18 february 2016
Knowing Unknown is sacred v1
Element by element
the tiniest points
of all been, ruled by Unknown
— and Unknown knowing
just easily peace defines.
Dance of logical pieces
the atoms combined
pure energy, pure being
biting the Structure
giving a birth to new one.
My words are g r a p h e m e s
just nothing more than symbols...
meaning some p h o n e m e s
building my speech - element
by element. Elements.
Foolish wolves, non-souls
Vain cats, grey human hearts
Every piece as dead element
uniting living ivy
« Thou art a mechanical,
biologically artificial process.
Or a mechanical, biologically artificial process that combines everything which is ready for that orderly chaos and meaning a thing? »
« Why would anything be so complex and somewhat logical?
Is there any pride? Fun? Or maybe someone's waiting for an end?
Or is it endless?»