20 february 2012
Your love and pure integrity is not in dispute, Lord (cavatina sequence)
(after Gerard Manley Hopkins)
Your love and pure integrity is not
in dispute, Lord,
yet my enemies grow in their power,
in Your record
their evil ways constantly do prosper,
they can afford
great mansions are quite happy in their sin
while there is no place for me to be in.
Even if You were not my dearest friend,
I am not free
from trepidation, from Your punishment,
avoids me, destruction follow in my steps;
is with them that do wreck my livelihood,
while constantly I do only mean good.
Let the great harvest come while I tell some
of Your kindness,
give real power to all my words and works,
in my blindness
help me to see all of Your loving care
while You do bless
me again and again in times of strain,
rid me of all my pain, while You send rain.
[Reference: “Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord” by Gerard Manley Hopkins.]