
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 june 2013

From The Passover

Remembering the Passover of The Lord, a time by many that is ignored,
That occasion when God did fulfill, His deliverance of His people, Israel,
It was time for God’s Chosen Nation, when God displayed His Salvation,
From bondage in Pharaoh’s kingdom; to a time of His peoples freedom.
Israel was instructed by The “I AM”, that every house, should take a lamb,
This was The Lord’s opening command, one to be obeyed by every man,
The personal choice for all to make, in order that God would not forsake,
Individual families in Egypt’s land, providing men obeyed His Command.
That lamb’s blood, that would pour, was to be applied around each door,
In that land of Egypt, by those, family leaders, of the people God chose;
Foreshadowing The Cross of Calvary, as God would redeem you and me,
From every nation, to fulfill His plan, of God’s Redemption for every man.
As God, in Egypt, passed over the blood, over the land from high above,
Judging all those not covered by, the blood as God moved from on high,
When in the houses the people stayed, God passed over all who obeyed,
Saving all those, who obeyed by faith, which applies to the Age of Grace.
Today, all men are saved by God’s love, while still relying upon the blood,
The blood poured on Calvary’s Cross, is redemptive power for all the lost,
When God’s Truth, you truly believe, His Salvation you shall surely receive,
Yes, through the Blood of Jesus Christ, that soul shall receive Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©05/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 june 2013

Blinded By The Night

Many are blinded by the Night, not able to see God’s Glorious Light.
God’s light of Truth found in grace, so the majority runs a futile race,
A generation that was raised up in, a world, skewed by darkened sin,
Raised up in deception, not truth; leading the world to God’s reproof.

Many are caught in a revolution, where God’s replaced with evolution,
Spiritually deceiving many youth, with theory as fact, not God’s Truth,
Darkened souls who despise God; promoting lies with a positive nod;
On mere theories, factually flawed, their foundation has been installed.

Darkened theories men did spawn, as godless purport the New Dawn,
A new dawn, without God’s Light, masking Truth with the dark of night,
A time ripe with deception friend, with tainted facts around every bend,
Spiritually deceiving ignorant souls, with dark theories, filled with holes.

A generation swayed by godless minds, through deception of all kinds,
All from evil man’s effort to eradicate, the Eternal God, whom they hate;
As every man will be accountable, to be judged according to God’s will,
The Eternal God shall also condemn, all who follow these wayward men.

All men on earth are without excuse, regardless of what theory they use,
As God, Who was, shall always will be, The Eternal Judge of all eternity,
Has provided man general revelation, being a testimony to every nation,
So God Who is the Eternal Creator, shall be for all men Judge or Savior.

(Copyright ©05/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 june 2013

God’s Deliverance

When your back is against the wall, trust in The Lord, Who is over all,
It is God, Who knows all things, when in a trial deliverance He brings,
During those times, it’s understood, all things work out for our good,
In that time when we’re concerned, we can trust in what we’ve learned.
Whenever we want to complain, we must seek God, simple and plain,
Lifting our heart to God in prayer, to The Lord above, with every care,
For God is the One to deliver us, and our only task is, to in Him trust,
Knowing God does what He may, during our trial, He will make a way.
God’s omniscient, there’s no denial, so He knows all about every trial,
We may see only a darkened wall, but, The Savior will never let us fall,
For God has delivered many before, we in His plan, are just one more,
Life, to show His power and purpose; in those who know Christ Jesus.
In The Lord, Who delivers men, we need to trust, not ask how or when,
We’ll be delivered from all we face, resting in God’s Sustaining Grace,
Knowing whatever The Lord may do, God will certainly see us through,
In our Lord’s way and in His time, all in God’s purpose and His design.
The Lord does all for His pleasure, knowing you and I are His treasure,
God will never deny those He bought, as God’s perfect will is wrought,
In all those who belong to Jesus Christ, as God works through our life,
In order to bring others to His Son, as God desires to deliver everyone.
(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 june 2013

I AM Sent The Lamb

Yes indeed The Eternal “I AM”, sent to the earth the Precious Lamb,
Who takes away the sin of the world, this with joy, today we herald,
The Good News of God’s Salvation, we must issue to every nation,
“I AM” came for every single life, The Precious Savior, Jesus Christ.

He was sent for us, by God’s love, sent to earth to shed His blood,
Upon that cross, at Mount Calvary, to save sinners like you and me;
For without the shedding of blood, there’s no salvation to speak of,
So God sent a Precious Sacrifice, His Son, to pay that eternal price.

The Father above sent His Only Son, to be redemption for everyone,
He came to do what we could not, as Calvary became The Son’s lot,
To save man from his sinful flood, this was a new convent of blood,
Through the blood of Jesus Christ, The Lord Himself paid that price.

After His death, Christ rose again, gaining victory, for believing men,
Then with His Spirit on the earth, God leads souls to a Spiritual Birth,
To be born of God, from above, by the New Covenant, in His blood,
Then indwelt by The Spirit of Christ, to guide that soul, into New Life.

Through God’s Lamb sent for all, we are redeemed from Adam’s fall,
With New Life, by the Spirit of God, we live anew on this earthly sod,
Now led by God’s Spirit of Truth, our New Life becomes living proof,
What The I Am has done, for each us, through His Son, Christ Jesus.

(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 may 2013

Cornerstone Of Salvation

For believers Christ is our Cornerstone, as our salvation is in Him alone,
He’s our Cornerstone and Foundation; in Him alone we obtain salvation,
Everything required for you and me, was completed by God at Calvary,
Anything added has only diminished, Christ’s last words, “It is finished.”
Is it Christ or religion which lies, which of these two should we despise?
Requirements added by sinful man, or the Lord’s Eternal Salvation plan;
It was The Father, who sent Jesus, to save souls from unrighteousness,
For The Father, this came at a price, as His Son was to be His Sacrifice.
Christ sacrificed Himself, for us to be, redeemed and join God’s Family,
Even though Christ had bore the cross, it was sinful men, who were lost,
For it was Christ, The Spotless Lamb, Who bore all the sin of fallen man,
Finishing what God alone had started; this is God’s Truth to be imparted.
While God starting at predestination, God chose to bring to all Salvation,
Those He predestined He foreknew, those being sinners like me and you,
It was Christ, for all sinners, Who died, that, in Christ, we can be justified,
Called and chosen by Jesus Christ, that through Him we gain Eternal Life.
Jesus, the Beginning and the End, brings to man, God’s Salvation friend,
It was the Lord, Who chose Grace, to redeem all who come through faith,
His saving Grace, through Christ alone, saving all who God calls His own,
Those sinners, who Christ has justified, for all Eternity, God has glorified.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 may 2013

Consider God

When it comes to God many don’t ask, as science has taken on the task,
A task to diminish God and Truth, with technology as man’s simple proof,
Scientific experts are now man’s guide, as the Lord God above is denied,
Today, on this earth’s unbelieving sod, as science has become their god,
Consider God, ruling over everything, like the seasons, winter and spring,
Let us not forget the summer and fall, as the Creator established them all;
God, who created both day and night, separating darkness from the light,
The light He created in the beginning, when God alone created everything.
By men, The Eternal God and Creator, has now turned into Mother Nature,
By a generation, who knows not God, as they follow man’s scientific nod,
Stating that there never was or will be, a Creator that rules over all eternity,
But science instead will lead the way, to their surprise, a much darker day!
A generation that knows not Truth, in the end, shall see the Lord’s reproof,
As every single soul is accountable to, the Eternal Creator of me and you,
God, Who also ordered all creation, seen by all through general revelation,
The generation that scoffs at The Lord, by The Creator, will not be ignored.
But, in this Age of Grace dear friend, you can turn to God, prior to the end,
When turning from science to the Creator, you could even meet The Savior,
He is The Author of every individual life, The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
So as men you find, you trust no more, Christ, you can trust in forevermore.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 may 2013

Amoral Indifference

There are souls about us all day long, living as though nothing is wrong,
Nothing wrong with the world we’re in, one plagued by darkness and sin,
Living their lives in total ignorance, of God’s unchanging Righteousness,
While learning to embrace and tolerate, the evil things that He does hate.
There are amoral precepts everywhere, by men, who do and do not care,
What do their skewed views of morality, mean to those like you and me?
As those liberal minds pave the way, for all, to a much more sinister day,
For this country that many call home, just as they did way back in Rome.
Could it be this generation will see, the unfolding of End Time prophecy?
As in these days it’s understood, many say good is evil and evil is good,
However, woe to all who say these things, for that is when the fall begins,
Pulling others into the darkened fray, while moving onto that broader way.
Broad is the path of amoral deduction, a road which leads to destruction,
A destruction they don’t contemplate, as God’s Truth they do not tolerate,
The amoral see no right or wrong, that progressive, liberal’s favorite song,
While believing that ignorance is bliss, many ignore God’s Righteousness.
Such indifference to God in Heaven, is what produces the political leaven,
Which rises up in the hearts of men, the immorality that God will condemn,
As leaders widen that amoral path, which leads to God’s Righteous Wrath,
Judgment by The Lord Jesus, my friend, as a godless nation sees its end.
(Copyright ©05/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 may 2013

Spirit of Antichrist

The spirit of Antichrist is alive and well, deceiving to take souls to Hell,
Just as the Spirit of Jesus Christ, moves on souls, offering eternal life,
Satan moves on souls instead, deceiving men who are spiritually dead,
The devil uses people of every kind, in deceiving those spiritually blind.

Ever since the beginning of time, God’s overthrow has been his design,
Starting back in the garden with Eve, his plan is to seduce and deceive,
Using only a fruit from that garden, a perfect heart, Satan would harden,
Towards The Lord God’s plan, that today affects every women and man.

Out of that Garden, into this world, Satan’s deceptive plan was unfurled,
While using any person that he can, as he plots deceiving unsaved man,
In men who follow and men that lead, Satan deceptively plants his seed,
By any means through his seduction, to pave their way unto destruction.

Satan, God’s foe and eternal enemy, is contending for souls, in eternity,
War that’s been going on for ages, fueling the battles that Satan wages,
Being filled with wicked indignation, Satan uses leaders from any nation,
Filling leaders with unrighteousness, in order to carry out his wickedness.

The devil is filling men this very day, to lead many down his wicked way,
This, en route to Satan’s ultimate plan, to fully indwell, one political man,
Then, he shall deceive half the world, when Satan’s plan is fully unfurled,
Deceiving up to the end of his time, when God ends Satan’s evil design.

(Copyright ©05/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 may 2013

One Reigning Salvation

There is only One God Who reigns, but Satan tickles many brains,
With false beliefs from A to Z, of what a god is or who he can be,
He leads many in deceptive ways, all the more, in these last days,
Wanting you to believe in anyone, except God’s Only Eternal Son.

Through religions and spiritually, Satan deceives souls for eternity,
Satan is able and overwhelms, a blinded soul through dark realms,
Which has nothing to do with God, but, created on the earthly sod,
Formed by varied spiritual gurus, who supplant God’s Good News.

The only Good News from above, sent for all, through God’s Love.
It’s the Good News of Jesus Christ, the One who offers eternal life,
The One by whom men are saved, out of a world sinfully depraved,
Saved from religion and spirituality, to reign with Christ for Eternity.

Yet, that devil continues to weave, deceptive webs to fully deceive,
The very hearts of unsaved men, so their souls God shall condemn,
Being deceived so not to embrace, the Truth of God and His Grace,
So they’ll incur the same reproof, for not embracing Salvation Truth.

God sent to this earth His Salvation, for every man, of every nation,
God’s salvation is in Jesus Christ, The Single Author of Eternal Life,
He is the only One under Heaven, to save men from spiritual leaven,
God’s one salvation, eternally true, God’s Only Way for me and you.

(Copyright ©05/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 may 2013

Resurrection Power

Jesus Christ has risen my friend, now, life through Him has no end,
For witnesses who saw Christ die, saw Him risen to ascend on high,
To the women, the angel had said, Christ has risen, He is not dead,
Indeed many others came to see, the tomb of Christ, is now empty.
Even those guarding the tomb, seeing that angel, felt a dark doom,
Seeing the wonder of The Lord, God’s power could not be ignored,
From that angel, white as snow, all those present, now would know,
Christ has risen just as He said, so now joy had filled them instead.
On the road they heard His voice, so all together they would rejoice,
Told to go and tell their brothers, so today, like them, we tell others;
Unlike those elder, Jewish Priests, who wickedly conjured up deceit,
To explain away The Risen Truth, changed lives are His Living Proof.
Changed through The Resurrection, we now share God’s Revelation,
Now sent forth as Christ’s disciple, with our Lord’s mission to fulfill,
So as we herald God’s Salvation, we make disciples in every nation,
Teaching them to obey all He said, spreading His Truth in His stead.
To be a disciple you must first, become a member of God’s Church,
Not that building with a steeple, but, His Body of born again people,
Saved by Christ, as sinners lost, through God’s Power of The Cross,
Now raised by God to New Life, by The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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