17 february 2012
Ages should be with me
What will you choose if you.........quoth he
My choice is not to keep mountainous age,
‘Tis my desire, “Ages should be with me “.
..............Before the utterance of thought
Of the Palmist, gave my hand in his hand
With crabbed line and said, lo it has wrought.
“Ya,.......... its Silver hand with moon’s
But Fate......ah this line is..Right...self
Lines! Sun, Mercury.Venus..Okay,but..The pot”
Sir, rays of your Eyes are very hot
Lest it should melt and mingle, please leave
Let me go now, have to work a lot.
“He defied, said wot, two life line.......................
This is life line............ this is called sister
Ah, pines tree, you know, your life... late shine “
Sir, Look, this life of mine will hie,
Not worried, laughingly I will depart
Saying everybody, Allah Hafiz and good bye
Worried.. Please, guide me to preserve
Eternity under the sovereignty of Allah
What deed I do so as to deserve?//