
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 december 2013

Refusing To Believe

Some men just refuse to believe, in a God they cannot conceive,
In their heart or in their mind, so they put all Truth of God behind,
Following yet, man’s empty ideas, as Satan continually deceives,
Through empty theories of men, empty beliefs God will condemn.
Satan craftily uses evolution, in leading man’s spiritual revolution,
Revolting against God, over all, Who, reigns over this earthly ball,
The Lord God man simply jeers, creating time of billions of years,
This, through man’s empty theory, ignoring proven biblical history.
With man rebelling against The Lord, all biblical truths are ignored,
Becoming his own god on earth, in Jesus Christ he sees no worth,
Removing God from all he believes, as Satan, endlessly deceives,
Success, for the god of this world, as his deceptions are unfurled.
The devil hardens the heart of man, to guide him into a darker plan,
A plan Satan started in Paradise, so man today must pay the price,
For rejecting God’s Eternal Truth, facing alone His Eternal Reproof,
Which follows man’s last breath, with that price being eternal death.
All this as man refuses to believe, God, from Who they can receive,
The Lord’s gift of Everlasting Life, through God’s Son Jesus Christ,
Who bore man’s death on Calvary, so that all men can live eternally,
But continued unbelief my friend, and eternal death will be your end.
(Copyright ©09/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 december 2013

It Is What It Is

Life is simply what it is, but I’m blessed to know Jesus,
Who is my guide in this life, even in the pain and strife,
He’s indeed a light to me, in dark times to help me see,
Christ is forever by my side, as God helps me to abide.
To abide in Christ is a must, when in God I put my trust,
With trust, comes His Grace, guiding me place to place,
While I live my life in faith, He supplies abundant Grace,
Grace sufficient for my need, as the Living Word I heed.
His Word lights the path I trod, led by The Truth of God,
Truths not always easy to bear, but, I am under His care,
Shielded from unknown harms, safe in everlasting arms,
Wherever my path may lead, Christ supplies every need.
Secure in God’s arms of love, as I’m led from up above,
With God above is security, knowing my path to eternity,
Even through trials below, grace and mercy He will show,
To all souls who live this life, for the Savior, Jesus Christ.
And so this life, I live for Him, in this world cursed by sin,
Through hard times of pain, as I have eternity yet to gain,
For this life is nothing friend, compare to life with no end,
Not here but in eternal life, living forever with Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©09/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 december 2013

Laid up Once More

There is another bend in the road, again with another heavy load,
A heavy load of concern and care, another load in which to bear,
Yes, for another time in this life, I will have to go under the knife,
For The Lord has willed for me, yet, one more necessary surgery.
It’s not only me filled with cares, but, concerns my family shares,
It is especially in times like this, when we trust in The Lord Jesus,
As concerns around us are rife, He comforts my concerned wife.
Who is bearing yet another load, as we travel down another road.
I am not eager for the time ahead, laid up in another hospital bed,
And far away from my normal routine, while in that hospital scene,
Again, limited in all that I can do, while The Lord sees me through,
Back again, with my family instead, while far from a hospital bed.
But The Lord knew well before, I’ll have to enter the hospital door,
And why I needed surgery again, as He guides the hands of men,
While they wield that surgical knife, guided by The Creator of life,
So as they work with their hands, the Lord by me faithfully stands.
All this as God works in my days, for my good and God’s Praise,
As The Lord’s comfort and peace, trumps this now awful disease,
While each day I’m again assured, this battle belongs to my Lord,
As God brings me closer for sure, to His timely and ultimate cure.
(Copyright ©09/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 december 2013

Still God Over All

There is a God, indeed my friend, as all shall see come the end,
The God of love, who sent His Son, into this world for everyone,
Everyone’s Sovereign Creator, was sent to be the world’s Savior,
Though a God of love, He is just, God in whom we need to trust.
Although a God we cannot see, He is sovereign over all Eternity, 
Creator of the heavenly sphere, and all of that we see down here,
The Creator of all we see on earth, God behind every human birth,
Creator of all the animal world, and all around us He has unfurled.
In His image, God created man, a greater part of His eternal plan,
Created for fellowship with Him, then, Satan seduced man to sin,
This had separated man from God, so He cursed this earthly sod,
Although Satan caused man to fall, God, is still The Lord over all!
As Creator, God made the move, and man’s fall God did reprove,
With separation, from sinful man, but, redemption was in His plan,
As God would provide restoration, of the world through Salvation,
And fellowship could be restored, through Jesus Christ, The Lord.
Today man is accountable to Him, as we are creatures born in sin,
And all must come to Christ Jesus, Who, took on sin for all of us,
Justifying man at the cross of Calvary, so man could live eternally,
Reconciled to a Holy God above, through His Just and Holy Love.
(Copyright ©09/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 21 december 2013

Revealed In His Son

About that baby, Christ The Lord, people on earth cannot afford,
To forget about the one who came, in the Power of God’s Name;
He came as both man and God, from Heaven to this earthly sod,
Coming for God’s nation Israel, and all the nations per God’s will.
The one who came for all of us, was to be given the name Jesus,
For by the power given Him, He’d save His people, from their sin,
The angel would go on to tell, he’d be given the name Emmanuel,
Describing the presence of Jesus; a name meaning “God with us”.
He came to set His people free, but they had eyes that didn’t see,
He was that One spoken of, by the prophets, from Heaven above,
And so Christ turned from Israel, to other nations with His Gospel,
From Jerusalem, into every nation, God would send His Salvation.
Christ turned His light to the world, with the Age of Grace unfurled,
As the Church began at Pentecost; its mission to reach all the lost,
With all the Authority given to Him, to save a world dying from sin,
In the last days, by God, revealed, for man to be spiritually healed.
Born a baby to die as God’s Lamb, but rose again, being the I Am,
He’s coming back in power again; who will be accountable, all men!
Today, being the day of salvation, all must embrace His Revelation,
For a man to enter into eternal life, they must embrace Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©12/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 21 december 2013

Peace For The Future

With our dark journey behind, we need from God, peace of mind,
Regarding just what our future holds, as this present life unfolds,
God needs to help all my family, to see He’s still God of Eternity,
Ways He used to help us through, God above will continue to do.
Together we must trust God above, in all things that we speak of,
To trust the Lord with all our heart, Truth, which we mustn’t depart,
Acknowledging Him in all our ways, relying upon Him all our days,
And The Lord will direct our path, through our journey’s aftermath.
Our journey has been a long one, and at times, very far from fun,
But, even in the darkest place, our Lord supplied abundant grace,
Grace which came always on time, not by ours but God’s design,
As He walks us through this life, to build our faith in Jesus Christ.
The future can be uncertain to us, and so we look to Christ Jesus,
Although it may be unsure at best, He has helped us in every test,
As The Lord God molds my family, for a future He called Eternity,
Where uncertainty won’t be found, not on earth but eternal ground.
On The Rock we’ll need to stand, in the times we don’t understand,
Not relying upon what we know, but trusting in what God will show,
Through His Power and His Grace, as, in God, we live out our faith,
Preparing each of us in His Son, for a future home in His Kingdom.
(Copyright ©10/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 21 december 2013

Around Another Bend

With a thankful heart I raise, a heart of thanks to God in praise,
For seeing me thru another bend, as I wait for the ultimate end,
That time ahead, when I shall be, back on my feet, cancer free,
Until then, I look to my God, Who’s comforted me with His rod.
Through chemo and two surgeries, I’m now again on my knees,
Asking for His Grace and Mercies, to do just as The Lord sees;
An unpleasant stay at the hospital, but, I know I’m in God’s will,
For it’s times like this He will shine, for I am His and He is mine.
In a hospital and now back home, God cares for me as his own,
And in this stressful time of life, it’s through a caring loving wife,
Helping me through post surgery, well beyond her care normally,
With grace, comfort and her love, that is directed by God above.
I pray for God’s peace of mind, as God puts my surgery behind.
For helping us both to look ahead, filled with His Peace instead,
As The Lord leads me day to day, not in mine, but in God’s way,
For God’s desire in my life, is Glory and Praise, for Jesus Christ.
It’s not mine to know how or why, but, to only trust God on high,
Who has led me this whole journey, even in ways I could not see,
So, I shall again trust in God alone, to guide me from His Throne,
To hear those words spoken to me, that I’m now truly cancer free.
(Copyright ©10/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 21 december 2013

A Generic God

“Oh my God”, an often heard phrase, empty words uttered these days,
This not the God The Bible speaks of, The One, Who reigns up above,
As He said, “Don’t speak my Name”, hastily spoken, just taken in vain,
He is The Lord, many do not fear, speaking vainly, all over this sphere.
Most people who travel this sod, believe in something, they call a god,
This god isn’t The God of the Bible, One to whom we all shall be liable,
A generic god, many men herald, not God above, but one of the world,
Gods that have been created by men; gods, who Christ shall condemn.
The generic god’s held up by many, varying views, by which are plenty,
Embraced by people of all kinds, deep thinkers and even small minds,
So whatever men want to believe, this is the god, that they can receive,
And no changes are required of them, as their god will never condemn.
They may or not believe in Heaven, a belief tainted with spiritual leaven,
Changing instead, God’s Eternal Truth, so they are heading for reproof,
Also, as far as most men can tell, many of those do not believe in Hell,
As one’s death is final in their eyes, seeing no life at all, after man dies.
Now there’s men who once believed, but by Satan have been deceived,
Teaching all men shall find a place, in Heaven, apart from God’s Grace,
This is all part of man’s falling away, to a generic god we hear of today,
Falling from God’s Solid Ground, to another god, that will not be found.
(Copyright ©09/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 21 december 2013

I Am God’s

I am on this day well and fine, for I am God’s and He is mine,
He sought me from His Throne, claiming me as His very own,
And He is my God, I truly claim, this, as I call upon His Name,
As I fellowship with my Lord, through His Spirit in one accord.
By The Lord God I was sought, and with a price I was bought,
The precious blood of Christ, God’s required matchless price,
A price that I could never pay, and so The Savior made a way,
To bring me into God’s Family, through that Cross, at Calvary.
My Heavenly Father, God now is, saved through Christ Jesus,
My Lord and God I speak of, is The Eternal Creator up above,
Not only is Christ my Creator, He, is also my Lord and Savior,
Although The Creator of the world, He is my God, I can herald.
It was God, who loved me first, a time when I was at my worst,
Never once was I seeking Him, while blinded from my dark sin,
And yet He moved on my heart, drawing my life to a new start,
Living life as a New Creation, through the God of my salvation.
God led me into a New Life, guided by my Savior Jesus Christ,
Leading me out of the dark night, into my Savior’s saving light,
To walk on God’s narrow way, with God beside me day to day,
So life this day is well and fine, for I am God’s and He is mine.
(Copyright ©09/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 december 2013

Let Us Adore Him

During one season, every year, there are songs that all will hear.
Songs like come let us adore Him, that baby born in Bethlehem,
About the birth of God’s Only Son, Who was born for everyone,
For a bigger time and reason, than the adoration of one season.
The Truth in this holiday song, should be expressed all year long,
That baby born Christ our Lord, all year long, by many, is adored,
Not only for the holiday season, but all year and for good reason,
For through the Lord Jesus Christ, all believers inherit Eternal Life.
The little baby away in a manger, to many today is just a stranger,
The little One born in a cattle stall, today is The Lord God over all,
However, many today don’t know Him, as they are mislead by sin,
That The Lord’s Miraculous Birth, for them, is of no value or worth.
We hear, Silent Night, Holy Night, once a year, it truly seems right,
But, any idea of a holy night friend, after the season, sees its end,
As that holiness that was brought, in most hearts is never wrought,
As many come to deny God’s Son, Christ who came for everyone.
The little baby, who was adored, sits in Heaven as Christ and Lord,
The stranger He is to most men, will change when He returns again,
He, who was the New Born King, will rule and reign over everything,
Far beyond any holiday hymn, as Christ rules during the Millennium.
(Copyright ©12/2013 Bob Gotti)

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