
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 march 2013

Standing Firm In The End

In light of darkness to come, believers stand firm in God’s Son,
We are standing firm in our faith, upheld by His Love and Grace,
As judgment looms for the nation, we stand firm in His salvation,
For we were chosen by God above, saved by The Savior’s Love.
We are saved from God’s wrath, placed by God on another path,
Chose to be different in this life, being led by the Spirit of Christ,
At the foundation of the world, with His message for us to herald,
The Message of God’s Salvation, to be preached to every nation.
Sanctified by God into one body, one in Christ for all men to see,
Different people, all one in Christ, to be used by Jesus in this life,
To share with others God’s Truth, that they can be spared reproof,
Judgment of this world in sin; all those who do not belong to Him.
In Christ, believers are to stand fast, in Truth that shall forever last.
Not moved by the changing time, trusting in God’s Eternal Design,
Holding fast to Truth we learned, Truth, that the world has spurned,
Holding on to all learned doctrine, as men for God we seek to win.
May we be comforted by The Word, holding on to Truths we heard,
Being well established in our faith, this, as we journey on by Grace,
Truly standing firm in our salvation, Jesus, the only firm foundation,
As together we serve Him faithfully, while looking ahead to Eternity.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 march 2013

Colder Every Year

This is a crazy and cold world, with a darkness ahead, yet unfurled,
The coldness will not lessen friend, but, become greater in the end,
As the love of most will grow cold, this, from Scripture we are told,
This, from the lips of Jesus Christ, Creator and Author of every life.
We are warned in another verse, evil men will wax worse and worse,
Deceiving, while being deceived, this, as wickedness is conceived,
By Satan and his wicked band, promoting all the coldness at hand;
But this dark world is overcome, through Jesus, God’s Eternal Son.
Darkened souls do not like the Light, so, this world is cold as night,
Rejecting the Truths of The Lord, God’s Light and Ways go ignored,
And the night will get darker still, as men go on rejecting God’s Will,
While leading men away from Truth, leading to God’s Final Reproof.
Friend the coldest thing is the heart, of those who choose to depart,
From the Truths and ways of God, producing darkness, on this sod,
Darkness gripping hearts of men, following ways God will condemn,
When God judges the evil world, the wickedness Satan has unfurled.
Although Satan will continue to rail, against God, he shall not prevail,
The darkness of the wicked night, will never quench The Lord’s Light,
As the Light of Christ’s Righteousness, will overcome all wickedness,
So that righteousness shall endure, in the Light of Christ forevermore.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 march 2013

Religious Deception

At times leaders known to men, perpetuate a faith God will condemn,
Beliefs started in darker times, not from God, but evil men’s designs,
Adding belief not of the Word of God, with an arrogant religious nod,
Ignoring things Christ had to say, drawing followers into a darker way.
Created in their own wicked pride, by them, Truth from God is denied,
Creating a spiritually dark institution, not of Truth, but man’s delusion,
Putting men on a destructive path, not to eternal life but God’s Wrath,
In the coming judgment of God, upon religious followers on this sod!
Not only was God’s Word denied, by leaders, who had spiritually lied,
But followers were denied The Word, to read changes they had heard,
They could not seek scriptural proof, of their leaders stated new truth,
So, they’d blindly followed their ways, into much darker spiritual days.
Spiritual darkness, which still exists, as deceptive leaders still persist,
In deceiving the religious multitude, as God’s Eternal Truth they elude,
Using teachings, that have allured, blinded souls away from The Lord,
Blinded by the god of this world, as the devils lies, the leaders herald.
We were warned by Christ my friend, about the many signs in the end,
Saying many would come in His Name, as Christ’s Truth they defame,
Men claiming to be the High Priest, are only filled, with Satan’s deceit,
To lead souls away from God’s Truth, to receive only Eternal Reproof.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 march 2013

Accepting Or Rejecting

Jesus Christ is passionately accepted, by men, or selfishly rejected,
Accepted by many as The Christ, Savior, who came as our sacrifice,
A sacrifice to redeem fallen man, the center of God’s Salvation Plan,
A plan, by many that goes ignored, by men who shall reject the Lord.
The Lord, who knows all things, came down to earth as King of kings,
But, Christ came to earth in humility, as Lord and Savior for all to see,
Upon a donkey, humble and meek, for all, that Truth, man could seek,
So God could give men Eternal Life, through the Savior, Jesus Christ.
He came, just as The Lord willed, as ancient prophecies were fulfilled,
Five centuries before Christ came, Zachariah, a prophet, did proclaim,
Coming is salvation and righteousness, in the Lord Jesus for all of us,
He’d come, as God’s Only Salvation, for Israel and every other nation.
The Lord had road into Jerusalem, not to get a crown but to die in sin,
The Eternal King set apart His Majesty, to sacrifice His life on Calvary,
To be nailed upon a wicked cross, not for the righteous but those lost,
As the religious sect could not see, He was The Messiah from Eternity.
Christ will judge the religious men, as their Religiosity He did condemn,
He came, God said for you and me, The Righteous cursed upon a tree,
As upon that cross, The Savior would die, for all sinners, like you and I,
That we may gain Eternal Life, but, only through The Lord, Jesus Christ.
The Lord, so humble, who for us did die, now reigns in Majesty on high,
The choice now, is for men to make, to embrace Christ or Truth forsake,
To truly accept The Savior’s Sacrifice, so with Him you’ll be in Paradise,
Or reject what Christ did at Calvary, to be separated from God eternally.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 november 2012

Not By Our Works

The work on the cross, by Christ, is how man enters eternal life,
His work was finished, He had said, as Christ died in our stead,
With none required on our part, before from the earth we depart,
As the work Christ did on Calvary, provides for us, life eternally.
Our only part is done by faith, as we accept God’s gift of grace,
Sinfully depraved and undone, God sent, for man His Only Son,
Being eternally lost and depraved, only by Grace, we are saved,
For only He could pay that price, by sending a Perfect Sacrifice.
The price for salvation was paid, as man’s sin on Christ was laid,
A price that no man could pay, so, Christ became The Only Way,
For every man, from every nation, to be saved, by His Salvation,
God’s Salvation, that all receive, when by faith they truly believe.
When we’re saved we fellowship, to praise God through worship,
We worship not to gain favor, but, because we know The Savior,
Receiving Christ, who died for us, we receive His Righteousness.
Righteousness gained through Him, not of works tainted with sin.
Works on our part are not required, or by Christ are they desired,
As God’s desire is that we embrace, His Son, received by Grace,
Then after accepting Jesus Christ, live for Him in newness of life,
For our works do not save us, as that was done by Christ Jesus.
(Copyright ©10/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 november 2012


We all face challenges in this life, even those who follow Jesus Christ,
So all challenges we must address, through our God’s Righteousness,
Many challenges are from this world, but God’s Truths we must herald,
Always in God’s light and His ways, in these present challenging days.
Many may struggle with their identity; just who and what they are to be,
But, God’s the One, who helps us be, that individual we are, as we see,
Living Truths in God’s Word we read, this as we allow The Lord to lead,
Through God’s Holy Spirit, within, that all our identity, comes from Him.
One challenge for many is Authority, men desiring to plan their destiny,
Not wanting to submit in their life, to the plan and ways of Jesus Christ,
But, in this life men cannot afford, to oppose the Authority of The Lord,
As our Lord has authority over all, nations and men, both big and small.
Another challenge; worldly influence, for those lacking Godly prudence,
With many lacking Godly discretion, taking instead, the wrong direction,
Then they live opposing God’s Truth, only to experience God’s reproof,
While some who do stray will learn, then back to God’s way, they return.
As we grow to know God personally, with The Lord, we find our identity,
To Christ’s Authority, we then submit, to live out our life as God sees fit,
So we’re influenced by God’s Word, living out those Truths we’ve heard,
While we purpose in this temporal life, to live for The Lord, Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©11/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 november 2012

Rock of Security

The only security in this world, is the Rock of Jesus Christ,
The only Truth, men must herald, in an age filled with strife,
As present trouble is unfurled, in darkness, at times so rife,
Christ is the hope of our world, a Light needed in every life.
Whatever the world’s instability, God’s the only explanation,
It is God that people must see, in Christ and His Revelation,
Only God in this land of the free, deserves man’s exaltation,
All those in a fallen society, desperately need His Salvation!
Today as many think of survival, in a land that trusts in God,
We must talk of spiritual revival, all across this land we trod,
As men face this present trial, we will fall with a political nod.
If we continue the present denial, we’ll only see Christ’s Rod!
Righteousness is what we need, this, through the Lord Jesus,
For if His Truth we do not heed, judgment will fall on all of us,
We can’t follow the political lead, as they deny righteousness,
Righteousness all must concede, isn’t a part of political bliss!
Leaders all across this land, are in urgent need of God’s Truth,
This so they’ll understand, as a nation we face God’s reproof,
In His Word, God makes a stand; read His Word to see proof,
To receive blessing, by His hand, we must return to His Truth!
(Copyright ©11/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 november 2012

Before I Knew

My whole life is ordained by, The Lord God, Who reigns on high,
Not knowing Christ at infancy, but, as for The Lord, He knew me,
Knitting me in my mother’s womb, while my life began to bloom,
Born a sinful soul, but, I would find, my Holy Lord, in God’s time.
Creating me through love and care, also, even before I was there,
My Lord plotted out my destiny, for all my life before my infancy,
With God’s plan, from my birth, to be used by God, on this earth,
My life, for His honor and glory, this from His writing of my story.
My whole life is know by the One, Who sent for me His Only Son,
Sending Christ, before I knew, my Savior, who loves me and you,
Although I didn’t seek God’s face, God, poured on me His Grace,
His grace brought to my life, love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The Eternal Author of my salvation, filled my heart with Revelation.
From the creation upon earth’s sod, into The Eternal Word of God,
Filling me with the knowledge of, God, Who leads me from above,
Leading me to witness and herald, His Eternal Truth to a lost world.
Right from that womb to the grave, it was Christ, Who would pave,
That journey, which would save me, and guide me to Life Eternally,
As I was redeemed by Jesus Christ, The Author of my Eternal Life,
All ordained, well before I knew, God, Who sees all things through.
(Copyright ©11/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 november 2012

Pondering My Real Home

At home is where I long to be, up in Heaven, through eternity,
Far above the celestial dome, in Heaven, up in my real home,
In that Mansion prepared for me, right beside the Crystal Sea,
Only passing through this place, going home by God’s Grace.
I’m currently here in God’s design, living life in temporal time,
But, while on this present earth, I experienced a spiritual birth,
Born Again, by The Spirit of God, given direction on this sod,
His new direction and destiny, that points me well into eternity.
Given, by Christ, a new heart, on God’s agenda, until I depart,
Working for God here on earth, in His service of eternal worth,
Looking ahead to Heaven friend, as this life comes to an end,
With a beginning beyond this world, in an eternity yet unfurled.
Although I long to be home, still here I remain, yet not to roam,
But to be used in my earthly life, in the service of Jesus Christ,
To be a witness and a herald, of Good News, into all the world,
Sharing God’s Truth of salvation, with all men in this generation.
With my journey directed by, my Lord God, Who reigns on high,
Directing my path as He chooses, as my life for Christ He uses,
While longing for home, I impart, God’s Gospel, before I depart,
To be with God forevermore, in a home upon that Eternal Shore.
(Copyright ©11/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 15 august 2012

God’s End Time Agenda

When looking ahead to the future, we have comfort in The Truth,
We get peace from God’s Word, from passages we have heard,
Passages found within Prophecy, Truths written for you and me,
God’s set agenda and His plan, the future ahead, for every man.
First, the rapture of the Church, for every believer upon the earth,
It’s when God’s redeemed crowds, meet with Christ in the clouds;
Then The Judgment Seat of Christ, as He judges each earthly life,
Each believer judged by the Lord, for all their service and reward.
Then the time of the Tribulation, God’s Judgment on every nation,
Each nation opposed to God, shall see God’s Wrath on their sod;
While all who know The “I AM,” will be at The Supper of The Lamb,
Filled with Joy and Elation; all believers in a Heavenly Celebration.
Then comes the return of The Lord, a time that will not be ignored,
Returning as The King of kings, to begin His Reign over all things;
And following this Revelation, He will judge each and every nation,
Including God’s chosen Nation Israel, as His Word, He does fulfill.
Armageddon all nations will see, as God defeats each final enemy,
Upon the mountains of Israel, when Christ accomplishes God’s will;
And then the real peace will begin, as God rolls out The Millennium,
When Christ reigns from Jerusalem, during The Millennial Kingdom.
At the end of one thousand years, sin and wickedness disappears,
When everyone with a godless desire, is cast into The Lake of Fire;
God will make anew, Heaven and Earth, the world of Eternal Worth,
In a new realm, God shall create, as we enter into The Eternal State,
The Lord’s Agenda is all in place, while in the present Age of Grace,
Pending not even one incident, The Rapture dear friend is imminent,
Are you ready to meet your Maker; will He be your Judge or Savior?
So today simply come to Christ, and friend you will see Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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