3 january 2012
Exam time
South African schools are starting again in a week and I am dedicating this poem to all teenagers who will or are sitting in class being bord
Exams are when learners work and teachers break
Freezing as rules and regulations limit our clothes
Urging the clock to tick tock faster
With bord stares from a hundred students
Everyone has a technique to try and make time fly:
Staring as teachers rush past after one another
Watching the trees sway to the rythm of the wind
Drawing a bottle or writing a simple poem
It's the time of year when teachers want logic
But in our desperate situation creativity leads our minds
Thinking up answers to the work we never studied
And imagining everything ese we could be doing
Yes it's the time of year every high school student fears
It all goes against our very teenage nature
But when it's all over and done with
Hot chocolate and movies are all we need