
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 12 october 2013

An Eternal Perspective

An Eternal Perspective will help us, keep our minds on Christ Jesus,
The Author and Finisher of our Faith, as God guides us in His grace,
The sustaining grace provided by, our Lord God who reigns on high,
He, who gives to us Eternal Life, comforts us by The Spirit of Christ.
The Spirit of God helps us see, in Christ we have a glorious ministry,
His ministry which changes lives, while living in these temporal times,
This ministry, upon this earthly sod, is directed by The Spirit of God,
As we now journey on this earth, through the power of our New Birth.
The Lord God has saved us friend, to point others to an eternal end,
The end, when we finish this life, which, continues on in Jesus Christ;
Living on, in a temporal world, we have an eternal message to herald,
As The Holy Spirit helps others see, God’s Truth concerning Eternity.
Though we are but jars of clay, for Christ we proclaim an eternal way,
Through all pressures of this life, we have hope through Jesus Christ,
Though we are perplexed at times, we look to God’s Eternal Designs,
Even though death is at work in us, we are comforted in Christ Jesus.
We know that all life here will fail, but, in The Lord we eternally prevail,
Although our mortal body will perish, new life in Christ we can cherish,
Even as our earthly life does end, an eternity with Christ we will spend,
In an eternal dwelling built by God, that far surpasses this earthly sod.
While in our earthly tents we groan, in anticipation of our eternal home,
A home where death will be no more, but a life with Christ forevermore,
With Christ’s Spirit as our guarantee, of our future with Christ, eternally,
For through the power of Resurrection, we have an Eternal Destination.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 12 october 2013

Godly Unions

We have a command in this life; submit to the Lord, Jesus Christ,
For, to be controlled has its price, which for believers is sacrifice,
Being controlled by the Holy Spirit, in heeding Truth, as we hear it,
While we sacrifice our own desire, for a purpose, far much higher,
Husbands must love their wives, like the Church is loved by Christ,
While wives must submit to him, their husband, by the Spirit within,
This as together they build unity, submitting to God for their family,
As God’s Spirit guides each of us, all for the glory of Christ Jesus.
The husband must take the lead, God’s Truth each man must heed,
This under the submission of God, not with the power of one’s rod,
Knowing the husband is responsible, for the family, per God’s Will,
Following His Will comes with a price, of submission and sacrifice.
For God, we must love sacrificially, caring for our Wife and Family,
As we emulate the love of Christ, toward our family, all of their life,
With a Christ like, steadfast love, to the glory of our Savior above.
Purposing, truly loving our wife, this, as we are sanctified in Christ,
By God we’ve been brought together, so cherish your wife forever,
And as the weaker vessel we should, honor our wife, for her good,
As together we’re joint heirs in Christ, this, for our entire earthly life,
This, as we model for everyone, homes built on God’s Loving Son.
(Copyright ©10/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 12 october 2013

My Lord Alone

It is The Lord and Him alone, behind how much I have grown,
Just how I’ve grown spiritually, since meeting God at Calvary,
Saving me, so spiritually lost, while the Lord paid all the cost,
Saving me from my life of sin, to gain a new life all from Him.
It was God, Who set me free, to put me on my way to eternity,
He had set me free in this life, to follow my Lord, Jesus Christ.
Indwelt with The Spirit of God, to guide me on this earthly sod,
Guided out of the spiritual night, to walk in His Truth and Light.
It is my Lord Who walks with me, while on an ordained destiny,
My destiny prescribed by Christ, Who is The Author of my life,
The Author and Sustainer of, my life, through His power above,
Sustaining me in times of trial, by His power, there is no denial.
It is The Lord, my dear friend, Who shall lead me up to the end,
And at every bend I’m assured, that I’m in the hand of my Lord,
Guided by His Love and Care, Christ goes with me everywhere,
Wherever I journey, I understand, I’m forever in my Lord’s hand.
While I’m in God’s hand forever, I’m without His presence never,
As Christ’s Spirit helps me grow, in ways, that He’s yet to show,
This as my God sustains my life, in this world of pain and strife,
As I journey towards Paradise, because The Lord paid the price.
(Copyright ©10/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 12 october 2013

Truth That Sets You Free

Words expressed to you and me, that the truth will set you free,
Not simply truth of any kind, but, Truth which leaves sin behind,
The Truth spoken of is Him; The One Who saves many from sin,
The Truth available to all of us, is the Lord Himself, Christ Jesus.
Friend in the Bible you shall find, God’s Truth of an Eternal kind,
Truth that is beyond the world, Truth which Jesus Christ unfurled,
A Truth that’s meant for everyone, coming from God’s Only Son,
His Truth, which sets men free, from the present through eternity.
Common truths known on earth, for man, are of no eternal worth,
All common truths known to man, access not God’s eternal plan,
They are better than lies for us, but, have not His Righteousness,
Common truth won’t get us to, Eternity, prepared for me and you.
The only Saving truth, in this life, is Truth, in the person of Christ,
God’s saving Truth all men need, His Gospel Truth all must heed;
Common truth will not set you free, or give you new life eternally,
For man’s word shall fade away, but, God’s Truth is here to stay.
The Saving Truth, you have heard, is there for all in God’s Word,
The Way, the Truth and the Life, is the Living Word, Jesus Christ,
Whose Word comes from eternity, Truth, that saves you and me,
Reading His Word reveals proof, He’s the author of Eternal Truth.
(Copyright ©10/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 october 2013

His Commission Is Our Mission

Though we live in darker times, will still must obey God’s Design,
For all who belong to Jesus Christ, as we live out this earthly life,
Although the nations go astray, Christ’s Message, is here to stay,
As His Gospel Message we impart, to every lost and needy heart.
We are all to remain occupied friend, for our Savior up to the end,
All believers are on a mission, to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission,
To live out life sharing our faith, until the end of this Age of Grace,
When The Lord will turns the page, as Grace ends closing this Age.
Until that time, we must witness, per the command of Christ Jesus,
Proclaiming to every land and nation, the Good News of Salvation,
In the name of the Father, Son and Spirit, to all men who will hear it,
All the teachings of Christ’s Gospel, until His Commission we fulfill.
From this mission, we’re not to stray, even while in the darkest day,
But continuing to share Christ’s light, even during the darkest night,
It’s the Gospel believers impart, for only Truth changes one’s heart,
As unchanging Truths of Jesus Christ, leads man to a changed life.
Changing us, by Truths we’ve heard, to share with others The Word,
Saving Truth of The Word of God, wherever The Savior has us trod,
With The Gospel, we’ve been sent, to be The Lord’s faithful servant,
Desiring to hear the words “well done”, from the heart of God’s Son.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 october 2013

Eternal God of Glory

The God of all Heaven and earth, The Only One of eternal worth,
Came to this earth for each of us, through The Son Christ Jesus,
He came to earth, in order to give, an eternal view to all who live,
A perspective that leads to eternal life, in The Lord, Jesus Christ.
The heavens and earth will perish He’s the one we are to cherish,
As The Eternal God and Creator, who came to earth to be Savior,
As Heaven and earth pass away, Christ offers man an eternal way,
God, who made Heaven and earth, fits us for eternity by new birth.
An eternal worth God gives to all, all believers, both big and small,
All those, who come to Jesus Christ, God grants them Eternal Life,
A new life, in Christ, that they’d begin, while still in this world of sin,
But through the power of salvation, they’re given a new destination.
Believers are born of a heavenly birth, now pilgrims upon this earth,
Upon a path, which starts at Calvary, that shall take us into Eternity,
In Christ we’re God’s New Creation, through the Power of Salvation,
Now set apart to live life for God, as we journey on this earthly sod.
We’ve been set apart, for God’s Glory, all part of His Eternal Story,
As Christ saves souls, like you and me, to be part of God’s Family,
As The Lord grants us eternal merit, while from Him believers inherit,
The Righteousness of Jesus Christ, so that we will enter Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 october 2013

Raising Godly Families

Raising families may be tough, as our times are spiritually rough,
The roads that many take today, can lead youth spiritually astray;
Though times continue to change, God above, remains the same,
So that on The Lord’s Revelation, we can have a firm foundation.
The Lord has a design for us, for families following Christ Jesus,
Regarding the families we raise, for The Lord’s honor and praise,
Building on the Truths of Christ, we guide children to Eternal Life,
As God’s plan moves the family, to a new life with God, eternally.
As we follow our Lord above, our families must be raised in love,
They must become our priority, as we sacrificially love the family,
Sacrificing even our own desire, for a priority much, much higher,
When we provide for the family, they obtain strength and security.
To those who we need to reach, it is necessary to biblically teach,
Godly character and God’s Ways, as we lead them in these days,
Leading them in this world of sin, we must teach Godly discipline,
With Godly boundaries in this life, being followers of Jesus Christ,
It is a must we model personally, real Christ likeness to our family,
So that through our life we reveal, a God to them, who is truly real,
While teaching with a caring heart, in hope that they will not depart,
When times fill them with dismay, so, on God’s path they will stay.
Fervently, we must always pray, for the family each and every day,
Knowing that we need help from, The Lord, when hard times come;
Finally, through all times it is a must, that in all things we fully trust,
The final outcome of our family, to the Lord, who’s over all eternity.
(Copyright ©10/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 october 2013

Discerning Signs

It is said, that a red sky at night, for sailors at sea is a delight,
As the following day will be, pleasant weather with a calm sea,
But a red sky in the morning, becomes for them a big warning,
That it’ll be bad weather instead, for that morning sky was red.
Christ Himself touched on this, talking to men spiritually amiss,
Many who could discern the sky, knew not who He was or why,
He was sent by God to that nation, sent to that very generation,
Discerning of the sky above, but, not what scriptures spoke of.
The Lord spoke of those signs, that were present in their times,
That should have been obvious, to the leaders spiritually amiss,
Noting they were hypocritical, while other Scripture they’d fulfill,
Having eyes they could not see, Truths, unfolding prophetically.
Is anything really different today, about what men do and say?
About scripture penned long ago, Truths, so that we can know,
The Lord’s purpose and His plan, for this world and every man,
As we see around the world, ancient prophecies being unfurled.
Today is it any different friend, as prophetically we’re in the end,
As we take a look all around, the Age of Grace is winding down;
Is the religious man a hypocrite, or just sadly, biblically illiterate?
About all those signs given to us, through the Lord Christ Jesus.
(Copyright ©10/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 october 2013

Changing Days And Ways

One chilly start to this day, waiting for the sun’s first ray,
As God above sends forth, the sun for light and warmth,
The sun is the larger light, to break darkness of the night,
Ordered by the Creator God, for daily light upon this sod.
In that sun produced light, we walk in ways deemed right,
Deemed right by the Creator, as men move to the Savior;
While in darkness evil men, go in ways God will condemn,
As they trip and spiritually fall, denying the Lord’s over all.
At times the sun is hidden by, clouds which mask the sky,
Being covered by God’s power, to provide man a shower;
But, with dark clouds overhead, it’s harsh weather instead,
When heavy rains are poured, upon the earth, by The Lord.
Even as the seasons change, it gets cold but light remains,
While the fields receive their rest, we enter into winter’s test,
When the summer rain we know, may turn into ice and snow,
Making travel hectic friend, but, that season has too an end.
God who makes all the change, up above remains the same,
A loving God, but man must, understand that He is also just,
Wanting us to leave our dark sin, while we truly embrace Him,
Moving into the light of Christ, through salvation into new life.
(Copyright ©10/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 2 october 2013

Comfort In God’s Sufficiency

God is sufficient in all things, as trials to us this life brings,
For He is The Lord over all, all our problems big and small,
Taking us from place to place, God leads us by His Grace,
As we come to another bend, God gives victory in the end.
For every victory belongs to God, wherever He has us trod,
As we journey on this earth, through the power of new birth,
As Christ leads us, all the way, by His Spirit, night and day,
As God uses a believer’s life, as a witness for Jesus Christ.
From our witness, some believe, as the Savior they receive,
But those not of God’s elect, hear The Truth, but then reject,
Truth about God’s salvation, and so reject God’s Revelation,
But some accept what we impart, allowing God in their heart.
Every changed heart and life, will be a letter of Jesus Christ,
A living epistle for The Lord, which, by others is not ignored,
As from old ways they depart, led anew by a changed heart,
Leading others, by our witness, to their Savior, Christ Jesus.
All by the sufficiency of Christ, to produce in men a new life,
As God’s Spirit works in men, as in Christ they’re born again,
Through the power of salvation, God starts a transformation,
Of that believer’s way in life, all for the Glory of Jesus Christ.
This same transforming power, helps us every day and hour,
Through the trials we may see, God’s Grace and Sufficiency,
In His sufficiency along the way, He holds us up day to day,
During all challenges in our life, for the glory of Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©09/2013 Bob Gotti)

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