22 may 2012
Inventing New Ways To Dance
I cannot help but be reminded of rising dawns
in the rythm of ridiculous dancing in the perpetual state of wonder
of 80´s pop music played on the English radio station.
The air is still abound with the pheromones emanating
from soft South-Asian skin in a surrogate home
that has long since moved on.
Perfect cheek bones smile better than others
who dare question the human condition
and perfect cheek bones shatter granite
with the upmost frailty against passive serfdom.
Zion is fucked, but not us for we do not play stupid games
that end up lost in trees because idiots spend too long
admiring the forest, and your slight Jersey accent
speaks louder than the so-called profound
who place their weight on your shoulders
I wish I could put on mine, though I can
barely breathe.
A crazy old poet reminded me
attachment is not love, so
I´m learning to love you
the way you need me to,
but attachment is sincere
and the farther I am from you
the more important you become.