
Gregory Allen Uhan

Gregory Allen Uhan

Gregory Allen Uhan, 15 stycznia 2012

Universal Biit

stars alined
gods of creativity
science art
umbilicaly intertwined
key to the cosmos

opening doors of the mind

conscious crossroads
man at
the planetary threshold
products of two dimensional

the universe a symphony of
vibrating strings
mind of god
chords creating ceaseless
waves of possibility

implacable face of the clock,
Distinctions manifest from
perception's limit,
every event exists embraced within the
Everything passes through in limitless waves,

placement's probability measured and pinpointed
upon the
exact instance of experience.

A single failure leads to a
string of possibilities.
The crack of an egg echoes
initial coarse of action.

Every atom speaks of the past.
The past:
Visible tracks leading back
to a single point of unified
so neat, so compact.
A soft comforting hand
years our of our grasp.
Memories stored in the mind
so alive,
so seemingly self intact.

Glimpses of the future
for a moment,
carried by the unfolding
eternal vibrations,
Future of impending chaos,
time's passage
further disorder,
Entropy increasing every
rapid separation moving forward.

Straight shot
arrows of
Rigidly structured logic aimed in
conflict with the
natural flow.

bouquets blossoming in Nirvana's garden
gravity seeping through
the multiversal pipeline
dark energy leading the way of the
dark matter rewriting the textbooks
space no longer
the empty stage
but the action of the show itself
A complex
back drop
Beings Nature Survival
Sex Society
sorted categories of human qualities
spiritual and
physical constitute
paradoxical man

Logical structure
creating connections with
a voluble array of attractive visual
Enigmatic expressions
incomprehensible speculation

in search of an all inclusive Explanation
surrounding the
unknown law of a higher harmony

Earth a school Life a journey

Understanding – the essential human element
Mystery – the
underlining poetic inspiring formula

remains an open portal
worm hole uniting
parallel dimensions
of thought
one enlightened body in the

multiversal Eden
of space and mind

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Gregory Allen Uhan

Gregory Allen Uhan, 3 stycznia 2012

Our Warmth Seeking Souls

The sun((())) she kisses my lover's cheek,
forehead, nose, and lips...
-- Caresses
my eyelids.

One final embrace before she departs,
leaving us...
in order to
continue her maternal journey...
-- breaking the night's raucous hold over the

Though it pains our warmth seeking souls
(we know we have no
say in the matter:
...we must let her go.
...And though she is certain
she will once again cast her warm
glowing embrace upon us
in the light of
dawn's new morning dew...

...inside ourselves we must harbor the notion
-- the drowning possibility...
we may never again cast our glances upon her
ever nurturing face

...Distant fireflies :::
dissolving... illuminating
imitating life....
...mocking our mortal conception
of love
flash... flash...flashing in the pervading darkness.
...Blue ... Blue...
...Blue dashers remain frenetic in their hovering,
no time for sleep's surrender.

-- We loll, idle in the sand...
as they make the most of their short-lived

The pliant, wizened willow
swaying in the wind...
-- natural in
her acclimation to the breeze,
adapting without qualms to the plummeting
temperature and intensifying gale.

Our warmth seeking souls
kindred with the wind)
lamenting the absence of the sun...
Without her
unwavering optimism
the gusts grow colder by the hour.

We listen...
In concert with the tempest )
...we howl into unresponsive

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Gregory Allen Uhan

Gregory Allen Uhan, 3 stycznia 2012

Warm Winter Cozied

Tucked away in the womb of our mother's sylvan oasis...

--We nestle 'neath sugar
coated canopies
:::Snowy pixilations of the juniper's sway::::
perfect motion
with the celestial bodies of ursa major ::::::::::::::::::
(shimmering images of our love
around the outer edge of the galaxy....

...an undying universal art
form **)

bare pale moon...
naked ghost dance...
flesh gliding atop the

...palpatations .... heavy breathing ;) lovers heaving
quirky quivers ;) pleasurable moans ...
passionate shivers...
-- all collimating in a
sensual choral fondue ...
Writhing in ecstasy as we lose ourselves

in sexual catharsis :::
:::warm bodily embraces... saturate hugs
spirit body mind and loins
amid the dry skin depression of winter..!

Mounting friction ignites a fuse...
body tempatures flare...
sanative caresses...
titivating each other's senses...
Tendril finger tips
passionate billet douxs...

My little
angel faced Nature lover ...
my fiery exhibitionist...
-- Lips lit up with a
devilish grin
-- body of a goddess ...
eyes effervescent with sin ...
with tender eagerness...
your healthy pale glittered::: body emerges
hair tousled
and wet....
Joined in carnal merry making...
Firm hands make their way over
fleshy hillocks
tracing the edges of supple areolae
moving across
glistening flesh
following a trail of goosebumps
down your delicate rib
I yield obediently to plant a kiss
upon your moistened navel

lapping up every driblet
savoring every last dropp of amatory nectar

running down the perfect curvature of your back
smooth ample buttocks

fingers slip their way into the warming dampness
of your fertile vale

denude, confident
revealing naked vulnerabilities
stroking handling
with utmost devotion
your parted lips promising pleasure
to my throbbing
a tickling whirl of your tongue...
broad moist ...
...rousing urges
coarse through my veins
as you draw me in...taking every inch
legs spread... back arched ...
seducing and contorting
you yield to my untamed
muscles tense... withstanding pressure
with vigorous stamina

electricity fusing
tremolos of love echo
throughout our halcyon dome

two souls transcending
unfastened from the onus of the world
...circulating shards of cirrus unite ...
:::forming one lively cloud burst
::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::

together we reach our zenith !

...drifting in the sheets of winter..
-- we
momentarily manage to escape ourselves ---
--staring into gratified eyes ....
bask in the glow of our own nakedness...

...we think back and reminsce
--the love we made two seconds ago...!

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Gregory Allen Uhan

Gregory Allen Uhan, 3 stycznia 2012

' Hey That's Politics'

Long lines of
dirty laundry and personal agenda
Mardigras masquerade

corporate mouthpiece cavalcade

Rostrum posturing – self promotion

Party paranoia propaganda – knee jerk reactive
public explosions!

Piggy banks stuffed with
broken promise vouchers...
of voters –
hope and change betrayed
in exchange for back door

return delivery
capital campaign

One message – one slogan –
one priority …
the politician neglects the people
while faithfully
serving – 'Me'

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Gregory Allen Uhan

Gregory Allen Uhan, 28 grudnia 2011

Dreams of Jhana

Thoughts travel
riding the ripples.
Pluvial pattering

driblets fuse into
vast cyan-blue body.
Solemn reverie,

reflections by the water.
Coincidental myths?
Matter's solid
Propaganda spread
over Linear Time?
natural hidden
lost in a darkened sub-region
of a mountain top Mind?

Pining amongst
heathers and lindens.
Nasal donations.
baskets of gold
and lavender.
Sky bohemians'
No leases
no mortgages
no rent to be paid
no landlords
no concept of

Inhaling every
delicious breath
the airborne essence of
sugar beets

peaches and plums.
Thanks and praise
to the soil and its
generous sentient
pillars of plenty!
Thanks and praise to
the Great Lakes'
fecund mitten and
most bountiful
open hand of

Bluebells sway
nodding in time

striking a perfect note
a content and
soundless chime.
Echoes of
inner peace.

Escaping from
suburban doldrums
city clamor
to this
Remote, grassy
metropolis retreat.

Comfortably observing
diverse citizenry
flying, crawling,
hive minded, terminal
Ah to be sweet human meat
of rare individual me
has never been so satisfying!

So long Televised
Textbook comfort!
Supplemental supermarket
You shall
not be missed!

Finding my early morn tranquility.
Free from the stop
and go stop and go
clangor of consumptive swallowing.
No mad hollow
earth eruptions and eructations
bellowing from the metallurgic bowels of
lethargic curbside-pickup brontosaurs.
Not hearing the insatiable devouring roar
as idle Tringali sanitation trucks gorge
on last week's bacterial

Man made curses lift!
Colors brighten!
The air more
Away from the concrete cookie cut culture!

No industrial
No chainsaws grinding
their steel puppet teeth
into the
hardbit grizzled bark
of any sad shrill moaning oak.
Remembering how sad

the plaintive trill of the
newly nest-less mourning dove.
vagrant dark eyes bathe in backyard
dry dust
Broken wing
display upon
apathetic concrete conglomerate.
No traveling teams of
BlueJean'd lawn docs.
No mercenary surgeons maneuvering
bulky bladed machinery
Faraway from the leaf-blower's breathless bray
No militant mowers
No bulimic bushwhackers
No unprovoked victimization.
from the vicious slaughtering
of ancient arbor ascetics.
Out here the
green is healthy widespread
and life rich

No carbine weathered
No car-wreck back alley catacombs.
Absent are the monoxide
and roaming minimum wage aromas of
burnt grease and fried oil.

Far from all those
Drunken gasoline fueled grumblings
traveling out
through the bourgeoisie's bowels
the whishing traffic of
wishful clock
work cruisers
wheeling down Woodward Ave.
Far from the miles and miles
of smog
congested hiway histamine.
Extending my lungs filling them to
the fullest!
Free from the blackdeath shadows and fumes
hovering over
the old highway city skyline.
miles away from the miles and miles of manic
No stagnant minivans
No luxury sedans
coups rigs or suvs

No towering steel/glass tombstones
looming overhead
No barren swaths of tar
burying the terra firma whatsoever.
Absent are the jagged ground
of tired tires trundling down
eroded frostheaved METDET
No sirens pursuing speed's allure
and death's dangerous hood
overturned in the distance.

How sad the old broken
same slow routine
menial trudge
sad stopping yellow eyes
the communal Smart Bus
coming round the corner to
collect cold
coffee cup change.
How tragically human
the desolate rough cough
halo of dust bowl deja vu mystique
surrounding anonymous bus
stop angels
Transcendent eyes storing the
brine of empyrean tears
body of Eden's tragedy
Descended from a fallen
man manipulated
far off misconception of a
judgment gated heaven
Hopping the
indifferent bus with hope.
He's made it! He's gonna reach the shelter
on time tonight.
Fistful of tokens in his pocket.
In his being
a open hoard
of gold reserve.

My open eyes
revolving doors
of perpetual
perceptual poetry
unscripted tragedy
drama and comedy
pastoral and urban
stories play out before me!

Free! Free!
trilling widespread
burgeoning in
tiny hearts!
sky's vast, timeless
endures and resonates
in austere vocal art!
unpretentious music
free of
production values
Void of
elaborate adornments
feather breasted falsettos
treetop folksingers
dulcet winged
vehicles of Dzogchen.

Sounds of summer gatherings
playful pinewood
competitive chattering
fine furred foragers
engage in
fauna acorn games
no organization
no rules, affiliation or score

everybody wins
everybody loses
good nature sportsmanship
all season 'round.

Woe to thee
oh waning natural
of life, inspiration,
and enlightened entertainment.

Tester and
safe haven
for Mind Body Soul.
Pure product of
mathematical and
scientific genius!
Technology is naught but
a neurotic mistress,
a self destructive
narcotic love,
a haggard shrew
when compared
to you

Like a pleasant sponge
I absorb a cup of
heavenly cirrus

keeping warm under
a naked blanket of
soothing benevolent
radiant bliss.

Cold, lonesome thirst quenched!
now an empty head

spectator lost in admiration:
most vaulted and exultant
of love and pain!
Every breath avant garde!
Art in its highest form!

Every color in the picture
of life challenging the earthly
of universal norm!

Canopy of evergreens
supine body
shore-side seclusion
simply sublime!

Beams of citrus light
refreshing lemon icterine
peeking through
twisted weave-work of
green grandfather leaves
Oh wistful grass!
beloved resting spot
for my weary head -
- Just another spiritual
broken soul intellectual

lost in a time-bound
search for meaning
in this maddening
Believing in nothing -
except for my
Firm in my belief:

once fully awakened, we
can cure the cyclical
of suffering.

I come here to regain balance.
Days are tightropes we all
must walk.
I make my way across
hands open to receive every present

life presents
arms outstretched without burden
ready for death's
free-fall embrace.

I suffer many hardships
like all
succumb to
many temptations
like most
I wander from the path
from time to time

always feeling the force
of the internal/external
omnipresent source

keeping me from straying too far.

Like any mortal miser
I once
hoarded the ruby flames
of unbridled earthly desire.
not wishing to
spend eternity
a puppet spinning on samsara's wire
I have since been
without being reborn and
have come to relinquish my grasp.

I have seen the full crystal
beauty of emptiness.
I meditate,
share, and pray
to see human hatred fade
like morning mist by
bright midday.
To see all the faces of the world
lit up with diamond
i study, practice and speak
the gospel of equality and non
hoping to see all the world shine
with golden radiance.

O what lies beyond those
thorns and impenetrable chaparrals?

Further drifts my Mind...

Flush with dreams of Jhana.

Landscape suddenly thrust
a swirling pointillist flux
quickly coalescing
pure impressionism!
All praise to the omnipresent

anonymous artist!

lurid subconscious fears flare
like red dwarfs
in my minds eye
burning only momentarily
before collapsing in on
exploding in a brilliant supernova!
Immense white light
breaking the sound barrier
shattering my body, penetrating my mind

thrusting all thoughts into oblivion

Kye Ho! Kye Ho!

Away we go!
Alert mantra
wide eyed
meditation furlough!

Carried away by coral wings of imagination!

I harken to the
buddhabody bells
Dakinis' blissful beats of Damaru
a mortally wounded

peace keeping soldier
shielded by indestructible
chains of inner
lifted from the dollar stained
material midden battlefield

I am only a collection of eager dust particles
pure shimmering
conscious energy
free to explore the universe of
material element and
non material essence
existing in the void of nonexistence

traveling my eyes behold myriad
tender burdened faces
faces lost
in fog
faces lit up in full light
eager youthful faces
self-conscious faces
greedy consumptive and conflicting faces
sullen faces
gaunt starving faces
selfless helpful faces
paternal faces
joyously overwhelmed faces
hidden political faces

faces manufactured in facade factories
natural loving faces
innocent faces
peaceful enlightened faces
suffering faces – there are
smiling faces looking down from above
every face beautiful

every face a potential Buddha

I see the golden faces
deities angels
ancient ageless faces
masters prophets and philosophes

the primordial face
the messianic face
faces of bodhisattvas

mystics and miracle workers

I see the reflection of life's

impermanent face and
fail to recognize my own
in its mirror of

A tourist now at home
floating through seas
of mad
solid material ghost towns
I walk in small circles
with the
trapped in a neon skyscraper
electric market square
reconnect with familiar strangers
discerning cherished long
friendships behind the
masks of newly assumed identities
I sit in on
heated sessions of
I silently join conversations
that have yet to begin
reminiscing the future
predicting the past

cyclical clock free
time defining discussions

a sudden,
overwhelming sensory barrage
the electromagnetic spectrum visible in its
stimulating jets of sub atomic particles
multiply endlessly

and extend
: : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : space: : : : : : : : : :

…through the
: : : Nebulae: : :
electric neon ~~~~~~~~ribbons
Glowing Orange~~~~~~~ pink~~~~~~ Yellow~~~~~~~
Lustrous Clouds
of Emerald gas
stitched with gleaming Gold
*******star *******
adorn the royal diadem of the
seven heavenly sisters as

they bathe in ethereal lapis-lazuli pools
spiraling magnetic webs,
filaments of color charged particles
a spectacular whirlpool of eruptions
and explosions!
...passing through...Magellanic clouds
: : : celestial:
: : ! ! ! Fireworks! ! !
volcanic reds, electric petals of pinks

unworldly blues, chimerical greens
prismatic streams of plasma

torrents of throbbing crystals
flowing in all directions
with endless intensity
into an infinite psychedelic ocean

My Vision

overcome by the...: : : Quasars: : : ....
Pulsating...White Hot heat

Carried away.........by the solar Winds))))))))) of
: : : An Alien Star:
: : waxing
Fuchsia))))))))) Magenta))))))))) Violet
I am plasma... I am
lucid …
I am home...I am lost...
yet unafraid … flowing …
… flowing
… flowing...
Overcome with Love... flowing
overcome with mystery …
Love for the mystery
The mystery surrounds me
It dwells deep
within me
It frightens thrills
seduces and alludes me
I want it in
my life
it is my life

O! to dance spryly amongst the purple shadows

in the lime light of the quasars
but first...
I know I must live
up to my end.
Shed my habitual skin
defeat my self destructive demons

then once cleansed
I must Open myself
Project my Heart unto all

For only then, empty and open,
will I be able
To see the world with
All Nine Eyes
to dance
in the: : : lime light: : : of the: : : Quasars:
: : ::::: : : :
to finally be FREE!
Free to sail beyond the quasars
Free to
explore the streets of the
Golden City
the city of legend.
the city of
a new awakening!

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Gregory Allen Uhan

Gregory Allen Uhan, 27 grudnia 2011

Orgasmic Compensation Offered in my Cosmic Defeat

Star child, daughter of Cassiopeia
Immense being of the night
hovering above me
heaven's intimate eclipse
Oblivion's gravitational navigator

dark matter shepherdess of the abyss
Manipulating the spheres steady ellipse!

Allow me the chance to chart your constellations
hands like fiery mineral
streaking across your Milkyway torso

Celestial Body!
Combustible Star factory!
Stellar supernova shotgun eyes!
Naked black hole! Destroyer of worlds!
Entering the void between your thighs
earthly body meets its demise

Oh Organic connection!

compensation offered in my
cosmic defeat.

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Gregory Allen Uhan

Gregory Allen Uhan, 27 grudnia 2011

Old Hollywood Graves

The Yankee Ideal
Pin stripes and dollar signs
dynastic all american
gas guzzling dallas cowboys
fourth quarter desperation
Manic cannon
hail mary drive
incomplete pass dropped at the goal line
Oh this american ego
sith emperor of my minds dark side
trapped between the old Hollywood
sign and Helicon Spring
Chasing Cassiopeia's throne
Apollyon flying on Icarus's wings
My head is reeled with hollywood dreams
hooked as a kid, I became a Walt Disney fiend!
Vanity mirror shape shifting being
grooming silver screen self esteem
Cary's suave charm
Marxist Anarchy!
Woody's quick intellect wit
reflections of
Depp Brando and Dean
trying to stand apart
another extra blending in
with the scene
Type cast into playing the role of
your typical
impressionable teen
Self cast tragediennes
carrying on their inner
self important scene stealing soliloquies
captured by the ego
rolling film reel
Beautiful portraits below the surface
faces swathed with unseen bandages
indulging in temptational sensationalism
Superiority seduction judgment anger and self pity
too afraid of the audience to open the curtains
and be completely vulnerable
Trying their damnedest to alter
minor mirror reflections at the altar of self stardom
meticulously grooming away their insecurities
strange humbling displays of vanity
Reciting scripted bed sheet rhetoric
performance perfected
pillow talk dialogue
Acting out for love and attention
kneeling and
incessantly feeding the festering feeling
the crave the call
the cry the crawl
internal spotlight infestation!

copied human frescoes
highly stylized
predatory hook up
artist design
Dressings shirts leggings pants and skirts
leather and fur
hair bed-teased tousled gel-spiked
Last year's disposable coastal
fashions amass in trendy
Midwest junk heaps
California Trendy tailored
woven by the genital commanding chief
worn in ceremonial
display by the naked general
standard clothing for every earthly star-fucker

Blood pumping billboard organs
Product rivalry loose garments
forever spun with lack of a true loom
poster decorated tee-shirts
heart beating slogans
tools of self promoting irony
life long
of mastermind market tyranny

Mouths too busy for open
indulging face first in fist fulls
of delicious gross
fly-by-night decoy hobbies
so Easy to board when bored

Keeping everyone hovering in an
atmosphere of artificial bliss

Golden Shovels!
Gaudy holes!
Shallow Spangled Graves!
Now Dig!
Dig! Dig!

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Gregory Allen Uhan

Gregory Allen Uhan, 27 grudnia 2011

Corporate Lament

Taking refuge behind talking silicon and celluloid curtains
Maya Black Hand Magic
preaching fearsome flying monkey propaganda
A billion of little squirming insect legs
supporting an unbalanced body headed by a vermin shout

Subhuman and grotesque a metamorphosis
garishly Kafkaesque
Chord pulled mid show
vociferous thunder of fable and speech reduced
to mere parrot squawk and caged ferret squeak
Revealed as an old wort nosed miser
the self bold wizard grown withered and weak

Fritz Lang's silent
Frankensteined into a living Franchise
Metropolis Machine
nightmare reality
Mortal spawn of man's eternal enemy
Delivered unto
earth through the
collective uterus gateway

who sent you?
Which planet are you from?
What is your design for us us!

You milk dry
the grass and stones of the earth
scrapping draining drilling the
bottoms of the sea
Baking bread out of blood to feed death's blind brood
grinding lonesome bone
'til there's nothing left
save the unsaved
spineless heap of
shriveled petroleum flesh

You've altered the
chemistry of the world!
Have attempted to mutate the genes of the entire species!
Converting spiritual manna into mechanical food
your new Augmented brood shall be the
apathetic androids of the future!

Rhetorical butcher
dissecting aphonia riddled tongues
wrapped in
warped newsprint paper
hung adrip silently bleeding
from your tinted and
tilted network
windows of obscuratism

You breathe bubonic smoke
your atrous peacock eyes are Argus's all seeing gallows.
your smile a
narcotic noose
Burnoose executioner
pulling the Populous trapdoor
setting the intellectual burning stake
Watching as we writhe
and perform the last-gasp waltz
of spasms and twitches on your stage
of morbid amusement

Beezlebub's host Sinister sommelier
Belial's Back room deliverer of
Satanic party favors
Broker of bandwagon propositions

Urging all to join the campaign
Join the campaign! Join the campaign!
No oath no pledge
only anemic ink spilt
on contracts of pyrite
Muses exploited for commercial use-
Political speeches Slogans of advertising
'where's the harm in making
a living off of the dead? '

'Life is short and often dull
inflation necessitates the
abandonment of artistic principle
'Integrity is but a myth of the poor'
'Ideals the imaginary playmates of children'
'The struggle to help man
is futile ritual
Hopeless Hari Kari '

'Why labor in the dirt
When you can enjoy
the smooth aristocratic embrace
of air conditioned leather recliners
Looking down upon the filth laden streets
from antiseptic lemon scented oak
of private fifth avenue corner
offices? '

Corporate America
you've made a thieve out of me!
promoting Al Capone Coca Cola and the Cowboys,
you are responsible for
birthing John Dillinger!

You killed MKG and MLK!
Christ you've
killed god! and
eradicated his angels through out the ages
You Killed Jack Kerouac!
Tupac Shakur! Socrates! Bob Marley!
Hart Crane! the Marx
Bros! Bruce Lee!
Jimi Hendrix! Percy Shelley! John Lennon!
You killed the Beatles!

And though today he is still alive and well
when the
sad fateful day arrives
it shall be you whom I hold responsible
for my father's death
You are responsible for the death of all our

You demonized Mohammedan angels in pursuit of Allah!
You cast the world into your storybook of extremes!
Stormbound the senses with threats of
impending terror from all angles
of earth and sea
You've marketed ours
as the final age of biblical culmination
profiting from doomsday prophecy!

You've killed all the world's heroes!
Cleansed the race of its hope.

You thought you had killed poetry
Now we are writing
to let you know
it isn't so!

masked by progress and prosperity
your bloated moribund face
mirrors man's futility
Your assembly line agenda
attempts to
monopolize morality
condemning society to abide by
your creed of
commercial identity

You seem to believe you own the world
and all its inhabitants
keeping us tethered in mobile bondage
a modern anonymous
mass of wireless communicators
working in order to pay your bills

But the world belongs to us we belong to the world
you are simply a
passing figment of our collective imaginings

It's clear to me you are
nobody's dream
but a mushrooming man made
mausoleun nightmare
trapped in the warped twisted chambers
of cob webbed Caligula logic

Know one knows how we arrived to this point
Few seem to believe we
can turn back our coarse
Everyone seems to think you are as inevitable as death
yet not even death could be so cruel and inhumane

Life with you is just one swift circular succession of
passionate fucks and
innocent lays

By now I've worked over a dozen jobs
in my short life
and have
quit them all
I've seen too many good people
devoured alive
in your
kitchens delis and dining rooms
your cynical cannibalistic appetite
for the human heart is insatiable

Temporal fire of wounded
mortal vanity
and abandoned love
you charred the well intentioned dirt
with your fiery agenda
Leaving your name scorched
in the ash and
cinder of my poetry

Their will be no more self aggrandizing fables
celebrating your Cerberean glory
Future generations will see you
as the menacing hound of hell
we the people we the poets will
make sure of it

I'll sabotage my own career
scare away any
prospective publishers
if that's what it takes
so be it
literary success is overrated anyway

I'm not one for conspiracy theories

if there is indeed a secret world wide shadow
controlling the lives and
manipulating the thoughts of the masses
I want to force them out of their draconian lairs
I demand they step into the
public light
in order to silence me

I wish to die by strangulation
from the hooks of their red right hand
My pen is truly suicidal!

Martyr for the cause of truth and beauty!

When will people wake up
and just stop caring?
when will we decide to just walk away from
nonsensical mode of false living?
Can't they see?
Its just us
invest all believe into creating
the constructs of our reality

Nunzio! Nunzio! Nunzio!
What foreign language did thou speak?
When you
spoke of the way
Did they not listen?
Not comprehend
hear nor read?

Did the board room brokers buy all stock
in truth and beauty?

Were all these virtues outsourced east?
How many centuries must man carry this blind burden of sad disillusioned eyes?

identity sterilization
corporate castration
eunuch uniformity

Where are the balls!

This is not us! Is not our will!

Not how we want nor were meant to live!

Sympathetic smiles knowing
head nods
understanding were all in it together
suffering silently side by side

We all should be shouting!
This is not me! This is not my life! These are not my concerns!
But everyman's concern is everyman's concern
I am everyman and frankly I am over burdened

But I know I am
not one man fighting
the battle for seven billion
together we are the
infinite strong
and we are leading the battle against ourselves

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Gregory Allen Uhan

Gregory Allen Uhan, 23 grudnia 2011

Small Bits of Illusion

Puppet reality prop-hand slips
illusive stage's illusionary curtain ripples

hypnagogic audience trance-like
Who noticed?
Did anyone else catch

Maya's fourth wall breach?

may I please borrow-

without grasping,
five of your imaginary dollars
to go to the
illusionary store?
Can I make my purchases
and still hope to
my emptiness?

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Gregory Allen Uhan

Gregory Allen Uhan, 23 grudnia 2011

Golden Graves of Ghana

Gold cannot quench thirst,
the driving effects only make dry mouths worse.
The ingestion of Gold cannot sustain the body,
the insoluble mineral only perpetuates hunger's curse.

Drowned in the pits poverty
eyes glossed over by the allure
A pitiful kings ransom – six dollars a day
golden promises paving the way for
human exploitation in the name of
mineral extraction

To starve in the stranglehold hands of poverty?
To suffocate under the material weight of the world?
To suffer above or be
swallowed below?

As avarice floods the desperate mind
torrents of mud
flood the gimcrack mines.

Foreign speculators act as black market
sorcerers waving imperial wands.
Chinese move in with machine precision

raising the stakes, razing the topsoil.
Invading anglos leave locals no
weapons sought to level the playing field
against the white man's wealth.

Local police bribed to play the blind-eye.
retroactive legalization,
blurring the boarders between

legitimate enterprise and illegal excavation.

Children sifted from
the school systems
books buried in the murk,
education pawned from the
immediate payoff

Isolated communities exposed and exploited.
Towns and farms flooded with toxic filth bi-products,
mercury, cyanide, and lead
seep into the limited water supply,
ingested by the fish, consumed by
the people:
Human greed poisoning our innocence,
altering our very DNA.

Lives lost in the pursuit of poverty's
escape route, Broken bodies,

severed villages,
a single flake of beauty,
a single plate of

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