
Joe Breunig

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13 september 2012

Poem: Teach Me to Pray

Lord, create in me a clean heart
and teach me how to pray.
Sow your righteousness into me;
keep my soul from going astray.

Allow me to tap into Your spiritual strength.
Open my ears – to the words, You now say!
Quench this inner longing of human desire;
help me to obey Your commands without delay.

Humbled by Your awesome Presence
and reminded of my frail vulnerability,
I bring myself before You for correction.
Discipline this child with righteous dignity.

Open the eyes of my spirit
and give my mouth the words to speak.
Focus my attention on important matters –
So I’m in alignment with the solutions You seek.

Allow me to be attuned to Christ’s mind
and pray in accordance with Your Will.
Lord, let this conversation between us…
be a lifelong exchange, that continues still.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Proverbs 29:18, Psalm 119, Luke 11:1, Psalm 25:4, Exodus 33:13

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