had words to say,
“Saul, Saul why do you persecute me”, said The Lord of the Pharisee.
This after Saul fell down in fright, all surrounded, by a Heavenly Light,
The men with Saul heard God’s Son, however, those men saw no one,
Telling Saul simply to continue into, Damascus, to be told what to do,
When Saul got up he could not see, and was led by hand into the city.
In the city Saul’s sight was restored, by Ananias a disciple of the Lord,
With hands scales fell from his eyes, through Christ, who he despised;
Yet some disciples were still afraid, because of havoc Saul had made,
But Barnabas a disciple of Christ, encourages Saul about his New Life.
God can save and change anyone, who comes to Christ, His Only Son,
Just as He changed Saul of Tarsus, to become an instrument of Jesus,
Christ’s Light, to the gentile world, as The Good News, he would herald,
No longer would he be called Saul, but now for Christ, the Apostle Paul.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 march 2014

Former Days

We were blessed in former days, because of many righteous ways,
As God was exalted in the Nation, and we leaned on His Revelation,
But, today we’re void of Holy Scripture, as God is not in the picture,
The times get darker every day, as the Nation chooses a darker way.
As sin’s darkness riddles the land, the Lord waits with Uplifted Hand.
Not for blessing, but for worse, as this land is captive to sin’s curse,
Many have led with amoral thought, and perverseness it has wrought,
Humanistic men have us on a path, not for blessing, but God’s wrath.
What many souls, think not of, is The Righteous God reigning above,
A Holy God Who doesn’t change, as His Standard remains the same,
So if iniquity continues to assail, God’s Righteous Justice will prevail,
Holy God will accept sin, never, and with man, He won’t strive forever.
True Godly reverence, there is but a trace, in a land blessed by Grace,
The Lord is simply not feared by many, in a land of wealth and plenty,
Even by many, who know the Lord, some scripture, still goes ignored,
Creating much uncertainty and unrest, in a land that has been blessed.
As long as there’s light we must pray, for a country that’s lost its way,
We must pray, God moves on hearts, so by Grace, darkness departs,
And God can again have the place, of reverence, in our land of Grace,
So, in lieu of falling deeper into night, we could be led by God’s Light.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 march 2014

Demeaning God

Mother Nature and Father Time, are wacky forces of man’s design,
By fallen man as a substitute, for God as an unbelievable resolute;
We can’t forget Old Man Winter; he is one more deceptive splinter,
In that spiritual coffin they make, when The Lord God they forsake.
Warm and fuzzy terms conceived, for a God they haven’t believed,
The created forces in their mind, as they shove the Creator behind,
Left behind and forgotten by men, whose ideas God will condemn,
Thinking that Satan has conceived, so those men will be deceived.
It is just what Satan wants to see, throughout all of fallen humanity,
Mankind dismissing God above, replaced by images they think of,
Perpetuating a vain, humanist view, of everything that God can do,
Acting as if God does not exist, while in their unbelief they persist.
Thinking that God can be ignored, no thought is given to our Lord,
Regarding God, their thoughtlessness, reflects spiritual ignorance,
As they report to understand, but, never acknowledge God’s hand,
In the things He controls each day, reflected in the words they say.
From God, there’ll be recompense, for mankind’s willful ignorance,
Reducing powers of God down to, Mother Nature’s fictitious Crew,
When Christ shows himself to all, unbelievers, those big and small,
All, who reduce the power of God, will be reduced by Christ’s Rod.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 march 2014

Not Borrowed Time

Some say I’m on borrowed time, but I am living out God’s design,
My present life, planned out by God, well beyond this earthly sod.
My days are in The Book of Life, all, written down by Jesus Christ,
The very Author of my salvation, planned my start and destination.
He knows the beginning and end, every valley, hill and every bend,
As all of my steps upon this sod, He now leads with staff and rod;
All was planned before I knew, the God, Who created me and you,
With every step ordered by Christ, yes, every path and bend in life.
Death, I could be facing friend, however, only God knows my end,
Indeed, the very time and place, as He sustains me, now by grace,
All by His Grace and His Power, The Lord, sustains my every hour,
No matter what the doctor may say, only God knows my final day.
The very life that God has for me, was determined through eternity,
Yes well before my mother’s womb, He knew He’d prepare a room,
A dwelling for me to be with Him, in Paradise, free of grief and sin,
Where I shall be forevermore, as I step through that Heavenly Door.
The very time set is God’s, not mine, all by His predestined design,
Well before this world’s foundation, God appointed my destination,
With this life being a temporal time, before I enter heaven’s sublime,
The time The Lord has set for me, to transition from earth to eternity.
(Copyright ©02/2014 Bob Gotti)

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