Princess1014, 27 march 2012
Keep the gold
The Devil promise
But I'll keep my soul
Because it is priceless.
What is a sky that is grey?
What is a sky without blue?
What is heartache and pain?
What is a win if its more that you lose?
Temptation is our sinful inflatuation.
Materialistic things we attach ourselves with.
Because they are the key that connects our memories to us.
Even if we are too drift.
I am not the light.
I am not the dark.
I am not the night.
I am not a question mark.
I am Me.
Not something you can just "find."
I am a warrior.
I am a soldier.
I am a fighter.
I am a lover.
I am a caretaker.
I am a pushover.
I am stubborn.
I am a sweetheart.
I will not give up to my enemy.
The Devil will have to try his hardest to destroy me.
Cause I will not go down without a fight.
Cause living is my right.
Princess1014, 23 march 2012
Take me into your arms.
And never let go.
Take me where you are.
Keep me warm, never cold.
When I cry.
Ask me why.
Then comfort me.
In my time of misery.
And then assure me everything.
Will be alright.
Take me in your arms.
And show me the stars.
Please, even if its dark.
Take me as far to see them.
Take my broken heart.
And mend it.
And in return.
I give you all my love so you'll never have to yearn.
I place my trust in you.
To show i'm committed to this.
This Relationship.
Committed to you.
I won't say I'll be perfect.
Because there no such person.
But I'll show that I care.
And no matter what happens, You always have a place
In my heart.
So use me only in the name of love.
Don't let me hide or run.
I'm stuck between a Runner.
And a Lover.
So you'll patience will be necessary.
But I'll promise it won't go without rewarding.
Take me in your arms.
Please never show me harm.
Physically or Mentally But.
Take me in your warmth.
And show me Loyalty, Honestly, but most Importantly.
Take me in your heart.