
Arif Ameen

Arif Ameen

Arif Ameen, 1 december 2011

Some Poems

Eyes Full of Tears
Beauty of my love
Will shine in your heart
The love that I served
Will ring in your nerves
It’ll flourish with time?
The love that was mine
You’ll demand the same
But you’ll never get it again
You will try to stretch
The moments left
The images in brain
The beauty we gained
Memories will be grown
The faults that ever been
Shall turn into stones
At that time you’ll alone
My absence in your life
Then you will realize
The love that I did
Was pure and nice
You will see there
Your image in clear
In an old broken mirror
Eyes full of tears
I was innocent and unknown
Time has left me alone
My dream has turned to stone
Your absence from my life
Your presence has shown
The love that’s ever been
Its fragrance has gone
Love we were filled with
It’s not or not shown
Life’s about to end with
The sorrows you have thrown
It will be my love story
That will make you known
The places we played and sung
There trees of ache have grown
My love was journey to death
I was innocent and unknown
Good Bye Forever
If there is any one “love maker”?
Take me to him, I’m a love beggar
Wish you have had said once to me
“My life’s your, lets live it together”
I always been shy to express my love
This is how I missed the every weather
And the nights we have had to share
And joys we were supposed to gather
Finally, she left me alone, saying
“Leave me alone now, I need your favor”
She said forth, after saying, “I love you”
“See you never Zahid, “good bye forever”
Innocence is without any care
Parrot does not feel delight
Due to less contrast of light
I see spring with parrot’s eyes
Every year spring’s color dies?
Trees are shedding their leaves
Food’s factories are to achieve
Destination of their total labor
To serve life with a new flavor
Death can not harm me now
If it can, then when and how?
I got immortal touch, after
I bore the spring’s laughter
I see this world in a spider net
When there is no love to get
Virtue is being raped everywhere
Innocence is without any care
My identification
I live in the state of great passions
In the home of grieves and sorrows
Sighs and hiccoughs are my daughters
Tears and pains are my sons
Injuries are the lights of my room
I sleep with the shadows of my love
I use embers for my night bedding
I eat ash, as my food, three times a day
I am a man but living like a beast
“Ghosts” my friends, “Dragons” I play with
Memories, like mosquitoes, sucking me
Break-less flow of my flooded tears is here
I fill buckets with tears of my
innocent eyes
To win first prize in the lovers of my time
Curses are black roses, present in my garden
Serpents are the thorns, guarding my leaves
My nymphs are made of inferno’s fire
Yet my soul is in pleasure with all this
I live in the state of great passions
In the home of grieves and sorrows
Poverty of love forced me to love
I loved and love forced me to hate
Poverty led me to the life of beggars
Beggary led me to the essence of life
My heart has poverty of fair blood
My soul lacks heart without blood
Poverty has demolished my flesh
It banished atoms of my existence
Flying around you, kissing

Only single news of thy safety
Keeps me and my soul alive
Send it me to live for yesterday
Don’t, to stop my breath a day
I don’t wish living without thee
Thine images, captured in heart
No other face now suits to me
My blindness is to see you only
You are found in music’s sounds
You’re in the movements of leaves
Thy face is the face seen in moon
Thine color is given to red rose
Thus every flower in my garden
Depicts images of thy presence
I see birds and butterflies here
Flying around you, kissing thee
It is made of Meat, it is my heart
See! Blood is everywhere in air
Air is drinking blood of lovers
See! This is not a blessing rain
Its angels’ or our blood in real
As much kind you have been
I have no words to explain
I have nothing to curse others
May your God deal with you!
My nature is to burn as a candle
I can suffer twice if you want
Is throbbing pain satisfies you?
Thus I am a fish without water!
When it was broken as a mirror
You stitched it with a hammer
You didn’t bother to think a little
It is made of meat, it is my heart
Zahid’s COMMENTARY on today’s POLITICS
Actors act according to acted
actions of ancient ancestors
Bad behaviors of blind boring bodies
of backward societies
Cruel consoling of cunning creation, cheating my culture
Dictating dictionaries to my dearest, delightful, deaf,
Estimating extreme estimations of
external expressions
Feeding falsehood to freeze flooded
blood of fair public
Grouping, gathering, greetings on greedy grounds of
Hibernating huge, higher hating: Hitler’s conspiracies
Ignoring income’s influences on
inner surfaces of feelings
Junior judges, jumping to judge
joints of junior joys
Keeping no control on capturing men killing’s creeds
Laughing after looting little lower level of my locality
Moving more moderately, marshaling
modests’ modesty
Neglecting new nations as not
nations of neutralization
Opposing opposite opinions, operating optional operations
Putting people into poor positions of properties possessions
Qualifying quarterly qualities to
qualify cruel presidencies
Ruin royal ruling rules, refusing
realities of real realism
Stopping social schooling, spreading spoiled social
Torturing truly truth through truly un-tolerating
Unique: un-united union of
universally known nations
Verifying invalid, void values of
verifying velocities
Waiting, working, watering women to walk on them
Zahid’s zoology of zoo, O zoo’s zoology take Zahid with you

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