
Sujay Patekar

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1 april 2012

Sonnet: Life Of A Quadriplegic...

Spending a life as a Quadriplegic,
is something that even Death calls tragic.

His whole World is confined to a wheel-chair,
it smothers despite breathing open air.

He desperately wants to pick his bowl,
feed himself and in garden take a stroll.

He misses the warmth felt in an embrace,
and needs a hand to even tie shoe-lace.

To kill off his boredom he has to be,
in a room with his lifeless friend- T.V.

The pain roused by his numbness is massive,
but he has learned the art of being passive.

When all take things for granted in Life's race,
he chuckles, while a tear rolls down his face..

     -Sujay Patekar.

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