
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 march 2014

Blessings To Heed

What a Blessed thing indeed, to hear God’s Word and to heed,
Many Awesome Truths of God, wherever you do presently trod,
The Truth of God that sets you free, is available to you and me,
And The Holy Spirit I received, when His Saving Truth I believed.
God’s Truths will guide us then, when we indeed are Born Again,
As we heed The Word spoken of, we’re Born Again from above,
Given on earth, a brand-new life, through The Lord, Jesus Christ,
New Life, that includes Eternity, provided for us through Calvary.
Then as we walk in God’s Truth, we become God’s Living Proof,
That God indeed changes men, when in Christ we’re Born Again,
Allowing us live beyond this world, as God’s Truths are unfurled,
His Truths about eternal things, when True Light His Spirit brings.
Blessings begin coming our way, as we walk with Him every day,
Blessings that will truly flow, when in The Word we begin to grow,
When hiding His Word in our heart, God’s peace shall not depart,
Even when uncertainty appears, the Word of God calms all fears.
Earthly comfort’s fleeting friend, but, God’s blessings never end,
Promises in God’s Word you’ll see, will carry well on into Eternity,
As you heed the words of Christ, and let God’s Word fill your life,
God will fill you with His Love, preparing you for blessings above.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 march 2014

Affiliation Or Salvation

Many Organizations have raved, through them, men must be saved,
Through their ways and their belief, only can one find spiritual relief,
To be saved from sin’s awful curse, but, their beliefs lead to worse,
Pulling men away from God’s Truth, leading them to eternal reproof.
There’re many religious organizations, with a multitude of salvations,
All of them proclaiming to have the way, to reach Heaven in our day,
Through the salvations they arrange, many Truths these men change,
Ignoring much of God’s Revelation, as they produce a new salvation.
These organizations lead souls astray, upon a religious, broader way,
Drawing upon their own deduction, they just lead men to destruction,
In many ways these men have erred, leading men far from The Word,
Far from The Eternal Word of Life, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Many have traded in God’s Salvation, for a fuzzy, religious affiliation,
Falling far from the only true Gospel, that Jesus Christ came to fulfill;
In their gospel they have diminished, those three words “it is finished.”
Spoken by Jesus Christ at Calvary, when God had saved you and me.
Religion isn’t how The Lord saves us, but, we’re saved in Christ Jesus,
As He is The Only Way, Truth and Life, in a world where religion is rife,
So one must be upon that narrow path, to avoid destruction and wrath,
Searching you’ll find there’s only One, Jesus Christ, God’s Eternal Son.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 march 2014

But A Mist

Our life on earth is but a mist, no matter how long that list,
Of those things in the past, of achievements we amassed,
Or those things we want to do, before time here is through,
For we are simply a vapor here, with that end drawing near.
Years of three score and ten, a time decreed for most men,
With good health, maybe more, no man can be totally sure,
Or one could have a shorter end, to the life they have friend,
Short or long, our life will be, a small blip in light of Eternity.
All the things that we’ve done, are fading like the setting sun,
Maybe, still a memory in our mind, but, they’ll be left behind,
The distant memories in our heart, many gone, as we depart,
From this earth and the past; a time for all that shall not last.
Of the present, we don’t know, how much we have yet to go,
Or what could change friend, to alter present time we spend,
Pursuing all wants and needs, uncertain where a future leads,
And death is as sure as birth, for all one day leave this earth.
All our lists, present or past, apart from God shall never last,
But all done for Christ shall be, transferred over into Eternity,
When life’s mist is over and done; in eternity with God’s Son,
Where these mists will endure, with Jesus Christ forevermore.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 march 2014

The Race Already Won

Today the race, which we run, by The Lord, was already won,
As we run following His lead, He shall supply all of our need,
In this race, that we call life, following our Lord, Jesus Christ,
The race was won for all of us, that by our Lord, Christ Jesus.
Though that race has been won, sometimes it is far from fun,
With hurt and pain on the way, but, in that race we must stay,
With each path determined by, The Lord, Who reigns on high,
In accordance with God’s Plan, ordered for every saved man.
Now being led along by Grace, every bend, we now can face,
With total trust in The Son, Who, began the race for everyone,
And we must simply fix our eyes, on Christ, the ultimate prize,
For it’s God’s Son, Jesus Christ, Who is the Author of our life.
The very One who gives salvation, is the Author of destination,
Going ahead of all steps we take, no followers He will forsake,
He abides with us the whole race, to provide all needed Grace,
As those rugged pathways appear, to continue on without fear.
On every turn and bend in the road, Christ helps carry the load,
Making a heavy burden seem light, as we run through the night,
And after this life’s final bend, we shall finish in Eternity, friend.
As we finally see our Lord’s face, at the finish of this life’s race.
(Copyright ©01/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 march 2014

Journey With My Wife

Now finishing a journey with my wife, one in which uncertainty is rife,
All that’s ahead, we may not know, but forward together we must go,
Now my wife of twenty-eight years, we can face challenge and fears,
For we don’t walk this path alone, but together in Christ we’ve grown.
We’ve been together all this time, not thru chance, but God’s design,
Which has allowed this in our life, and so, together we trust in Christ,
The One, Who will see us through, guiding everything we need to do,
The Lord God, Who made us one, has decreed our path, by His Son.
Though the road ahead is long, God’s chosen ways are never wrong,
Although we may not understand, in God’s Grace, we take our stand,
Holding firm to what is understood; what God allows is for our good,
The good, we now may not see, and so we trust The God of Eternity.
Now as one flesh we’re both there, to carry the burdens and to share,
The hurt and pain along the way, as concerns, at Christ’s feet, we lay,
Knowing that we’re not in this alone, we lift our cares up to the throne,
Up to our Father’s Throne of Grace, for all undue cares, He can erase.
God shall finish what He started, with comfort as we’re heavyhearted,
When darkness does pervade our life, we have light thru Jesus Christ,
Who guides us from the start my friend, through to the very utter end,
And as members of God’s Family, we’ll be together for all of Eternity.
(Copyright ©01/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 march 2014

My Earthly End

I could very well see the end, of my life on this earth dear friend,
For, after another hospital stay, the doctors sent me on my way,
With this cancer progressing fast, this life on earth, may not last,
With risk outweighing benefit, it was with God not doctors I went.
The Lord said, threescore and ten, is the time allotted to all men,
My life may be cut short friend, but, for me it’s not the last bend,
As this life that God has given me, God shall extend into eternity,
So when I take that last breath, I will see life with Christ not death.
But, The Hope, which I embrace, can move with Mercy and Grace,
As God with His healing hand, can do what men won’t understand,
For The Lord God, could heal me, as His Testimony, for all to see,
As God extends my earthly life, through the power of Jesus Christ.
Friend either way I have peace, that through this trial will not cease,
A peace, because I know God, Who has led me with staff and rod,
My Lord God, Savior and friend, who’s led me through every bend,
The very Author of my entire life, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Friend either way I shall win, for I will not die, but enter into Heaven,
And if God should heal me, I shall continue for Him on this journey,
Whatever God may choose to do, my hope is that He touches you,
To move you to a hope in Christ, so you too, can have Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©03/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 march 2014

To Know The Creator

I’m blessed to know the Mighty Creator, Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior,
The One Who knitted me in the womb, provides for us an eternal room,
In His Father’s mansion above, provided solely by His Grace and Love,
Love poured out by God at Calvary, so that sinners can live for eternity.
The One who died for all of my sin, in my present life now dwells within,
As my Blessed Savior and Friend, guiding me in my life, at every bend,
It’s such a blessing to be assured, not by men but by my Blessed Lord,
And that He will be with me to the end, as my Lord my guide and friend.
When troubles do come, I understand, that all my times are in His hand,
The mighty hand of The Eternal God, as I journey upon this earthly sod,
On a journey that was marked out by, my Lord God, who reigns on high.
This present journey with its destiny, which ends not here but in Eternity.
It is for sure a comfort here to know, that God is with me, wherever I go,
With Christ’s Spirit dwelling inside, wherever I journey, Christ shall abide,
With me daily as I live out my life, for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Right by my side, from place to place, as God guides me by His Grace.
The very Lord God, Who created me, intended that I would live eternally,
And since my sin had separated us, God had sent for me, Christ Jesus,
Who became for me God’s sacrifice, so that I could enter into Paradise,
So I could walk with Him forevermore, as I enter through Heaven’s Door.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 march 2014

The Mighty Physician

Now living with life changing news, my life’s no longer set in cruise,
Though the prognosis is not good, friend this must be understood,
I do know The Mighty Physician, One involved with every decision,
From the initial course I must take, to each decision they will make.
It is my Lord God, Who oversees, all of those glaring uncertainties,
Knowing this I could understand, God directed the surgeon’s hand,
And it is this that helps me through, all that the doctors have to do,
I’m not depending on them alone, but guidance from God’s Throne.
Many vessels are used by the Lord, as gifts to all, He does afford,
Abilities to all, for His ultimate glory, to bring light to a darker story,
Very real stories in everyday life, even those who don’t know Christ,
So if the question is ever raised, it’s our Lord, who is to be praised.
My Lord is watching over me, through all the things the doctors see,
And anything they may appear to find, isn’t news to my Lord’s mind,
For God knows every path ahead, even before the latest test is read,
Giving the doctors direction too, as they proceed, in something new.
Friend, any healing that may be done, is decreed by God’s own Son,
The very Creator and Sustainer of, everything from His Throne above,
Selecting those He chooses friend, for God’s ultimate plan in the end,
So even through these darker days, to God alone, belongs the praise.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 march 2014

True Saving Faith

Faith that doesn’t change a soul, is faith that doesn’t save at all,
With the saving Power of the Lord, a changed life He will afford,
When the soul truly has believed, and His Spirit they’ve received,
Change must be seen in all men, who in the Lord are Born Again.
A changed soul becomes a life, that lives today for Jesus Christ,
By God’s power that dwells within, a true believer saved from sin,
The Power of the Spirit of God, Who, redirects the path you trod,
While they remain upon this earth, through the power of New Birth.
Every single believer, in The Lord, is a fallen sinner, now restored,
Back to a relationship with God, now, to be led by Staff and Rod,
Those of The Shepherd above, guiding us daily to share the love,
Of the blessed Cross of Calvary, pointing other sinners to eternity.
We are no longer left here to roam, for up in Heaven, is our Home,
We’re saved to be a living sacrifice, and point all men to Paradise,
A change that’s central for everyone, who truly follows God’s Son,
Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who, bought us all with a price.
Faith is more than to just believe, it’s to share the Truth we receive,
It is done through change by Him, God, Who saved us from all sin,
God’s desire indeed for all of us, is to copy our Lord, Christ Jesus,
That all believer’s lives will herald, a testimony of Him, to this world.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 march 2014

Quite A Different Battle

By the Trumpet or veil of death, I’ll be breathing Heaven’s breath,
Life has taken a turn for the worse, a consequence of sin’s curse,
No one likes the dreaded c-word; we grieve when cancer is heard,
Still God above is big and I am small, and He is still Lord over all.
Though the time ahead looks bleak, and in my flesh, I’m so weak,
I must lean upon The Lord I know, Who leads me in the way to go,
In times that I have no strength at all, He will help me stand up tall,
On the Rock, my solid foundation; Jesus Christ, God of Salvation.
Christ The Savior of my very soul, will see me through a dark haul,
And when there’s no light to see, He’ll guide me through to eternity,
Although the cancer may take its toll, Jesus Christ is still in control,
And knowing all that I’ll have to do, His Grace shall see me through.
Christ Himself, will light for me, the paths ahead that I may not see,
Receiving strength, under His wings, as I deal with unknown things,
This cancer may present a fight, but, Christ Himself will be my light,
Through a temporal gloomy world, until my eternal home’s unfurled.
Cancer will not defeat me friend, for I know Christ, my ultimate end,
My time will surely end down here, but in light of this I have no fear,
For my battles were already won, on the cross, by God’s Own Son,
And when I’ve finish my earthly race, I will behold my Savior’s Face.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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