24 may 2013
Take Two Dollars
Over a year make it more,
but how much more can you make it;
ten, twenty, fifty, or thirty,
tell me, tell me,
make me rich; filthy?
Can you not spend that two dollars for more
than one year;
seven, eight, nine, twenty, or ten;
how much, how much would it
be worth then?
Can two dollars be more than just two dollars,
Spend a twenty every:
second, minute, hour;
feel it, feel it,
feel that power?
Take two dollars, take two dollars
see how many followers,
fans, tributes, and buildings
you can buy if you
wait and sings.
Take two dollars, my two dollars
write the life I want to live;
today, today, yesterday, tomorrow;
let me no longer
drown in sorrow.
All it took was just two dollars.