
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 23 june 2013

Courageous Obedience

Because we follow “I AM’ today, we can courageously and humbly obey,
As The Lord God works through us, in Christ’s faithfulness, we can trust,
God will provide us grace and power, through every day and every hour,
As He helps us, at any time and place, through His power and His grace.
There’s nothing The Lord cannot do, this, as He guides both me and you,
All we need to do is follow God’s lead, as Christ takes care of every need,
We cannot do much on our own, but, through the power of God’s Throne,
Through any trial that we should face, The Lord supplies sufficient Grace.
We should remember and understand, we can trust God’s Almighty hand,
As The Lord God guides us, in this life, through The Spirit of Jesus Christ,
Even through the most difficult time, we should fully trust in God’s Design,
In all circumstances, great or small, The Lord above is in complete control.
Through the lives of both me and you, miracles today our Lord still can do,
Unexplainable things that alter our way, as The Lord works within our day,
This, as God shows those among us, the power and ways of Christ Jesus,
As God reaches out to every man, guiding other souls to His ultimate plan.
That one plan being God’s Salvation, His redeeming plan, for every nation,
So friend, all our fears and our pride, when following God, must be denied,
That in us God will live and preach, to all those souls God desires to reach,
This, as we live to share God’s Word, until God’s Salvation, all have heard.
(Copyright ©05/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 23 june 2013

Humble Obedience

The Word of God can humble men, The Truths from the Great I AM,
When God’s Word we humbly heed, the Great I Am meets our need;
Also, if God’s Law is our pleasure, we, as a people are His treasure,
Committed to the God of Israel; God’s special people to do His will.
Through our humble obedience, we show to God our true reverence,
As we seek to instill in our family, The Law from the God of Eternity,
The Law received on Mount Sinai, that’s relevant today for you and I,
Eternal Truth, that’s part of our life, following The Lord, Jesus Christ.
The very first point in God’s Law; The Lord is The Only God over all,
Then no images we are to make, for with them God we may forsake,
Then from God simple and plain, His Name is not to be used in vain,
These Laws must not be ignored, as we determine to serve The Lord.
Today for God, we are set apart, as God’s purpose we are to impart,
Unto all the nations of the world, as God’s Truth, we faithfully herald,
While in our hearts God does install, His Commandants and His Law,
God’s Law through His Revelation; relevant this day, for every nation.
What Israel, for The Lord, was to be, God’s Holy nation for all to see,
Is what The Church must be today, to direct men to God’s Only Way,
The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who was God’s Perfect Sacrifice,
The God of Israel’s Only Salvation, provided for men of every nation.
(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 23 june 2013

Seed By Seed

One seed at a time in the heart, for Truth God shall impart,
Seed by seed sown in time, changes hearts by His design,
Still convicting the heart of one, avoiding God’s Only Son,
The One they say they know, yet old seed has yet to grow.
For as seed grows my friend, former ways draw to an end,
As conviction moves a heart, from those ways you depart,
For some seed may be found, not in soil, but hard ground,
With the growth very small, or there’s been no growth at all.
Some may only sow seed, for God takes care of the need,
While the Spirit of God leads, others to watering the seeds,
Watering them with Truths of God, on the soul’s fertile sod,
That sod being a man’s heart, where that seed had its start.
God grows seed in many ways, while using us all our days,
In ways we may not know, as seed about us God will grow,
As God waters with His Truth, using our life as living proof,
What He can do in one life, through seeds, sown for Christ.
God can use a simple word, to confirm what one has heard,
With a Christian life lived out, God can will a seed to sprout,
From seed planted by one, then watered by God’s own Son,
Through Christ’s Spirit and grace, into one New Life of Faith.
(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 23 june 2013

That Daily Battle

I was saved by God, a wicked soul, saved by Him to make me whole,
Saved to become like Jesus Christ, living for Him, through a New Life,
But, sadly I daily battle with prejudice, from that war raging in all of us,
That daily battle foaming deep inside, with dark sin, from which I died.
Though I died to sin at The Cross, today in me, there is spiritual dross,
That dross, only His Blood purges, as me, His Spirit continually urges,
To truly walk in that newness of life, while in this world where sin is rife,
Being led by The Lord from above, so a world will see Him, in my love.
This spiritual battle rages deep within, an ongoing battle against all sin,
All of that sin from my former life, produces in my heart ongoing strife,
Between The Spirit and my flesh, as that enemy desires me to regress,
Being taunted from the wicked one, so I’d do what should not be done.
I need to daily resist the evil urge, as The Lord God continues to purge,
All that darkness that’s deep inside, so that in my Lord I can fully abide,
Recalling He paid the ultimate price, so that I could be a living sacrifice,
Avoiding sin that I have spoken of, to follow Christ’s Spirit from above.
Following God daily with my cross, as He continues purging that dross,
To walk in Christ so that others see, all the change afforded by Calvary,
While denying myself to follow Him, as He makes those changes within,
Those deepest crevices in my heart, so from old ways I can truly depart.
(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 16 june 2013

Life Changing Situations

Many situations will arise in life, that fills hearts with pain and strife,
Times in which we go to The Lord, by many others, God is ignored,
Through The Lord’s own intervention, He can change an ill intention,
As in one’s life, our Lord rearranges, unexpected shifts or changes.
Change which happens to me and you, happens to unbelievers too,
The main difference in their life, is that they don’t know Jesus Christ,
In those times, they’re on their own, with no access to God’s Throne,
What’s missing in the trials they face, is The Lord’s sustaining grace.
Though The Lord directs their ways, they seek Him not all their days,
When going through any situation, with The Lord, there is no relation,
A relationship with One Who knows, as the dismal uncertainty grows,
The only One Who knows all things, so in dark times, light He brings.
Changes, which create uncertainties, open up for others possibilities,
As it causes one’s world to fall apart, God can begin altering a heart,
Using the change to open their eyes, The Spirit can help them realize,
With their life so temporal at best, they need God to be truly blessed.
Life’s changes enveloped in grace, can lead unbelievers right to faith,
To a faith in Christ, the only One, Who has purpose in all that is done,
As God’s Spirit moves on that life, directing that soul to Jesus Christ,
Hence changing their dark uncertainty; to a hope in Christ, for eternity.
(Copyright ©05/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 16 june 2013

Remembering Those Before Us

We remember those gone before, who’ve arrived on the eternal shore,
The soldiers of The God Lord above, are the soldiers, who I speak of,
Soldiers of Christ, great and small, who for The Savior surrendered all,
Surrendering for God their very life, this, in the service of Jesus Christ.
Today we remember and go forward, while in the service, for our Lord,
With the baton passed to you and me, now soldiers in the Lord’s army,
Serving in the shadow of His cross, never mindful at all of gain or loss,
Not for an earthly purpose but His will, as The Lord’s purpose we fulfill.
Remembering soldiers of the past, our service for Christ has been cast,
Upon the tablets of our very heart, knowing God’s Spirit will not depart,
Going forward with the Word of God, in battle are feet have been shod,
Along with a breastplate of righteousness, we today are God’s Witness.
With such a great cloud of witness’s, being our example of faithfulness,
Following them, we shall prevail, even as Satan’s forces continue to rail,
Against The Church of Jesus Christ, with many paying the ultimate price,
Their life examples are in continual use, in advancing God’s Good News.
As His Church we remember those, in the past that The Lord God chose,
To build the Church’s very foundation, upon Christ to proclaim Salvation,
As His Church sharing Eternal Truths, with a world in need, we can’t lose,
Remembering those who went before us, while we serve The Lord Jesus.
(Copyright ©05/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 16 june 2013

True Righteousness

Thinking back upon the Pharisees, those Old Testament wannabes,
Portrayed with a righteousness, who instead, were spiritually amiss,
Christ called them white washed tombs, that for God, had no room,
Filled with dead man’s bones inside, by The Lord, they were denied.
Scripture says there’s no one good; this by all must be understood,
But, some Pharisees of that day, ignored Truths which God did say,
Some things in the Word of God, they dismissed for tradition’s nod,
As man’s traditions they enjoyed, making God’s Word null and void.
Men righteous in their own eyes, some Truths they dared to despise,
With the very words of The Lord, by religious leaders going ignored,
This fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy, of men with eyes that could not see,
With a darkened human condition, hearts stray from God to tradition.
What about The Church today, do we heed God or religiously stray?
Do we walk the narrow path of life, or the road where religion is rife?
Are we fully willing to pay the price, to be for God a living Sacrifice?
Fully following Christ our Lord, while today Truth by many is ignored!
True Righteousness comes only in Him, as God’s Spirit dwells within,
As Paul said, nothing good is within, our earthly tent, tainted with sin,
For any good that God does impart, is through His Spirit, in my heart,
For the only True Righteousness, comes from The Lord, Christ Jesus.
(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 16 june 2013

Provided By The Bread of Life

Even in the proverbial wilderness, we can trust in God’s faithfulness,
Looking back on what God has done, we trust in God’s Eternal Son,
When our life takes a darker turn, through a trial we continue to learn,
In the faithfulness of God above, as we rest in God’s Gracious Love.
Living in this world that is cursed, we at times will see only the worst,
When the storms of life, on us rain, we at times will simply complain,
Instead of calling upon our Lord, while past deliverances are ignored,
Forgetting all that God has done, we seek not the help of God’s Son.
The Lord above uses trials to see, the heart condition of you and me,
For during a test there is no denial, God is at work through every trial,
To fashion and mold our very life, to represent our Lord, Jesus Christ,
So, through every trial and every test, in God, we can be still and rest.
When during a trial, we see a need, Christ’s instructions we must heed,
To simply obey, while trusting Him, as God provides His peace within,
So in any trial or during any test, through The Lord, we will be blessed,
As our Lord above provides for us, all our needs through Christ Jesus.
The Lord, who had provided Israel, with bread and water per God’s will,
Provides for us through all our days, all to God’s Glory and His praise,
Supplied through The Bread of Life, The Eternal Provider, Jesus Christ,
Providing all who come to Calvary, a New Life in God with life eternally.
(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 16 june 2013

Buffeted By Life

Going through each trial and care, with The Lord, we can share,
Every concern upon our heart, so that peace, God shall impart,
As we cast every burden to Him, avoiding worry, which is a sin,
So during each day, it’s a must, to turn to God and in Him trust.
Cares and concerns can be rife, as trouble enters our daily life,
In problems we have no control of; we must rest in God above,
Knowing the beginning and end, He knows the outcome friend,
In Him we must be still to know, He can show us the way to go.
The Lord God is still over all, on Him above we can always call,
As many things during our day, can fill one’s heart with dismay,
So whatever event we may face, we go to The Throne of Grace,
To lay our cares upon The Lord, knowing they won’t be ignored.
While living in this fallen world, as the dark about us is unfurled,
Events happen to us all the time, that attack our peace of mind,
As dismay turns to doubt or fear, we need to recall God is near,
Not only near, we’re in His hand, in times we do not understand.
So worry in our life has no place, as God supplies ample grace,
Through every situation in our life, carried in the peace of Christ,
When in God we trust and obey, He holds us in the darkest day,
In peace that transcends a mind, long after the trial is far behind.
(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 june 2013

Is The Fear of God Waning?

The fear of God begins wisdom, that’s the problem with the pagan kingdom,
For their fear of The Lord is very small, with the majority having no fear at all,
Friend all across any dark pagan land, that is the concern that we understand,
For the masses do not embrace The Lord, so God’s moral Law goes ignored.

The godlessness found in each nation, is well addressed in God’s Revelation,
The many nations upon this earth we trod, have long been given over by God,
Given over by Him to their godlessness, to only revel in their unrighteousness,
While they live out their godless ways, the entire world heads into darker days.

But, what about all those who perch, weekly in the pews of a Christian church?
As The Holy Word of God is preached, has God’s true message fully reached,
Into the hearts of those who believe, who, profess God’s Truth they do receive,
While God’s Truth the Holy Spirit imparts, today is it reaching hardened hearts?

Today are we seeing that falling away, that Paul warned about in this very day?
In God’s Church this day, do we see, professing believers falling to apostasy?
Being so swayed by a darkened world, as the final deception is being unfurled,
Are believers dismissing Righteousness, to embrace the world’s godlessness?

Have we justly stood up, against all sin, or, is God’s Church falling from within?
Following instead the world’s wicked ways, as we approach the End Time days,
As judgment begins in The House of God, not for God’s Blessing, but His Rod,
Christ’s Rod of Judgment, dear friend, as the present apostasy will see its end!

(Copyright ©05/2013 Bob Gotti)

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