
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 december 2013

Examine Yourself

Words from God, penned by Paul, are not for some but for all,
All who believe in The Savior, words about your life’s behavior,
Examine yourself he had said, while speaking in Christ’s stead,
Asking are we truly in Jesus Christ, as we take stock of our life?
We must fully examine our life; are we truly changed by Christ?
By His Power and His Grace, are we really believers in the faith,
With authority, Paul has to say, are we truly walking in The Way,
Are we truly living as Christ said, or in our former ways instead?
Paul speaks with seriousness, of our heart, not our appearance,
Are we truly changed from inside, so in The Lord we truly abide,
And are we moving on to maturity, in The Spirit, for men to see,
Is our life being used by Him, while in this world tainted by sin?
Are we truly God’s living sacrifice, for The Savior, Jesus Christ?
From a love which creates unity, in Christ’s Church for all to see.
Do we for our Lord, deny ourselves, for a greater eternal wealth?
Wealth, far above this time, beyond this world, by God’s design,
We must have the mind of Christ, to practice that unity in our life,
A unity which shall last forever, as God’s Church, works together,
Believers must pursue real change, in the power of Christ’s Name,
To point a needy world to Calvary, so other men can live eternally.
(Copyright ©12/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 december 2013


Different faiths can surely coexist, but a larger concern is missed,
Men who gather of different belief, to foster man’s temporal relief,
From all that opposition and strife, while living together in this life,
But, this man manufactured peace, shall indeed in due time cease.
A body of men that in a mixture, of many faiths misses the picture,
The larger picture all men will face, when they must leave this place,
The awesome picture of eternity, a picture some choose not to see,
But, all will clearly see my friend, an Eternal Picture that has no end.
Eternity no matter what some feel, for every single soul is truly real,
Ignoring eternity to simply coexist, creates not, truth you can resist,
As this present age is dwarfed by, Eternity, in both scope and time,
A time ahead that will never cease, but many shall not see its peace.
The only true peace on earth’s sod, comes from The Only True God,
The only peace provided on the earth, which is also of eternal worth,
A peace that Christ issues here, which extends to the eternal sphere,
That peace which you will only see, if you know The God of Eternity.
Apart from God’s Truth, all will learn, their peace was not of concern,
This as they take in their last breath, only to experience eternal death;
However, God sent His Only Son, down into this world, for everyone,
Sending His Eternal Son, Jesus Christ, so all could have Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 december 2013

Disciples Commissioned

We’ve been sent on a mission, to fulfill the Great Commission,
It is to share God’s Revelation; of our Lord’s work of salvation,
God’s Truth, revealed in Christ, Truth that offers all Eternal Life,
A work, finished by Christ Jesus, with only faith required by us;
We’re sent to help others believe, so New Life they can receive.
God passed the witness to men, who, in Christ, are Born Again,
Starting with Apostles of Christ; those who lived during His life,
With a message of God’s Kingdom, citing near was God’s Son,
With His Message of Salvation, to Israel, God’s chosen Nation,
The Apostles the foundation alone, with Christ The Cornerstone.
They are the foundation for us, disciples today, of Christ Jesus,
Sent with Good News of Christ, who was for us God’s Sacrifice,
Paying for all men, sin’s penalty, so we could have life eternally,
We have God’s message to herald, now, to today’s entire world,
That Good News of Salvation, first to Israel then to every nation.
The Apostles for us, set the stage, as God for all turned a page,
Opening for all, this Age of Grace, still coming to Christ by faith,
Sent by God, this day and hour, in Christ’s Authority and Power,
To be Christ’s witness, to all men, that they must be Born Again,
To enter into Eternal Life, with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 december 2013


How clueless many can be, as they ignore the God of eternity,
Not only about things to come, but clueless about God’s Son,
They may even profess Christ, yet God doesn’t guide their life,
Not only is God not their lead, but, His Word, they do not read.
Many today walk without The Lord, as a spiritual life is ignored,
An aspect in the life of everyone, even if they dismiss the Son,
While clueless remains the walk, of even men, who talk the talk,
About God they say they know, Who, in their life doesn’t show.
About spiritual life you can say, many walk on the broader way,
Many walk about life cluelessly, even while living life religiously,
This, without a true knowledge of, Christ, Who reigns up above,
The One, which every eye will see, before they step into eternity.
Many truly walk about clueless, while life for them is hit or miss,
Not knowing what their future holds, as this present life unfolds,
With no thought beyond this life, and no interest in Jesus Christ,
Embracing a religious affiliation; not concerned about Salvation.
But, Jesus Christ clues those in, when God’s Spirit dwells within,
Souls acknowledging the Creator, who embrace Christ as Savior,
No longer roaming about aimlessly, now upon a road to Eternity,
Being led every day by Jesus Christ, on their way to Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 december 2013

Nebuchadnezzar’s Experience

Oh that God would work again, in many hearts of prominent men,
Putting in all, a Nebuchadnezzar fear, in their hearts, far and near,
That they’d lift up The Eternal Lord, in nations where He’s ignored,
Declaring that a nation’s true worth, comes from God of the earth,
The Lord God Who is over all, nations and leaders, big and small.
Nebuchadnezzar was just a man, who was used within God’s plan,
As king of the Babylonian Empire, he thought, no one was higher,
Lifted up, being filled with pride, nothing to him, would be denied,
A proud leader that truly thought, everything by him, was wrought,
With that pride, being his fall, for not acknowledging God over all.
Nebuchadnezzar had change within, as the Lord God humbled him,
Driving Nebuchadnezzar far from, his earthly majesty and kingdom,
Through Daniel God had revealed, he would be driven into the field,
Far away from majesty and feasts, he ate and lived with the beasts,
Seven years, living off the earth’s sod, until he acknowledged God.
Towards The Lord leaders are aloof, denying Him by denying Truth,
Never acknowledging The Lord, like Nebuchadnezzar, He’s ignored,
If God would humble a leader today, like Nebuchadnezzar that day,
God, not leaders, would be exalted, with even godless ways halted,
As their fear of God brings change, so men exalt God’s Holy Name.
(Copyright ©12/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 december 2013

Ditch The Religion

Ditch religion and come to Christ, the Only Way to Eternal Life,
God’s single Way, for all men, is that they must be Born Again,
From the words of The Creator, Who is both Judge and Savior,
Who desires all men to be saved, upon the path He has paved.
God’s path is narrow, not wide, and in His Word we must abide,
It is the Lord’s Word alone, that comes from His Eternal Throne,
With great Power and Authority, over each man’s eternal destiny,
God’s Authority not that of man, which provides salvation’s plan.
In Christ alone, we have salvation, without man adding revelation,
Things not revealed by God at all, but sadly tainted by man’s fall,
Added instruction and men’s rules, commands by religious fools,
Men whose religion is their god, not led by Christ’s staff and rod.
Christ is the Author of Salvation, the Living Word and Revelation,
God’s final Revelation revealed to us, in His Son, our Lord Jesus,
For religion God does not need, as it’s His Word men must heed,
God’s Word, revealed to everyone, fulfilled, in God’s Eternal Son.
Religion is lost man’s way to God, but God saved us on this sod,
Through just one perfect sacrifice, Christ, who paid sin’s full price,
Our religious works were diminished, as Christ said “it is finished.”
Completing salvation for every man, as one accepts His only plan.
(Copyright ©12/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 december 2013

All Things

It’s another one of those things, as concern within my heart rings,
Concern about just what lies ahead, as my mind entertains dread,
Again I am facing more uncertainty, fixating on what I cannot see,
But all things work out for good, again Truth must be understood.
Today I need to fix my mind again, on the One Who rules all men,
God has the heart of every king, in His hand regarding everything,
Things must not cloud my faith, as God supplies abundant Grace,
His Grace for all that shall come, regardless of where they’re from.
All things come from God above, regardless what I’m thinking of,
As my mind can be swayed by fear, even though my Lord is near,
The One, Who will help me through, even if those fears come true,
For the Lord’s will I cannot resist, and my present life is but a mist.
The things this life avails to me, are allowed by the God of eternity,
Allowed for His purpose in my life, even in times of pain and strife,
Purposes one seldom understands, but, I know I’m in God’s hands,
Resting in God’s Everlasting Arms; protected from all undue harms.
My friend, it’s understood by us, those who belong to Christ Jesus,
All called for the purpose of God, while we’re upon this earthly sod,
Are today being led by Jesus Christ, for the plan of God in this life,
Regardless of big or small, when God says all things, He means all.
(Copyright ©12/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 december 2013

At Our Funeral

Have you been to a funeral yet, after The Lord you have met?
A special funeral for all of us, who have come to Christ Jesus,
A funeral of your independence, as your heart, to God relents,
When indeed, you die to self, now alive in The Savior’s wealth.
Even though we died, we live, so now our life to God we give,
Earthly desires are all we lose, in accepting God’s good news,
Thus being saved by Jesus Christ, we give Him our earthly life,
Since He died for us at Calvary, to let our captive heart go free.
So believers are now free to die, for Jesus who reigns on high,
Yes free to die to our old ways, as we live out our earthly days,
Living without what we don’t need, as God’s Word we do heed,
While living for a future friend, which when it comes has no end.
The life with God, we now begin, guides us away from dark sin,
We die to sin so we can start, a brand new life with a new heart,
A new heart which now is purified, by the One, Who for us died,
Christ died to cleanse you and me, all with His blood at Calvary.
At this funeral that you attend, it’s just a beginning, not the end,
As you begin life brand new, with The Lord, to see you through,
With The Savior by your side, for He now lives, though He died,
With death swallowed up in victory, believers shall live Eternally.
(Copyright ©12/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 december 2013

A Day To Remember

A day to remember a special event, when by God, The Savior was sent,
To a wayward peoples below, of whom, The Lord, they would not know,
The Savior was sent for every Jew, a peoples whom The Lord foreknew,
Yet, the people would receive Him not, giving that nation a spiritual blot.
Yet, Christ was indeed Israel’s Savior, the One and Only Eternal Creator,
Sent as God’s Peace and Salvation, unto Messiah’s only chosen nation,
Messiah was sent down for His elect, yet, their Savior, men would reject,
By God’s very own, Christ was denied; and later by them to be crucified.
The rejection by Israel of Christ Jesus, would soon after benefit all of us,
As Messiah would turn to every nation, in doing so, fulfill His Revelation,
Just as the angels did herald, Good News and great joy, to all the world,
God’s Light was sent into every nation, as Christ is the world’s Salvation.
Today friend, does the world remember, Christ, during all of December?
Do people celebrate God’s Gift to all, or is Christ just something small?
Do we today have New Holiday cause, replacing God with Santa Claus?
Replacing the manger with a tree, with no thought at all towards Calvary!
Haven’t we learned from Israel’s mistake, or will many today still forsake,
A Savior, Who came in a humble way, to bring all Salvation, even today,
In spite of men’s failures in the past, Messiah offers all, salvation to last,
So today, accept God’s Gift of Christ, and you shall receive Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 december 2013

Yet By Grace

I’ve experienced a lot of grace, while on earth I’ve run my race,
This race on earth, we call life, while being led by Jesus Christ;
The Grace of God, so undeserved, yet by grace I have served,
The Eternal God and Creator, when by Grace, I met The Savior.
God’s Grace I had never known, while Truth I was never shown,
Bible Truths from God of Eternity, yet by Grace, He saved me;
It was God Who loved me first, while an unbeliever at my worst,
Deceived, lost and totally depraved, yet by Grace, I was saved.
After cleansing me of my sin, His Grace to me would just begin,
As I began this life brand new, God’s Grace did see me through;
Starting life on the narrow way, with God leading me day to day,
His Grace was apparent in my life, guided by the Spirit of Christ.
The grace God had granted to me, in a weary world set me free,
Freed from the anxieties of life, in a world that’s filled with strife,
And as I live my life day to day, His Grace given, is here to stay,
To quiet all that anxiety and fear, as life’s troubles do draw near.
His Grace is there at every bend, being all sufficient with no end,
Especially in the darkest of time, surely dispersed by His design,
Grace that brings comfort and light, while in that darkest of night,
Along come trial’s gloomy rays, yet His Grace comforts my days.
(Copyright ©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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