Tori8242, 17 april 2012
I think it would be possible for me to enjoy ToK. If it was a seperate class and I had time to read the book and we got a grade for it and the discussion were real discussions and nobody else complained and I have the will power to get through a chapter without wanting to violently stab a fork in my (... więcej)
Tori8242, 23 january 2012
So I walked fifteen minutes in the pouring rain so that I could get to school an hour early to do some work that is due today. Guess who lost their papers? Me.
Tori8242, 16 january 2012
Just finished my IB Bio midterm. My brain chose the perfect time to forget how to analyze graphs. Oh well. At least I was capable of drawing out the phospholipid bylayer. :(((((((((
Tori8242, 9 december 2011
I just discovered just how IB my life has become. Somebody broke into my moms car and robbed it. In the process the thief threw my backpack into the snow. I was just mad because my IB Chem book got wet.