
Joe Breunig

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1 november 2012

Poem: God Within

Though Life can be extremely difficult
and experiences can deeply traumatize us,
we can learn to control how we respond -
as demonstrated by our Lord, Christ Jesus.

For He alone is the hope of our glory;
when we show genuine, jubilant enthusiasm,
we naturally exhibit that “God is within”;
thus, we’re able… to bridge sin’s chasm.

This separation from God can be overcome
with daily prayer and faith’s resilience.
Become intimate with your “Identity in Christ”
and continue to reflect the Kingdom’s brilliance.

Having energetic and vibrant attitudes,
we see more opportunities brought to our door.
Via God’s Love and abundance principles,
His blessings upon us… continue to pour.

Remember! We’re blessed to be a blessing;
prayerfully develop your mission’s vision.
Search for personal solutions within The Word,
while reducing the likelihood of… bad decisions.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Col 3:18-25; Eph 6:4-9

Enthusiasm is defined from a combination of Greek words: “Theos” means God, while the other two words are “En-Tae”, which implies within.  So enthusiasm actually means the “God Within.”  It is the shining source of goodness and respect for one’s self and others.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.

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