Gert Strydom, 27 december 2013
Silently at night
we see the bright stars appear
and their coming is almost as secretive
as the silent pain
that love asks and brings so suddenly
in mutual company
where it gives and also asks everything
and selfless carry all of life.
Gert Strydom, 24 december 2013
At a time in a stable, in a manger
a child came into this world
with all the knowledge that does exist,
and He could stretch out His hands
and cause things to come into existence
but as a mere human
He came into our world
to give His love
and life away to others.
Somehow we did start to forget about Him,
we started to forget
to like a child in innocence to wait upon Him,
to trust in his omnipotence
and now mere men seek for proof
outside of His true word
and He is taken from an omnipotent God to only a man,
while His godliness is estranged from Him.
Gert Strydom, 20 december 2013
Day after day and week after week
your love I do constantly seek
and whether you act wild
or very gentle and meek
and nothing can my love rearrange
and to some it may be strange
that I love you deeper still
as my feelings do not change.
Gert Strydom, 18 december 2013
She brought me joy and happy days,
she brought me something that no one can remove
while she dwelt in her gentle ways,
she brought a kind of innocence to love.
Gert Strydom, 17 december 2013
Every night
the same stars shine above us
and the night brings darkness
that does separate
and at times it feels as if all beacons are gone
but on every new morning
we do again see the light of the sun
and it turns that which is between us
to days of hope
when together we walk life’s road of love.
Gert Strydom, 16 december 2013
As a believing human being
I want to daily trod
in the shadow of the omnipotent God
and find Him in every beautiful thing.
In a world where the darkness brings doubt
like a mere child I want to hope and trust
that our existence goes much further than just chance and dust
that a superior eternal love continually drives the darkness out,
that all of the planets and stars in the sky
are beacons of the eternal everlasting King,
that a superior being created everything,
even that which is unseen by the naked eye.
Gert Strydom, 13 december 2013
While your feelings for me are true
and God night after nights pours out the rain
the flowers and grass jump
in the hours of darkness
and our lives are intertwined
when we do become like one person
and our garden becomes a small paradise
when new flowers even weeds
rise higher and higher day by day.
Gert Strydom, 12 december 2013
Who would have thought that a time would come
where daylilies flower right through the winter
and that I would find my wife and darling
in my days of old age?
Gert Strydom, 11 december 2013
Maybe I will forever seek to find
a few words that speak right through humanity,
for something that is not written in any poem or dictionary
that blows away like leaves in the wind
when eternity lies in a drop of dew,
when I hold onto the transience of a flower,
the breathtaking of the rising sun
and at times when you do hold my hand.
For all of these things I do not have the right words
and to another they may seen mere purposelessness
but the meaning of existence keeps on beaconing
like the white morning star twinkling in the distance
Maybe I will forever seek to find
a few words that speak right through humanity.
Gert Strydom, 10 december 2013
(after S. Ign. Mocke)
Much further than man’s science can see and reach
systems of stars and planets pay honour to You
and much deeper than our conception can ever understand
is the ways that Your omnipotent thoughts constantly dwell
and on Your command star-systems and planets do appear
and the last elements of others are burned out
where in immortality You see everything beyond the bonds of time,
vigilantly keep Your hands over the undetermined space
and let Your laws, constraints, righteousness and love occur everywhere
and to me a mortal man bring salvation as a child of the King.
The thunder that flashes blue-white
when rain falls from your storage rooms
continually tells about your care and omnipotence,
in the smallest things your love and mercy is present
and when flowers bloom everywhere in spring,
when the sun rises in the hot summer
and stars gleam like torches in your heaven,
when the sun rises and disappears beyond the far horizon
I do realize that between everything there is a relationship,
that Your light penetrates through every kind of darkness
and then I do know that your heart beat pulses in all living things,
that in wisdom You do give life and let it stop,
that the names of those that follow you are etched in the marks of Your hands
and that You listen like a father to each one that asks,
that a will to serve You is hard-wired from the age-old beginning
and that a life without You is stripped from all meaning and sense,
that You also hold Your hands protecting over the cells of everyone that does exist,
that you walk ahead to pave the way for everyone
and when the winds of destiny do blow wild
I do know that our lives still do revolve in Your great plan.
[Reference: “Verwantskap” (relationship) by S. Ign. Mocke.]