


Emily, 20 february 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom

You are always trying your best for us,
As we have those chances that we get handed down  to.
Now please let me happily discuss
The good things about my mom, you.

Your smile radiates this whole, bonded family;
Your caring presence creates a safe feeling of comfort.
The memories will carry on clearly and infinitely
As the sweet yet cruel time swims by in little effort.

Smile on this wonderful birthday,
For it is an important and special memory.
There should be no bits of sadness or heartache,
Because it is meant to be treasured in tranquility
This finally adds up to what I have been meaning to

I love you;
Happy Birthday.

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Emily, 17 february 2012

Wasted Patience

Why do I continuously display this weary, overused patience
While others confine me in such a solitary state of useless waiting?
They put forth no effort to pursue mind of this tedious insignificance
As I gradually sink my happiness into the void of no meaning.

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Emily, 17 february 2012

The Once Fluorescent Lake

Shrouded by the weary oblivion of tedious time,
The once fluorescent lake stands stiffly in heavy tiredness.
Though the cerulean, flowing aspects have faded alight,
The lake itself still wallows unrelentlessly in its own memories.

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Emily, 17 february 2012

Time Healing

Gradually shrouding its remnants that emitted its former, poisoning vitality,
The endless pit of glowing remembrance conceals its once before essence;
Other containments of fresh beginnings and interludes seep over blindingly,
For the sands of time have finally healed the painful memories' presence.

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Emily, 28 january 2012

You Blinded Fool

How can you not hear acutely
When one has been extensively vociferating?
How can you not deeply perceive
The signal that has been desperately reverberating?

One have tried innumerable, meaningless tries
To initiate aid from your short sighted replies,
For you are irrevocably devoid of truly conceiving,
As the languishing one is silently pleading.

Do not heedlessly deny
This actual, apparent standing,
For your undiscerning sight
Has worsened a suffering.

Enough with your cursed foolishness;
Rid yourself of this nonsensical blindness,

You illconsidered fool.

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Emily, 26 january 2012

The Fluorescent Lake

It is simply beautiful, precious and is a rich, dark cerulean,
Painted intricately by the sky's deep, black abyss.
The pale effulgence illuminates its alchemistic oblivion,
In which beneath its surface lies many anomalies amiss.

Though it is prominently noticeable with its striking inscrutableness,
And vividly expressive with its mystifying beauty,
One cannot help but fear of contact with its enigmatic surface,
For it would emit unease with its unknown perplexity.

It can be solely be gazed upon from this figmental image,
Formed together by the depths of my contemplative visualization.
It is too unbreakable; too magnificent in its optical knowledge
That I will refrain from ridding this mind of its demonstration.

Despite the cause of this imaginary entity,
Its ability to radiate remarkably in darkness;
Its capability of expressing my own individuality,
Will not completely apply its presence into falseness.

For this body of water is my imagination, somehow alive.

Luminous and striking,
The fluorescent lake.

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Emily, 7 january 2012

Negativity in My Eyes

Just a handful of contemptible people, you are.
Jeers of mockery; despicable remarks; weak, uncontrollable urges.
That is all there is to the beings that are of the majority;
I do not believe in complete, pure kindness nor angelic innocence.
It is very rare, almost impossible; almost endangered.

The future of humanity not only depends on physical welfare and order,
But the emotional and mental capacity in the spiraling depths of individuality,
Which allows the connection in which ideal bonds and preciousness to come forth,
And shed the light and kindness that heals; allows such imperfect, yet sturdy connections.
It is beginning to lack, however, as many turn to greed and tremendously selfish ideals.

As you age into this world,
You will discover the rose symbolising beauty,
And underneath the folds of the seemingly perfect rose,
You will notice such repulsive filth and shriveled, poisonous petals.

That is merely a part of human nature, concealed somewhere on this globe.
That is what partly defines us, the amazing yet destructive living beings.

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Emily, 6 january 2012

Wanting to Give Thanks

He built the shelf in our garage for his time,
He smiled and attempted to lightly converse,
He showed true kindness, despite the actions in a certain part of his past;
He purchased an expensive item that I did not ask for.

To my shock and self loathing, it did not occur to me to give him thanks;
To my tremendous guilt, he did not have a job to earn money.

At the time, I had no mind or knowledge
Of the dark pieces of his shadowed past.

Those fragments of time I had wondered around about his recent welfare;
The last fragment I had sound of his whereabouts,
I discovered in shock that he was in confinement, punished
For the crimes of his past; his foolish mistakes; his regrets.

Nonetheless, he was already a changed man.

If only I had thought sooner...

If only I can see him once
Just to give my unsaid thanks.

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Emily, 6 january 2012

Why Should I Wait?

Why do I
Always wait here
When people never
Wait for me?

Why do I
Even bother to
Be kind;forgiving
to uncaring people?

Patience is said
To be a
Good, valued virtue,
Which hurts me.

Why should I
Wait for others
When they always
Ditch this loser?

It shows exactly
How much they
Think about this
Dumb, stupid girl.

Why should I even bother?
Why should I wait any longer?

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Emily, 5 january 2012

Start of a New Time

Sink the expressionless, pearled petals of solitude
Into the abyss of the fresh, melodious prelude.

The jaded, frozen arias of the days that you've known
Had once shimmered with the striking rays of vitality.
Startled, you were then swiftly and suddenly shown
The horrors and spiteful callousness of reality.

Nevertheless, you can signal the start of a new purpose
As you slowly start to obtain the glowing comfort of mind.
Warm like the nature air;streaked beyond the boundary surface;
Leaving behind the cold, heartless stopper of time.

Sink the expressionless, pearled petals of solitude
Into the abyss of the fresh melodious prelude.

Restore back the sands of time, unfrozen and refreshed.

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