7 may 2012
oOoo kaOs
oOoo kaOs
yoU aRE miNe
i’M youRs
nEXt coUpLe oF hoUrs
oOOo kAoS
yoU’re lyiNg iN mY beD
anD teLLing mE tO
dO thE samE
yoU sureLy
weRe heRe bEfoRe
anYthinG elsE
oooO kAos
iT musT haVe beEn loNely
thEre aND tHen
yoU weRe prObably oRder!
oooo kaoS
comE baCk
anD bE mY friEnd
thEn I’LL caLL yoU ordEr again
oOOo kaOs
yoU aRe allright
yOu arE oRderLy
righT noW onLy woRdLy