
Adrian G. Mendez

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17 february 2012

Unfinished Dream

Darkness comes as sleep consumes, shattered glass reminds me of a broken promise. I take it inside, now nothings left. The story was written on a forgotten book, the dust of rust, the splintered cover, a moment long forgotten.
Faded ink and torn pages, tell the story ever so sweetly…. He reaches out to feel alive, she finds herself longing for embrace. The two connected through an unattainable bond, a promise made between each other. A hope to find the place they seek.  A sanctuary just for them, in this world they see in black and white as they journey together through the night.
Watch as it comes, awareness strikes, it’s time to awake from this dream. The thoughts flow out into the sky as the story’s thread is cut apart, unfinished it comes to an end. Leaving the unending wonder of what was left to be told, the imagination of an unfulfilled promise left omitted, buried away.

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