8 january 2016
Angel's Theme
Sedated sunglow shines tepid and true,
Illuminating the sky's seamless, chalybeous blue,
Albino candy floss clouds do float,
Shimmering in silvery, sugared coat,
But stood on terran spherical shape,
An angel surveys the landsacpe.
She smiles and summons solar heat waves,
Where she tiptoes lush greenery sprouts and paves,
This angel coolly whistles and whispers,
Awakening in harmonic hum her slyphic sisters,
Across jade garnished hills comes a rolling mist,
That surrounds and covers her in heaven's assist.
Around her feet argent frost sparkles and springs,
Sprouting wispy, wannish, brumous wings,
Hoisting her high into welkin's domain,
Flowers turn upward to her joyful rain,
Cast and spread from flapping winged form,
Pluvial prescription in sprinkler system storm.
The ever-echo of the ascending spirit in the sky,
Sprouting all manner of living things, emeralds to the eye,
Each globule glistens with a wink of soul to befall,
Engendering solemn sentience within us all,
Scattering a gentle but vital spark from above,
Which does susurrate out her heartbeat in love.
(C) Dale Mullock