
Satish Verma

older other poems newer

7 june 2016

Brooding Silently

Entire age was spent in search 
of self ultimate and he was still 
unable to redeem a sad tree. 
The silent unglorious drop. Florets falling 
one by one like dreams. 
White spread. Orange opus. Good- 
bye crescent. Blue sky shying away. 
A cuckoo on mango grove starts 
a melodious croon. Sweet allegation 
of betrayal, but for what gain? 
Pain bounces back in the eyes of 
a sparrow. Cannot find a window to 
enter. Concrete walls. Closed doors. 
Ad infinitum will move the traffic. 
Where to stop? And when to fly? 
Qualities were crashing down. Faint 
bruises on face. Sticking plaster on 
eyes. So many already gone to galaxy. 
Sitting on a garbage dump. 
He was brooding silently.

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