lusekelo simwela, 28 december 2011
I made a marvelous feat
I jumped from the fire into the flying pan
I hid on piece of meat. . .
It was slightly cooler but never satisfying. . .
Temporary. . .
The meat kept being scooped up
So I had to jump to e next one
I got used. . .
So I kept jumping even when they were not being scooped (... więcej)
lusekelo simwela, 24 december 2011
I fill Caught in web so tight,
tighter than anythng i have ever felt,
They tell me not to strugle,
they say it willl make it worse.
I only smile when they say this,
because i have no intentions of escaping
She got me tangled up,
She is the black widow spider with a
(... więcej)