24 november 2011
Why Can't I Let Go?
Will I ever let it go?
Why can’t I just stop?!
Stop comparing everyone to him!!
Why can’t I just let go??
Why do I hold on to the memories?
Why do I see his face in every guy I meet?
Why can’t I just let go?
This is my breakdown
My way of getting out of my head
My outlet of the world around me
Why can’t I just let go?
I push it out of my mind.
But it just keeps coming back
to torment me at the worst time
Why can’t I just let go?
I loathe him
with every fiber in my being
but when he comes around I cower in fear
why can’t I just let go?
I know I can do it
I just have to push myself to do it
I have to push and push
Until there is nothing left inside
Why can’t I just let go?
Can you help me?
Can you save me from myself?
Can you help me sleep at night?
Can you help me let go?