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4 november 2011

blitzkrieg (english version)

the old pattern- he and she
since ages is a kind of bestseller
which- until stock lasts
seems to give eternity as granted
long plays- as proudly written on charts
mass copy sketches
of surprising turnovers and turnarounds
tears are dripping uninvited
-must be trendy- and lack of own ideas
undermines existence of Icarus wings
and you have to do something for living- as legend says
for those brave ones
apologise- for all those fools- there is a pair
she and it
death and life with a place in between
for kinky hard
armoured wedge of misambitions
half measures and plans
with shitty poems in background
everytime action starts to roll
and cameras swallow new views
on few-screenshot-movies
breakthroughs will always occur on the wing

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