
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 may 2013

Guide, Comfort And Protector

God is more than just a selector; He is Guide, Comfort and Protector,
Ordaining every path that we take, The Lord is there, make no mistake.
Friend if in life when we should stray, God remains at our side to stay,
Even when we turn to the left or right, we are guided back to His Light.
God guides us in the darkest time; all part of God’s Sovereign design,
To guide us through every place, well supplied by His wonderful grace,
An ample supply in times of despair, guiding us with His love and care,
Leading us on as His very own, though we wander, He guides us home.
In times of trouble God comforts us, by The Comforter of Christ Jesus,
A comfort from God, we truly find, that assures us, with peace of mind,
As God comforts our troubled heart, for we know God will never depart,
He is at our side, both night and day, as He comforts us along the way.
The Lord from above protects His own, displaying power of His Throne,
God shields believers through this life, all by the Power of Jesus Christ,
He helps a troubled heart be still, while in our life, He works out His Will,
All this as God holds us in His hand, in ways that we cannot understand.
Whatever path God selects for you, Christ shall indeed see you through,
As a guide, He knows all your ways, so He can fill your heart with praise,
When Christ guides you from above, He fills you with His peace and love,
As Christ protects you day and night; sheltering you in His awesome light.
(Copyright ©04/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 may 2013

Busy For Christ

Reflection on The Risen Christ, should motivate our present life,
That God’s Word should have its way, in all our lives day to day,
So His Word sisters and brothers, can reach the heart of others,
In the power of the Resurrection, God will give us clear direction.
That the Risen Lord can deliver us, from all who know not Jesus,
Against men who have no faith, God will supply abundant Grace,
Being established in God’s Son, He guards us from that evil one,
This is our confidence, in this life, this, as we follow Jesus Christ.
Some who also know The Lord, don’t walk with us in one accord,
Having not a right relationship, with them we shouldn’t fellowship,
Unlike those busy in the Church, they’re busybodies without work,
But, they shouldn’t be ignored, instead, admonished for The Lord.
For the Lord God above is faithful, to all who carry out God’s will,
So we must finish what we start; obeying Him we won’t lose heart,
This as we follow God not men, whose evil ways He will condemn,
As we’re to be an example of Christ, as God’s influence in our life.
May Paul’s words, in Thessalonians, move our spirits, deep within,
While we labor for the living God, upon the present roads we trod,
Through faith, love and sacrifice, serving our Savior, Jesus Christ,
For our labor is of eternal worth, as Christ in us, builds His Church.
(Copyright ©04/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 may 2013

All Power

He said “all power is given to me,” “in Heaven and earth” for all eternity,
The words spoken by The Risen Lord; Truth that should not be ignored,
Spoken to men who truly believed, power from Him, they also received,
The power of The Resurrected Christ, would change every disciple’s life.
The same power from Christ on high, is given to believers like you and I,
That same power to go and proclaim, God’s Salvation, in Christ’s Name,
Which friend is every believer’s mission, to finish the Great Commission,
All believers are called this very hour, to go forth with resurrection power.
All believers today must be on board, to carry out the words of our Lord,
To go out and preach to every nation, the Truth of God and His salvation,
Preaching God’s Truths in every land, while teaching all He did command,
It is in the power that God gave us, that we can speak for our Lord Jesus.
All power is in the Holy Spirit of God, the Spirit of Truth wherever we trod,
Being indwelled by the Spirit of eternity, we don’t have a spirit of timidity,
As The Holy Spirit bears the proof, as He leads all hearers to God’s Truth,
The Eternal Truths of God’s Revelation, leading unsaved men to salvation.
Believers aren’t ashamed of the Gospel, like Paul we’re obligated to fulfill,
The commission from our Lord, Christ, as God has granted us a New Life,
A life far beyond this present earth, all through God’s power, of New Birth,
So with our place secure in Paradise, our witness for God, is a small price.
(Copyright ©04/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 may 2013

God’s Direction

I only need to be quiet and still, as The Lord works out His will,
Within my life this very day, guiding me in all that I do and say,
The Lord’s will I may not know, as He shows me the way to go,
As God guides my daily life, through The Spirit of Jesus Christ.
This as God desires to reach, souls using my action or speech,
Knowing the words, that I impart, all come from within my heart,
As He works in hearts of those, people about us that He chose,
Those souls, open to God’s Truth, using our life as living proof.
As there’s lost sheep about us, who need to see a true witness.
Of real life changes, all made by, The Holy Spirit, from on high,
A witness, by God, to other men, that we have been born again,
Saved by God from a life of sin, to now live a New Life for Him.
When in God, we place our trust; a New Life for Christ is a must,
For those lost, to really see, the power that comes from Calvary,
The power that truly changes a life, when we follow Jesus Christ,
Not change created on our own, but, change from God’s Throne.
This as He sends His Spirit below, with change that all will know,
Sending His Spirit down to earth, granting a soul a spiritual birth,
To live for God each and every day, led by Christ along the way,
Living for God in this present life; directed by the Spirit of Christ.

(Copyright ©04/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 april 2013

Heart To Mind Changes

True change begins in the heart, that is where new life will start,
The heart prompts the mind, to open eyes that once were blind,
Blinded to the Truth from God, but the heart and mind both nod,
In agreement with Jesus Christ, who then will transform that life.
Once Christ begins the change, that life is never again the same,
As the Spirit transforms the mind, leaving those old ways behind,
Now residing in the believer’s heart, The Lord shall never depart,
As the Spirit works day by day; renewing the mind along the way.
This change that begins in men, is proof that they are born again,
Born again while upon this earth, born of God, by a spiritual birth,
God above, is no longer ignored, as one begins to seek the Lord,
Knowing Christ and now resigned, to leave their old ways behind.
The changes God makes within, are more than just a view of sin,
Change He makes in me and you, changes our entire world view,
For when we’re granted a new life, we receive the Mind of Christ,
To now live our life for The Lord, to walk with God, in one accord.
This change by God my friend, unlike our earthly life, has no end,
As the real change, we will see, is as we are changed for eternity,
Change, that’ll last forevermore, as we step on that eternal shore,
Having a pure mind, like Christ, and a glorified body for Paradise.
(Copyright ©04/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 april 2013

Lacking Truth

Many people, we know and see, have no real concept of Eternity,
The here and now they understand, but, not divine things at hand,
They know that all will live and die; but, about a future life on high,
About the many to be cast below; eternal truths they do not know.
Some may be quite religious, but as far as Truth they’re oblivious,
Being ever religious to a fault, as religion’s all they’ve been taught,
Forming instead a religious picture, that is not from Holy Scripture,
With God’s Truth not at the heart, of the religion which, they impart.
Religious ways are man’s desires, unwittingly, following pious liars, 
Ignoring what God’s Word dose say, to reach God in their own way,
They are not led by God’s Spirit, resisting His Truth, as they hear it,
Eternal Truths they’ve not received, for by Satan they are deceived.
Yet they’re able to gather many souls, into religious, apostate folds,
They preach with a confident nod, avowing that they speak for God,
When He is not even in the picture, even when they quote Scripture,
Though God, by them, is inferred, they follow not God’s Holy Word.
So these men continue to deceive, as the people follow and believe.
While never looking into The Word, to verify the teaching they heard;
But if they’d take the time to read, The Word of God they may heed,
To leave error, then come to Christ, to receive Truth and Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©04/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 april 2013

Today’s Exodus

Our hope is in The Great “I AM”, Jesus Christ, The Risen Lamb,
The Eternal Self-existent One, Jesus Christ, God’s Eternal Son,
Our hope in God, day to day, as Jesus Christ leads all the way,
The Lord, Who led the exodus, today, lovingly directs all of us.
Just as The Lord God raised up, Moses, for the Israeli Exodus,
The Savior raises up men of faith, in this present Age of Grace,
Moving the very heart of man, for God’s Purpose and His Plan,
Just as The Lord delivered Israel, salvation for all, is God’s Will.
As God worked in Moses’ life, He works through those in Christ,
Even though Moses had to flee, God used his life for all to see,
God’s Power and His Purpose, as He still does, with each of us,
This as we’re use in God’s Plan, to reach the heart of every man.
God’s Eternal Plan and Design, is not hindered by fears or time,
As He used Moses after forty years, despite all of Moses’ fears.
Displaying power in his humility, is what He does in you and me,
As we humbly serve God’s Son, Who, came to die for everyone.
The God of Moses today hears, our cry in all our trials and fears,
The Lord remembers that our life, was redeemed by Jesus Christ,
So God acknowledges each of us, as we serve the Savior Jesus,
Delivered from sin by Christ Jesus, this, through today’s Exodus.
(Copyright ©04/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 april 2013

Starting My Day

In the morning with a heartfelt nod, I lift up my prayer to God,
With a humbled thankful heart, I thank Christ for another start,
For another workday has begun, while I am led by God’s Son,
One more day with Jesus Christ, the very Sustainer of my life.
At times God puts on my mind, souls who are spiritually blind,
Blinded by Satan to God’s Word, as Satan dulls all they heard,
So I pray to God that in this life, they’ll see and come to Christ,
I pray their eyes will open to see, God’s Truths to enter Eternity.
At times I think of this nation, and how many ignore Revelation,
Moving away from God’s Design, leading us into a darker time,
I pray leaders can see Truth, to avoid God’s Righteous reproof,
I pray that with The Spirit’s lead, many shall see Truth and heed.
At times as the day does start, my family is laid upon my heart,
My boys while they live their life; that they daily walk with Christ,
For my wife with burdens to bear; to God, I lift a special prayer,
That as I implore The Lord above, He surrounds her in His Love.
As I close my time in prayer, God helps me with each daily care,
This, as God watches my family, also, those friends dear to me,
As He hears me all day through, while guiding me in all that I do.
Ending my day in thanks to God, with a Thankful, prayerful nod.
(Copyright ©04/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 april 2013

From The Desert

You can trust The Great I AM, to obey and serve The Risen Lamb,
Even in the mist of our desolation, we’re led by God’s Revelation,
Being strangers in a foreign land, we are led by God’s Holy Hand,
The Eternal I AM, Jesus Christ, is that One Who directs all our life.

God calls believers from the fire, for His purposes and His desire,
The Great “I AM” calls out our name, this as our life is His to claim,
As God did with the man Moses, God calls on believers for Jesus,
Believers this very day and hour, are touched by The Lord’s power.

It was the Lord God of Abraham, Who came to Moses as the I AM,
God knowing his sorrows and fear, had come to draw Moses near,
In to His presence and to His side, as God would be Moses’ guide,
For God would use Moses, the man, for God’s greater Eternal plan.

The One Who called Moses friend, calls upon believers for His end,
Just as by God, Moses was sent, He still remembers His Covenant,
This, to deliver God’s people today, leading all, to God’s Only Way,
Still equipping men of every nation, to bring others to His Salvation.

Today believers must not forget, the Burning Bush, Moses had met,
Was God, Who remains faithful, in us today, to accomplish His Will,
This, as believers follow and obey, our Lord God in this present day,
As from the desert, God leads us, through the Spirit of Christ Jesus.

(Copyright ©04/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 march 2013

Rearranging Lives

To many, The Lord is no stranger, for He is The Great Rearranger,
Changing things in one’s life, to draw them nearer to Jesus Christ,
Both those, who truly don’t know, that God above, loves them so,
And those who have gone astray, to turn them back the other way.
The Lord God works in the family, through ways that we can’t see,
In those who know The Lord, but God, by them has been ignored,
Leading them back to His Word, back to Truths that they’ve heard,
Guiding them out of darker days, back to the Savior and His ways.
God goes on using both of us, those, now walking in Christ Jesus,
To show His presence, in our life, as He leads men to Jesus Christ,
As God’s Spirit guides our walk, so that our actions match our talk,
All for God’s glory and His praise, as His Spirit guides all our ways.
God also helps those who know, Jesus Christ, to in His ways grow,
Not only to know the Word of God, but to live it out on earth’s sod,
As He works through our situations, in our friendships and relations,
While the Truth God’s Spirit shares, through our concerns and cares.
Parts of our life God will rearrange, this, in order to produce change,
A change not only in our hearts, but, change in others as He imparts,
Truth as The Holy Spirit engages, lives of others, God also changes,
Both, the heart and soul of a man, to move them to His Eternal Plan.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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