
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 2 april 2014

Trusting, Obeying And Acting

Trusting, obeying and acting for us, are vital needs to follow Jesus,
Trusting God with this very life, as we follow our Lord, Jesus Christ,
Obeying the living Word of God, as Christ leads, with staff and rod,
Acting upon our belief and faith, while guided by His Spirit of Grace.
Trusting the Lord in all that He does, as believers, is essential for us;
We must trust God, day to day, through whatever He brings our way,
While God works out His larger Plan, to reach the heart of each man;
Trusting Christ in all that we do, as God Himself shall see us through.
Obeying God daily, through His Word, He will see that all have heard,
The Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, as He sows His Truth in our life,
Through obedience to God’s Son, God will use us to reach everyone,
With the Truth of God’s Salvation, as we preach Truth to every nation.
Acting on our Faith for The Lord, The Holy Spirit must not be ignored,
For The Spirit is the Power of God, as we witness on this earthly sod,
Reaching out to the end of the earth, sharing with men a second birth,
Acting on our faith to reach all men, that they too, can be Born Again.
We trust in The Lord over all, Who rules over all men, great and small,
Obeying the One, Who died for us, our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus,
As we act on God’s Word in our life, to be for Christ a living sacrifice,
To bring to every man and nation, the Good News of God’s Salvation.
(Copyright ©01/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 2 april 2014

All That’s Needed

I do not need any external relief, I just need to live out my belief,
Belief that goes beyond salvation, as I lean on God’s Revelation,
While things change and surely will, I need to let my heart be still,
Knowing my Lord is God over all, ordering events, big and small.
I know not what’s down the road, but, alone I don’t carry the load,
Following God, the burden’s light, even through the darkest night,
Never knowing what may be ahead, I depend on my Lord instead,
Who, through His Word is my guide, walking faithfully at my side.
The faith that I have in Jesus Christ, not only gives me eternal life,
For along with that blessed hope, God gives me strength to cope,
With unwanted trials that appear, on my earthly journey down here,
And with my eyes upon The Lord, plenty of grace, God will afford.
My friend, as I live out my faith, God provides me sufficient grace,
As my Lord leads me in this life, He comforts me in times of strife,
Upholding me in the deepest grief, as I firmly hold close my belief,
Not just my faith, but Jesus Christ, who had paid the ultimate price.
God’s Word lights my path each day, as I journey life’s narrow way,
With His Word hidden in my heart, God’s Truth each day has a part,
Directing each and every thought, as His Truth in my life is wrought,
Placing me on a Firm Foundation, through my faith in His Salvation.
(Copyright ©01/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 2 april 2014

The Gift From God

The greatest gift to all the world, was from God for man to herald,
His Gift came in Incarnate Deity; The Word was flesh for all to see,
It was God’s Son, Christ Jesus, who was given by Him to all of us,
The Gift of Salvation given to all, to redeem man from Adam’s fall.
The Gift, who was the Great I AM, born a baby, to be God’s Lamb,
Coming to pay the ultimate price, as a baby to become a sacrifice,
As a man, Christ was put on a path, to receive for us, eternal wrath,
Upon a cross, at Mount Calvary, to bring Salvation, to you and me.
The Gift was sent through Israel, as He came to do His Father’s will,
By The Father, He was sent to them, in that little town of Bethlehem,
To the House of Bread He was to be, Bread of Life for you and me,
From above came The Bread of Life, God’s Only Son, Jesus Christ.
Well pleasing in the eyes of God, to shepherd us with staff and rod,
Leading hearts of men from Calvary, to New Life with God Eternally,
New life that begins on the earth, born from above, by second birth,
A spiritual birth provided by Grace, when His Gift you truly embrace.
He saves His people from their sin, and in our hearts, He lives within,
As Emmanuel, now God is with us, through the Spirit of Christ Jesus.
From the very moment we believed, and the Gift of God we received,
With His Spirit as our guarantee, we’ll live with Christ through Eternity.
(Copyright ©01/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 2 april 2014

Peace And Goodwill

True peace on earth will never be, without The Lord of Eternity,
And goodwill towards all men, truly begins as we’re Born-Again.
Men sing that Christ has come, but they must embrace the Son,
God’s Son who came to earth, so all man could have New Birth.
That little baby born in a stall, isn’t a babe, but He’s King over all,
As songs about a baby man sings, Christ reigns as King of kings,
The Only True Prince of Peace, with a reign that shall not cease,
And while a babe, nations adore, The Savior, men simply ignore.
Christ came to grant all salvation, but they ignore His Revelation,
Being born of God from above, brings the peace songs speak of,
Born Again by the Spirit of God, while living upon this earthly sod,
Becoming part of God’s Family, with a Peace that lasts Eternally.
Christ did not come for Christmas, but, to redeem sinners like us,
Starting with lost sheep in Israel, then the Gentiles, per God’s will,
To bring the message of Salvation, not to some, but every nation,
A message lost in festive fray, as men sing about Christmas Day.
Jesus is why Christmas came, but songs seldom utter His Name,
In many songs what’s not heard, are those Truths in God’s Word,
Sadly many, enjoying the song, even observe this holiday wrong,
And without embracing the Truth, instead of joy shall see reproof.
(Copyright ©01/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 2 april 2014

What Must God Think?

It blows my mind, what must it do, to the One Who died for me and you?
Christ, Who died for all this earth, so that man, could have Eternal worth,
What is the thought of The Lord, when Salvation by many goes ignored?
By the many among The Lord’s elect, when His Saving Truth, they reject!
Do those many souls, really understand, the Truth of the matter at hand?
God’s Truth of Eternal Death and Life, when accepting or rejecting Christ;
Dismissing God’s plan of salvation, God’s way provided to every nation,
So that mortal sinners, like you and me, could live with The Lord eternally.
The Lord God’s patient in every way, with His Salvation open to all today,
In this present age that we call Grace, if only people would seek His face,
But soon this age of Grace will end, and you decide where you will spend,
Eternity, when this age is over and done, apart from God, or with His Son.
My friend, it was never God’s desire, for man to perish in the Lake of Fire,
But that every lost soul would repent, to embrace His Son, whom He sent,
And to acknowledge God’s Sacrifice, to enter instead, Heaven’s Paradise,
So why do many refuse to believe, when Eternal Life is what they receive?
As lost sinners, every soul needs to see, with a Holy God, we’re at enmity,
And with death the wages for our sin, God’s Eternal Son was sent by Him,
The Only One, who could pay the price, to be for man, a perfect Sacrifice,
So all could be at peace with The Creator, and live forever with our Savior.
(Copyright ©01/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 march 2014

Just Accept It

Just Accept It, for it’s been paid, the Wrath of God on Christ was laid,
Not for a debt of the Sinless Lamb, but to pay the debt for sinful man,
A debt, that no man could ever pay, so God had created another Way,
Through that bloody cross, at Calvary, so that man could live eternally,
For, it’s appointed for all once to die, this includes my friend you and I,
Then God’s Judgment we all shall face, so God instituted Saving Grace,
With our debt paid in full, not by us, but, all by The Savior, Christ Jesus,
Who died on Calvary’s bloody cross, not for Himself but all sinners lost,
Then Christ was buried in the tomb, a sight with no hope, but only doom,
And in dealing with this tragic matter, all His disciples then would scatter,
Believing that Christ had truly died, truth most men wouldn’t have denied,
But, Scripture was just being fulfilled, His death and burial as God willed,
But our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by God’s power came back to life,
A Power displayed that day to everyone, which, was given to God’s Son,
Power today, that’s afforded to all men, by His Spirit, as they born again,
Born Anew, through The Spirit of God, while still alive, on this earthly sod.
The Lord died and was put in a grave, so that sinful man God could save,
And through The Lord’s Resurrection, man has been given a new direction,
That Gift which only God could give, that, through His Son man might live,
And all you must do is truly believe, and then Eternal Life, you will receive.
(Copyright ©03/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 march 2014

Hope For Now And Beyond

The hope we have for when we die, is the hope given to you and I,
To live each day upon this earth, as we experience a Second Birth,
When in Jesus Christ, we die to sin, to live this life all through Him,
As The Lord helps us live each day, while on this life’s Narrow Way.
This is a Hope beyond this place, on a path that’s paved by Grace,
While the path leads us to Heaven, avoiding all the religious leaven;
This Hope is available to all men, when in Christ, they’re Born Again,
Along with the Holy Spirit’s Power, as our guide every day and hour.
Within our heart, He gives us hope, and helps us in this life to cope,
While each day we live down here, we know that God is always near;
Longing for Heaven as we roam, for Heaven, not earth, is our Home,
This is the Hope, in each of us, as we come to God, in Christ Jesus.
Our hope in God, is eternal friend, with a beginning, but with no end,
As our hope begins down here, God begins relieving worry and fear,
As we fix our eyes upon The Lord, our needs, by God aren’t ignored,
While all our needs God shall fulfill, as He works out His Perfect Will.
This Hope, begins with Jesus Christ, Who, holds together, all our life,
A life that goes beyond this world, to a higher realm, not yet unfurled,
As our hope translates into Eternity, to a place no one has yet to see,
And once we’re on that Eternal shore, we’ll be with Christ forevermore.
(Copyright ©01/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 march 2014

When You Die

When you die, where do you go? it is something that you can know,
Men everywhere frames of but dust, it all depends on who you trust,
There’s only One my dear friend, Who determines man’s eternal end,
And that’s The Lord, Jesus Christ, God, who gives man Eternal Life!
Jesus Christ came to earth to show, this whole world that way to go,
God’s one and only way to Heaven, which opposes religious leaven,
In the midst of religious strife, stating “I am the Way, Truth and Life.”
And that Truth was for everyone, we reach Heaven through The Son.
It’s nothing to do with being good, from the Word that’s understood,
He didn’t die for the righteous at all, but for sinners, great and small,
The Shepherd came for the lost, stopping at Calvary to pay the cost,
For all men to enter to Paradise, by becoming for us God’s Sacrifice.
All work needed, by God, was done, through the sending of His Son,
God redeeming both you and me, while providing for us life eternally,
Christ simply said for all to come, no matter what life you came from,
Any and all who thirst in this life, can come to The Lord, Jesus Christ.
All men must do, is simply believe, and eternity in Heaven we receive,
Not by good works, we have done, but, by Faith alone in God’s Son,
And we know, by God’s Grace, when we accept Christ, through Faith,
God’s Spirit seals our guarantee, that we shall be with Christ eternally.
(Copyright ©01/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 march 2014

Assured Through Christ

Thoughts on Heaven are never said, until a loved one here is dead,
And words are said, that aren’t true, said by friends and family too,
No mention of eternal death or life, and no mention of Jesus Christ,
But, since a loved one here has died, now up in Heaven they reside.
The majority of souls today assume, that from Hell they are immune,
From their very time of their birth, until that time they leave this earth,
Based on that premise they are good, which is generally understood,
But during this life, The Good Lord, by that large majority, is ignored.
The very God, Who gives man breath, is ignored by many until death,
That of a loved one, friend or family, who then, speaks of an Eternity,
Although finding it hard to remember, even by a close family member,
When they spoke of a belief or faith, in The Lord or His Saving Grace.
We all know men who love the Truth, and some who display no proof,
Of knowing the One, Who we love, or are even mindful of God above,
Yet, when death comes to the door, they’re placed on Heaven’s shore,
Not aware of what’s revealed to us, through the words of Christ Jesus.
Christ spoke of eternal darkness friend; for many that will be their end,
That, if they leave their earthly place, without The Lord’s Saving Grace;
They may even see God as Creator, but never accept Christ as Savior;
Knowing Christ as Savior and Lord, is the only way Heaven is assured.
(Copyright ©01/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 march 2014

Hope Christ Gives

Many may sorrow and may grieve, but, all those who truly believe,
Have a hope beyond this place, a hope provided by God’s Grace,
When at the passing of a soul, from the earth, they become whole,
And now in Heaven and at peace, in life with God that won’t cease.
Passing from earth, filled with sins, pure life in Heaven now begins,
As the soul enters into Eternal Life; all those who trust Jesus Christ,
And Born of God, from above, as they accepted the Savior’s Love,
When He died at Calvary for them, so that they could be born again.
Made alive in Christ, never to die, though a body before us may lie,
That body is only an earthly tent, while their soul, to Heaven is sent,
To a world that they’ve never seen, a place totally pure and pristine,
Where they shall be the same, but, absent of all struggles and pain.
Now absent of all worry and fears, there’s no more crying and tears;
We may be weeping at their death, but they now have eternal breath,
They’re living now to die no more, having begun to live forevermore,
Where there will be no more night, with the Lamb being all their Light.
This Eternal Hope is for all of us, who accept as Savior Christ Jesus,
This is a Hope for all of those, who know over death Christ has rose,
This future Hope for us is assured, when we know The Lamb as Lord,
Though He died, Christ now lives; this is that Hope, our Savior gives.
(Copyright ©01/2011 Bob Gotti)

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