
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 october 2013

It’s Your Choice

All men on earth need God’s Truth; His Word is all we need for proof,
For in God’s Holy Word we read, God’s Eternal Truths we must heed,
Future judgment is in store for all, decreed by God, from Adam’s fall;
Lord, man’s destiny is all but two, one being in Hell and one with you.
All souls on earth have a choice, that’s to follow God or man’s voice,
That is follow God’s Holy Word, or man’s opinions that you’ve heard,
Both will lead to one’s final destiny, but two different places eternally,
Both with a changed body my friend, determined by your eternal end.
Everyone, while in their present life, must come to know Jesus Christ,
As He’s the only one who can, accomplish the desired change in men,
The change, which after they’ve died, is into an eternal body, glorified,
As He changes man’s present mortality, into a future, immortal eternity.
Neglecting Christ, for your views, shall bring you bad, not Good News,
That Good News is He’s done it all, to save all souls, from Adam’s fall,
Refusing Christ maintains separation, with The Living God of Salvation,
Friend, not only for just a short spell, but, an everlasting eternity in Hell.
Refusing God, come your last breath, you then, will enter eternal death,
Given a new body, that will endure, eternal separation, you can be sure;
The Lord today is on His Throne, that choice is yours, and yours alone,
Believe before your last breath, to receive Eternal Life instead of death.
(Copyright ©09/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 october 2013

About Our Father’s Business

God’s Truth is all that matters, as we climb corporate ladders,
This, as we work in this world, where many views are unfurled,
All the secular views oppose, the Truth of God that we chose,
To follow our Lord, Jesus Christ, in every pathway of this life.
When we reach that higher rung, different songs may be sung,
By those who influence us, others, who know not Christ Jesus,
All who lead corporate matters, as we climb corporate ladders,
So, as we climb we mustn’t wavier, as a witness for our Savior.
As God’s, we can’t compromise, His Word of Truth in our lives,
Everywhere The Lord takes us, we are Ambassadors for Jesus,
Guided by God’s gracious hand, in God’s Truth we must stand,
From our home to a workplace, we are guided by God’s Grace.
We’re to spread Truth everywhere, so His Gospel we can share,
This as we stand in God’s Light, in a world where wrong is right,
So not to forsake our obligation, to God’s Truth and Revelation,
While we desire others to see, changes He made in you and me.
When we accepted His salvation, Christ made us a new creation,
To be for Christ Jesus, with our life, The Savior’s living sacrifice.
No matter where are employment, it’s there by Him we were sent,
To be about our Father’s business, being for Him a true witness.
(Copyright ©09/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 october 2013

Perishing But Renewed

Though by illness my life is rent, I am mindful it’s only a tent,
I speak of this body of mine, my temporal body for this time,
Though my outward body perish, my life in God I can cherish,
As inward I’m renewed by God, for life above this earthly sod.
My body may fail on the earth, but, my life is in my New Birth,
Now a member of God’s Family, I received promises eternally,
Knowing on earth we all may die, real life starts above the sky,
In a place, prepared by Christ, where we begin our Eternal Life.
Our bodies are temporal friend, for this earthly life has its end,
An end indeed we all will see, and then there will be an eternity,
The end won’t be the same for all, as we are under Adam’s fall,
And some at their last breath, will see not eternal life but death.
However, in Christ I have hope, when in times it’s hard to cope,
As this present cancer impedes, my present life with its needs,
My Lord God is always there, helping with each need and care,
Helping me trust in Him not me, as He prepares me for eternity.
For me there’s only eternal gain, but my life He too can sustain,
Extending my life, as a mortal man, if that is within God’s Plan,
So He would allow my present life, to continue on with my wife,
That we may both depart together, to live with our Lord forever.
(Copyright ©09/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 october 2013

Hostile Environment

By many people filled with pride, God and His Truth are denied,
Men not humble but proud, following a politically correct crowd,
Rejecting Truth God has sent, they create a hostile environment,
With cultural changes politically, they are harming God’s Family.
With postmodern ideas in mind, all families, they try to redefine,
With changing values and roles, immorality replaces God’s laws,
While perversion and immorality, destroy the foundational family,
Causing failed marriages friend, with family casualties in the end.
That religious liberty we embraced, by liberals, is being replaced,
By amoral political correctness, opposing God’s Righteousness,
As economic pressures on us, put burdens on all in Christ Jesus,
Causing many with hope in eternity, to fall into a temporal apathy.
Those who believe in The Lord, from the Scriptures, are implored,
To be submissive and humble friend, knowing He knows the end,
While being sober and vigilant, obeying The Spirit, God had sent,
Resisting God’s ancient enemy, being God’s light in dark society.
After we suffer, we’ll be restored, through the power of The Lord,
In Truths, established by God, while we live on this temporal sod,
In the very strength of God in us, while we follow The Lord Jesus,
Settling here, on God’s Eternal Ways, to God’s honor and praise.
(Copyright ©09/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 october 2013

Our Ministry of Reconciliation

Carrying out the commission of Christ, gives us comfort in this life,
Knowing our life has real purpose, in serving our Lord Christ Jesus,
In a dark world filled with uncertainty, our mission focus on eternity,
So, while on earth it is our mission, to fulfill The Great Commission.
The motivation for us is replete, beginning at the Lord’s Bema Seat,
The Judgment Seat of Christ, where works are judged from this life,
Where believers stand before the Lord, to receive or not our reward,
That’s built upon our foundation, to share with men God’s Salvation.
Christ will judge every individual, on how they performed God’s Will,
All our service, that has endured, will be acknowledged by The Lord,
The fear of The Lord motivates us, to persuade men to Christ Jesus,
Led by Christ’s Spirit from above, we are compelled by God’s Love.
Being that Christ had died for my sin, I have chosen, to live for Him,
Through the power of God’s Salvation, in Christ I am a new creation,
Moved by God with new purpose; living not for me but Christ Jesus,
With a new perspective and propensity, I’m now focused on eternity.
By Christ, we’ve been sanctified; now in God’s eyes we are justified.
Now being His New Creation, we are Ambassadors of Reconciliation,
With a new passion and purpose, the Savior can use each one of us,
In His Ministry of Reconciliation, sharing with others God’s Salvation.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 october 2013

Real Meaning Of Life

The real meaning of present life, begins at The Cross of Christ,
The cross on Mount Calvary, where Christ died for you and me,
Anywhere you travel on this sod, the Cross points men to God,
With a meaning far much higher, than any human earthly desire.
The Cross, purposed in this life, for man’s Savior, Jesus Christ,
For the earthly life of Christ Jesus, not for Him, but for all of us,
His purpose came with a price, which was to be God’s sacrifice,
As The Lord God purposed for Him, to be The Lamb for our sin.
Christ’s example is for all men, in this world, God did condemn,
After sin had entered the earth, then The Lord put down a curse;
With a plan God had initiated, in a place where Christ was hated,
Crying for Him to be crucified; for them and All, Christ had died.
The Lord had left Heaven’s majesty, to die for sinners at Calvary,
Surrendering His life for sinful man, all part of God’s eternal plan,
Where Christ became sin for us, so we could gain righteousness,
This that through Jesus Christ, fallen man could attain eternal life.
For believers now on this earth, our present life has eternal worth,
Now with that promise of paradise, we are to be a living sacrifice,
Surrendering to God, all our life, to be witnesses for Jesus Christ,
So others, by the Cross of Calvary, may also secure life eternally.
(Copyright ©10/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 october 2013

Heeding God’s Call

God poses a warning to all, that every man on earth must call,
Call upon the Name of The Lord, as the Apostle Paul implored,
Upon His Named to be saved, no matter how lost or depraved,
Call on the Name of Jesus Christ; God will give you a New Life.
Call on The Lord from your heart; God will give you a new start.
Your new start, led by God, wherever on your journey you trod,
In Christ, a new life will begin, leading away from a world of sin,
As you seek God’s Righteousness, guided in this life by Jesus.
Believing beyond one’s mind, which is belief of a different kind,
Unless you believe in your heart, from the Lord you may depart,
Less the heart as one believes, through intellect Satan deceives,
Putting one on a faithless path, to receive with him, God’s wrath.
God’s warning to all men is real, no matter how you think or feel,
All men shall see judgment, unless they heed His call and repent,
Heed the gracious call from Him, then turn from this world of sin,
From former ways we can depart, if we follow God with our heart.
Believing with only mental assent, could lead to a religious intent,
As a casual acceptance of His call, shall lead to no change at all,
For having no true change of heart, new life for God will not start,
But, when in the heart one believes, new life in Christ, he receives.
(Copyright ©09/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 october 2013

Those We Pass By

So many today sporting a smile, this, as they live in denial,
Of the Lord God, their Creator, living apart from the Savior;
While some sporting a frown, are not joyful at all but down,
In full denial of the Lord above, having no true joy and love.
Many like this we see each day, yet we have so little to say,
But, in The Spirit, we must rely, in His Power, from on High,
As we seek in another’s life, to be a voice, for Jesus Christ,
A voice people may not heed, but, it is Truth that they need.
One thing cannot be ignored; all these souls need The Lord,
How can they continue to cope, without The Blessed Hope?
A hope that comes from above; Jesus, the Hope I speak of,
He’s the only one who fulfills, the deeper need in individuals.
It’s nothing new under the sun, that deeper need in everyone,
For all upon this earthly sod, the need to know the Lord God;
A vacuum in the heart of man, that needs to be and only can,
Be filled in both you and I, through God’s Spirit from on high.
The need can be filled only with, The Creator’s Awesome Gift,
God’s Gift, sent to everyone, that Gift being God’s Only Son,
Who grants all souls restoration, through grace and salvation,
Which brings peace, be assured, as one believes in The Lord.
(Copyright ©09/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 october 2013

Judgment Day

Judgment Day will soon be here, what do Christians have to fear?
Nothing, for they know The Truth, we shall not see God’s Reproof,
The judgment that shall be poured, down on the earth by The Lord,
Christians are upon another path, and will not see the Lord’s Wrath.
Believers, will be judged in His Love, at Christ’s Bema Seat above,
We too will be judged, for our works, which will have eternal perks,
For all the things done for our Lord, we may receive eternal reward,
But, for all done by selfish desire, those works, will be burnt in fire,
If we do above face any trouble, it shall be hay, wood and stubble,
As all our works, Christ shall define, through the Fire of His design,
All that makes it through the fire, were our works of His pure desire,
As on earth we served Jesus Christ, during our temporal earthly life.
After this, a Supper with The Lamb, up above with The Great “I AM.”
Dining with Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who, down here, we’ve adored,
During that time upon the earth, now in Heaven, through New Birth,
For at the time that we believed, Eternal Life from Him we received.
Through Wrath we need not to cope, as His Judgment is our Hope,
For we’ll be taken from this earth, up into Heaven, in our New Birth,
Now perfect, with Christ for all time, all through God’s pure design,
To return to former ways, never, but, to reign with The Lord forever.
(Copyright ©09/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 12 october 2013

Loved, Saved And Justified

Living on earth He showed us love, The Lord and Savior from above,
Coming from Heaven to earth below, to all, God’s love He did show,
As Christ walked this earthly sod, He showed to all the Love of God,
The love of God was shown to us, through the life of His Son Jesus.
Dying in a dark world so depraved, by The Lord God we were saved,
By wicked men Christ was crucified, while for sinners, The Lord died,
Dying alone on the wicked cross, Christ gave His life for sinners lost,
Upon that cross at Mount Calvary, Jesus Christ died for you and me.
After He died our sins are found, buried with The Lord, in the ground,
Carrying all of our sins far away, when The Lamb was buried that day,
In that grave God had buried for us, all of our sins, with Christ Jesus,
In the earth’s darkness and gloom, Christ buried our sins in the tomb.
Rising from the death Christ died, we in God’s eyes are now justified,
Now reconciled to The Lord God, as sinners on this earth cursed sod,
Imputed with the Lord’s Righteousness, by the Resurrection of Jesus,
When receiving from God a new life, through our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Now abiding in His Spirit from above, I can walk in The Savior’s Love,
Although a sinner, still depraved, by Jesus Christ, I have been saved,
Now, God has forgiven all my sin, never again, to be recalled by Him,
For I’m justified by my Savior Christ, entitled to enter into Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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