2 february 2012
Positive Musings
Infinite n unpredictable is the chain of thoughts
On a simpleton humans' life shadows it casts.
Coherent and productive the thoughts are seldom
They go for a quantum leap once in a life time.
Longing for laurels, riches or love of the loved ones
From them separations fear, poverty n defamation
Engulfs the life span optimum of a common man
Compelled who is to live life just like an anon.
Incoming thoughts resist all sorts of preventions
They may be swayed and altered by imaginations.
Admit we may then those akin to our aspirations,
Chained they may be by ones firm determination.
Life takes a quantum jump by positive thinking,
Get rid of mournful and all negative musings.
------Ratnakar D Mandlik