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3 november 2011

Thirty Nine





1. Andrew - crucified 
2. Bartholomew - beaten then crucified 
3. James, son of Alphaeus - stoned to death 
4. James, son of Zebedee - beheaded 
5. John - exiled for his faith; died of old age 
6. Judas (not Iscariot) - stoned to death 
7. Matthew - speared to death 
8. Peter - crucifed upside down 
9. Philip - crucified 
10. Simon - crucified 
11. Thomas - speared to death 
12. Matthias - stoned to death 

1.           Andrew – crucified 

St. Andrew's Cross 

It is believed that the apostle Andrew was crucified on a saltire (X-shaped) cross; hence the name St. Andrew's Cross. He is said to have told his executioners that he was not worthy to be crucified on the same cross style as Jesus, and persuaded them to alter the shape. If this is true, it's a remarkable example of stoicism displayed by a man, no doubt beaten and starved, yet retaining the mental energy to plead such a thing with his brutal executioners. Detailed records of his crucifixion only date back to the Middle Ages, and these records are influenced be the imagination of the medieval artists. But even if the origin is a myth, the cross shape reminds Christians that they should exercise humility. Andrew was hungry his captors were uncaring death was very near the man of GOD was leaving this world to be with JESUS. 

Andrew is speaking "Place the cross on the form of the X the saltire is now my desire for my Lord was crucified in his manner in a different form and eye am unworthy of him this day. The Crucifier speaks " It shall be as you ask for it matters not to us we do our job we make it happen thus and so to Hades you will go for our GOD is Aeus and he doth hate all cowards like this JESUS you profess call on him NOW for he will not save you from this test." Andrew then gave up his ghost and went to be with JESUS. 

2. Bartholomew - beaten then killed with sword 

St. Bartholomew's Cross 
After Bartholomew had said his prayers with Merlin the minister, he said, without any appearance of alarm, to those who were present (and almost all were surgeons, for few of them were of his retinue) : "I see clearly that which they seek, and I am ready steadfastly to suffer that death which I have never feared and which for a long time past I have pictured to myself. I consider myself happy in feeling the approach of death and in being ready to die in God, by whose grace I hope for the life everlasting. I have no further need of human succor. Go then from this place, my friends, as quickly as you may, for fear lest you shall be involved in my misfortune, and that some day your wives shall curse me as the author of your loss. For me it is enough that God is here, to whose goodness I commend my soul, which is so soon to issue from my body. After these words they ascended to an upper room, whence they sought safety in flight here and there over the roofs. Meanwhile the conspirators, having burst through the door of the chamber, entered, and when Besme, sword in hand, had demanded of Coligny, who stood near the door, "Are you Coligny ?" Coligny replied, "Yes, I am he," with fearless countenance. "But you, young man, respect these white hairs. What is it you would do? You cannot shorten by many days this life of mine." As he spoke, Besme gave him a sword thrust through the body, and having withdrawn his sword, another thrust in the mouth, by which his face was disfigured. So Coligny fell, killed with many thrusts. Others have written that Coligny in dying pronounced as though in anger these words: "Would that I might at least die at the hands of a soldier and not of a valet." But Attin, one of the murderers, has reported as I have written, and added that he never saw any one less afraid in so great a peril, nor die more steadfastly. 

3. James, son of Alphaeus - stoned to death 

"You can be sure of this, King Astyages; I will never sacrifice to your idol. I would rather seal my testimony with my blood than do the smallest act against my faith or conscience." Upon hearing this, the king ordered, "I want this man to suffer severe torture. First beat him with rods. After that, suspend him upside down on a cross and skin him alive!" Following the king's command, Bartholomew was beaten, crucified. Despite all this, he was still conscious and continued to exhort the people to believe in Jesus and worship the true God. Finally, to prevent him from saying anything else, the king's men took an ax and cut off his head. Bartholomew was united with Jesus, his Lord. 

James was still speaking after they killed him this is a powerful testimony to the POWER of GOD. Jesus is still the same today eye feel like the public executions will begin almost any day the 666 the god of mammon is upon us though eye am not trying to scare ewe eye am trying to prepare yew all to be ready for the fight for it is coming and the Head at least must leave this body for the eye to be with Jesus eye have suffered many beatings and some tortures please GOD find me worthy to add my Head to James. 

4. James, son of Zebedee – beheaded 

The Book of Acts12:1-2 records that King Herod had James executed by sword. 

His remains are said to be buried in Spain. Saint James is the patron saint of Spain. His burial town, Santiago de Compostela, is considered the third most holy town of Catholicism it came to me just now that Jesus is the GOD of James the son of Zebedee when eye am doing art work eye always draw the JAMES brothers a little changing this the elder with a beard and the lesser one without. 

The sword thrust went in the same place the Spear went into Jesus side when the Herodian soldier took his long sword he held it in both hands and thrust it and got surprised for he said this man has died of fright or something else instead his faith has carried him away look at his face so peaceful and serene. 

5. John - exiled for his faith; died of old age 

John Wrote About the Antichrist 

John was the only biblical writer to use the specifically used the terms antichrist or 666. 

For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist (II John 7). 

This scripture says that antichrist is a deceiver who does 'not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh'. 

Eye remember that the bible says that Jesus said to them the twelve that He did not say that John would not die but that he said he JOHN would tarry till he come. This is taken by myself to mean that he was living at the time of Jesus return this could mean that John is still alive on some distant island catching fish in pools of rain drinking inland water from a vein of rille of rock strewn shallows watching for the honey bees to find the water not yet caught by rays of sun not yet dissipated by the heat what fun. If this John was the writer of the revelations 

then the isle of Patmos and not the Ephesus seems to be his final resting place and mabe there is where he waits an old ancient man still walking in his island place. 

6. Judas (not Iscariot) - stoned to death 

Some ancient Christian writers say that Simon and Jude went together as missionaries to Persia, and were martyred there. If this is true, it explains, to some extent, our lack of historical information on them and also why they are usually put together. 

When Simon (not Iscariot) walked a little behind Jude came back for they were brothers and he was concerned for his Simon's welfare there on the trail the path they take between the cities of men. 

Iran was busy the men in turbans killing many strangers but even then the men of GOD could have escaped yet they decided to meet the fate of martyrs 

Side by side as brothers they died in search of Jesus.

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