
Bob Gotti

dodane wcześniej pozostałe wiersze dodane później

8 sierpnia 2013

Triumph Through Christ

Men sing of a night so silent, when God would begin man’s triumph,
Man’s triumph over darkness, through Jesus Christ’s Righteousness,
When that night a Son was born, just as in Scripture God had sworn,
He came to provide peace with God, to all souls on this earthly sod.
A peace that goes beyond the grave, as God came to earth to save,
To save the people from their sin, while granting men a peace within,
This, when those believing men, through God’s Spirit are Born Again.
Born of God, by His Spirit above, to live anew in His peace and love.
First the One who was born for us, our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus,
The One who is both God and man, had to complete salvation’s plan,
As Jesus now the man in ministry, as God had to go through Calvary,
Where to save all men who were lost, had to die upon a wicked cross.
The trouble maker some would rave, is now dead and left in his grave,
But, that would not be the case, as God completed His work of Grace,
Raising Christ from that tomb, dispelling believers despair and gloom,
As Christ was raised to life again, again walking in the sight of all men.
So the One who was sent for all of us, The Risen Savior, Christ Jesus,
Accomplished all, that He had to do, to save sinners, like me and you,
So by His work, believers have victory, over sin and death for Eternity,
Through the Righteousness of Christ, we can now enter into eternal life.
(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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